Tuesday, August 3, 2010

God's disciples = God's workers

Matthew 10:1-23

Inspired thots:
What a privilege! How awesome! Jesus gave His disciples authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
  1. v8 Freely you have received, freely give. Yes, Salvation is not a LONER property; it is not even for the cliques. It is free for all.
  2. The kingdom of heaven is near (v7). God gives His disciples His authority to make His people whole. God is perfect, and He wants His people to be whole and perfect too.
  3. And as His people do His work, He provides for them (for the worker is worth his keep v10).
  4. God's people also have peace (v13) to give others. Wow! That is awesome... cool... I like that.
  5. Caution! As we are sent out, we are to be 'gentle as sheep', 'shrewd as snakes', 'innocent as doves' ~ what similes!

a) gentle as sheep ~ our approach to the lost souls to win them over to Christ; gentle with their struggle or indifference (be patient); no judgment here until the Holy Spirit convicts them of their sin to confession of faith in Christ.

b) shrewd as snakes ~ hmm.. there will be 'snares' and 'sneers' as we go about the Lord's work. So we need to be shrewd (wise and alert?) to the traps and deceits laid out. We must be watchful to 'glide' off the danger zones. Holy Spirit, we need you here.

c) innocent as doves ~ trusting? accepting? believe in the better of another? hmmm... I suppose that if I can believe in Christ as my Saviour, others would too. After all, I am no different from 'them'.

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