2 Chronicles 17 - 19
Inspired thots
Jehoshaphat is a godly king who sought the Lord in his ways. However, as man, one tends to 'make' mistakes although good intentions were in place. Jehoshaphat was reigning well teaching his people to fear the Lord until he made a marriage alliance with Ahab, king of Israel. Thus he got swayed to agree to a war against the Syrians with Israel though he inquired of the Lord first regarding the battle.
Jehoshaphat must have walked closely with God to discern true and false prophets; for he insisted on another prophet besides the many false ones of Ahab. God was merciful to him in battle and Jehoshaphat went home.
How important to establish godliness all the time so that one can identify how God is and be sensitive to the actual ways and workings of God. One must recognize the Holy Spirit's guidance and walk accordingly; not on one's own ways. Minding one's own business is good until the Lord directs instead of falling into the cares and troubles of the world.
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