Matthew 10:23-42
Inspired thots:
Everyone is a follower... Question is: WHO does each follow?
1. Like begets like.
a) the student is (to be) like his teacher. The servant his master. Even the demons, the devil. (v24,25)
b) How important to choose the RIGHT leader!
The leader sets the example. The leader casts the influence. The leader shows the path.
c) My choice of my leader determines my destiny!
2. There can only be ONE leader in my life.
a) To BE like my leader (teacher, master), my focus must not be divided. Therefore, my choice of leader can only be one!
b) Once a leader is chosen to be in one's life,
~> the leader must be ACKNOWLEDGED. (v32) Disciples must declare their Teacher/Master (leader). The outside world will want to compare and match the disciples to their leaders.
~> the leader must be RECEIVED totally by the disciple (v40). It is not possible to be a 'silent' or 'secret' disciple.
~> the leader demands LOYALTY (v38). A disciple cannot be a disciple inwardly only but outwardly through works and speech.
~> the leader is to be held in the HIGHEST ESTEEM, above anyone or anything in the disciple's life. It is a high calling to be a disciple, especially when the leader is great!
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