Matthew 23
Inspired thots
So many thots in this chapter; lets see what I can glean from it.
1) Always be humble; do not desired to be exalted ~ which is self-righteous. Yes, this is a long learning process until I am immune to exalting self. Self righteous thots must be checked immediate; this I am learning. Do not let it even stop by, lest come in and brew. That is the best way to handle it!
2) Own standards burden others. Do not impose them on others. Apply God's standards (Isa. 55:8,9) - that is the best and only way.
3) Man is self-centred; it is the 'I' factor once again. But I am the created, not the Creator. The focus should not be on ME ~ the 'I'. When the 'I' is focused upon, disappointments abound.
4) Inner cleansing is more important than external beauty. External cleansing does not clean the internal but the cleansed inside cleans the outside too! Hallelujah! So, the physical and what can be seen are just temporal and not as important as the inside (heart, spirit, mind, soul). Only God sees and knows my internal while others may only see my external.
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