Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prepared to Serve

One is called to be a DISCIPLE of Jesus; whilst receiving Salvation, the disciple must move on to SERVANTHOOD. He/she can be used of God mightily when yielded; however, PREPARATION of self is required to do the works of God effectively.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Serving God
Jesus calls people into His kingdom to call OTHER people for He is a compassionate and loving God. He will use those who yield to Him. 
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Children are able to serve God boldly. 
Adults tend to overprotect the child until the latter becomes pampered and spoilt in character. We forget or do not believe that a child can serve God and at times, better than adults. With the right equipping of God's word and training, EVERY CHILD is bold enough to stand up for Jesus. It is the adult who instil fear and doubt in children which prevent them from moving forward with God.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 10:19-20
When God calls, He will equip; even with little children. Adults need to exercise their faith in children to release their boldness to serve God. Matt 19:14 instructs us 'not to hinder the children from coming to Him" because He knows the little ones can do Great things for Him.
Play catching if space permits where some are 'wolves' and others are 'sheep'. If caught, the sheep can be released if they can recite the bible verse.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, help me to keep focuses on YOUR heart's desires with regards to your children and being a Faithful disciple and Humble servant toYour glory. Amen.

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