Monday, August 13, 2012

Knowing God Through Distress & Humility

2 Chronicles 33

Inspired thots

King Manasseh got on the throne with pomp and arrogance; he did not seek God and stirred up the people to sin so greatly against God until God cast him away into the enemy's hands. There in a foreign land, Manasseh REMEMBERED the God of his fathers and sought God. He was in distress; he entreated the favor of God personally without any priest or prophet. God is a PERSONAL God who hears His people's heart cry.

Manasseh did not heed God when He called them to repent; hence, Manasseh had to come back to God the hard way! Manasseh HUMBLED himself GREATLY before God and PRAYED to Him; and God in His great Mercy received and restored him. Oh, what blessings we often forfeit! Oh, what needless pain we bear! when we do not HEED God when He calls.

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