Friday, June 29, 2012

Faithful till the End

The story of the rich young ruler is very popular but Jesus went on from v23 with more heavenly treasures. He reminded His disciples that earthly treasures are fleeting and burdensome; they can pull one away from eternal treasures. SO, what is our focus?
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Work Now for Later
It is common for man to 'work now for later'; hence, a lot of indulgence into long work hours to save up for the future to ensure a more comfortable life. Why is the same principle not applied for ETERNITY?
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Being Faithful till the End.
It is certainly not easy to be focussed on heavenly issues; faith must arise and steadfastness is a prerequisite.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 19:26,30
Some things are impossible for man to accomplish; only God is able to work the wonders. Inconsistency pushes one behind.
Encourage the children to name impossible feats such as move mountains or fly without wings. But God can do each of their mentioned impossible feats. As each child name the impossible feat, the other children respond with the bible verse.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus,, I believe YOU can do ALL things through me. I await to enjoy the 'impossibilities' in my life for Your glory. Amen.

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