Saturday, August 7, 2010

I am ... or... I am Not!

Matthew 12:22-50

Inspired thots:

So simple... the message is SO clear.
I am either FOR the Lord, or I am against Him.
I am either WITH the Lord, or I am not with Him.
I am either UNITED in the Lord, or I am NOT.
I either GATHER with the Lord, or I scatter what is His.
I either bear GOOD Fruit or Bad.
I am either filled with the Holy Spirit or with evil spirit (demon).
I am either a CHILD of God or partaker of the devil.

For the side I am on, I will be molded to act, will, speak, feel and live...

Then, on judgment day, there will be accountability of every action, word and thought done.
But, whoever does the will of God, is welcome into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Relations that are most important is not the earthly relations but the eternal relations ~ being a child of God, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.

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