Monday, September 27, 2010

Doing the RIGHT thing At the Right Place and Time

JOHN 1:1-28

Inspired thots:

I have always like the FIRST chapter of JOHN. It reads SO well... so POETIC, so romantic. I can feel the great wisdom of God from there as it prepares the setting for Jesus' entrance. I can also feel God's love that He has planned everything for my good ~ starting from Salvation.

It is worth memorising the chapter.

1) John the Baptist was truly a GREAT man of God; he knew his position very well, and played his role accurately as designed. He did not claim to be the Christ; he did not take any glory; he did not even let any be implied on himself. He truly PREPARED the WAY for the GREAT ONE ~ Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the World.

It puts me to shame that I am otherwise; instead of Preparing the way for my Lord, many times I have asked the Lord to 'prepare the way for ME' .... to 'go BEFORE Me'. That is the wrong type of prayer. It is not I but the Lord who is greater, that I should be PREPARING for HIM!

2) It is MORE important to be HEARD than to be SEEN. John was 'a voice' in the wilderness. He was in an undesirable place BUT he CALLED and he was HEARD.
Verbal communication is far more effective than Physical displays in that it is very direct and very immediate. The recipient receives immediately; the choice to ACCEPT depends on themselves. Physical displays or actions are slower in impact and response of recipients. It takes time for recipient to 'get it'; to understand what the action implies or underlays.

I think, for a vast audience or when immediate receipt is desired, VERBAL COMMUNICATION is the better choice... just SPEAK it out!
For those whom we are more familiar with, or have a relationship with, the Physical Display is more appropriate, for the focus is directed on one another due to familiarity.

3) Be truthful and direct when speaking, as part of your personality. It is what the Bible teaches: let your 'Yes' be yes, and your 'No, no. (Matthew 5:37)
John the Baptist really knew how to handle himself.

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