Monday, August 9, 2010

Spring Clean! ~ Old & New Treasures

Inspired thots:

The Kingdom of heaven...

~ similes given by Jesus to help us understand better how HIS kingdom is like, and how His people should also be, to fit into HIS kingdom.

1) Matthew 13:24-30

Hmmm... we are not the only one who sow... nor God alone. The devil also sows... and he sows wickedness and deceit. God sows only righteousness and goodness.

Wickedness is more easily recognisable when it is full grown. Then it should be uprooted quickly. But this may be harder than when at a younger stage. The best, I think, is not to indulge into it at all... After all, Prevention is better than Cure.

2) Matthew 13:31-32

A small seed.... growing into the biggest of trees.

The kingdom of God will grow... it will be a pleasure and blessing to many, as they enter in to find rest, just as Jesus said in Matt 11:28-30.

The kingdom of God has been planted on earth to bless people.

3) Matthew 13:33

God's kingdom is the yeast. It is ACTIVE and DILIGENT to do what it is designed to, for greatest effect.

4) Matthew 13:44

  • The kingdom of heaven is a precious 'entity'. It is of GREAT value. It has ETERNAL value.

  • It must be sought and found.

  • But only those who know its value will appreciate it. They will be the ones who are willing to sell every possession to own this 'jewel'.

5) Matthew 13:45,46

Here, only those who know the value of fine pearls, go around intentionally, looking for the precious gems.

And it suffices to find ONE! It is of great worth... It satisfies the soul; it ends the 'search'

How worthy is the kingdom of God... hallelujah!

6) Matthew 13:47-50

Now knowing how precious and worthy is God's kingdom, again the 'final separation'

It WILL be too late for some, too late to 'appreciate' the kingdom of God; too late to go 'seeking' for the precious entity; too late to 'decide' that IT is GOOD and RIGHT for themselves; too late to 'lay hold' of it then.

Have mercy, O Lord!

Therefore, 'like the owner of the house... bring out the NEW and OLD treasures'


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