Monday, June 11, 2012

Godly Fathers Are Vital

We are very familiar with the Three Wise Men (Magi), Mary and baby Jesus for the Christmas story but JOSEPH is usually forgotten or sidelined very quickly as the focus shines on the other characters(Magi, Mary or baby Jesus). But JOSEPH played a VITAL role in the Redemption Story. As FATHERS' Day approaches, this lesson is dedicated to ALL FATHERS!
LESSON POINT: (Observation) A Godly Father
Recalling yesterday's lesson, the GENEALOGY of Jesus lists the FATHERS. How important it is to remember that FATHERS have such a vital role in molding the destiny of their family especially children.
Without Joseph's close relationship with God, he would not have heard from God or be convinced that GOD IS AT WORK in his life. His godliness nature enabled him to RECOGNISE God; that should be the PRIMARY CHARACTERISTIC of fathers! before he can Provide, Protect, Pave the way and Pray for his family.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Godliness CONNECTS you to God.
You can HEAR from God; you can RECOGNISE His voice and instructions; you can OBEY God without doubts; you can BLESS your loved ones as you make godly decisions.
ACTIVITY: Role play this passage; have children lie down and listen to the voice of God through the teacher who is the 'angel'.
Children of God need to learn to rest in the Lord and hear Him.
Fathers, learn to SOAK in the Lord's presence to draw close to Him. (Heb 4; Matt 11:28-30) {I am personally learning this at this point in time. It takes time.}
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 2:19-21
Have children lie down when reciting v19; sit up when they recite v20; stand up and walk to the end of the room when reciting v21.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank YOU for godly fathers who are close to You. YOU are their ONLY Great EXAMPLE! Grant them Your strength & wisdom to Lead & Keep their loved ones in You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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