Monday, August 23, 2010

Change to be Least to be Greatest

Matthew 18:1-4

Inspired thots

Be the LEAST to be the GREATEST! A paradox? But CHANGE I must.

How can the disciples be asking and thinking about 'who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' Surely it is GOD! He is in His kingdom and He is the Greatest! Yet, man tends to think more highly of himself than he is, thinking that he can 'take over' the One already reigning?

1) My focus must be on God alone. He is there as the Rightful King. None should even consider taking HIS position. Let God be God!

2) Change I MUST! When I am focused on the ALMIGHTY God, I will see how 'little', how frail and weak I am; how finite, how lacking... as a creation. Only with God can I be better or best! Thus, I must change... change to be lowly (like Jesus). I must know, understand and accept my position. My place is to be with God; not in His position!

3) Jesus' answer to His disciples doesnt even refer to their question ~ 'the greatest in the kingdom' ~; rather, Jesus was telling them that... IF man does not change to be least, he may not even enter into the kingdom! Hahaha.. Man's focus is usually off.

4) Yes, Matthew 6:33 holds water. When I choose to change to be what God wants of me, which is to be more like God... the 'rewards' ~ blessings, providence ~ will follow. It's a package deal!

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