Friday, June 29, 2012

Faithful till the End

The story of the rich young ruler is very popular but Jesus went on from v23 with more heavenly treasures. He reminded His disciples that earthly treasures are fleeting and burdensome; they can pull one away from eternal treasures. SO, what is our focus?
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Work Now for Later
It is common for man to 'work now for later'; hence, a lot of indulgence into long work hours to save up for the future to ensure a more comfortable life. Why is the same principle not applied for ETERNITY?
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Being Faithful till the End.
It is certainly not easy to be focussed on heavenly issues; faith must arise and steadfastness is a prerequisite.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 19:26,30
Some things are impossible for man to accomplish; only God is able to work the wonders. Inconsistency pushes one behind.
Encourage the children to name impossible feats such as move mountains or fly without wings. But God can do each of their mentioned impossible feats. As each child name the impossible feat, the other children respond with the bible verse.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus,, I believe YOU can do ALL things through me. I await to enjoy the 'impossibilities' in my life for Your glory. Amen.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lifetime Virtues ~ Humility

There is SO much to learn from a child although adults tend to think they are wiser and better. Yes, adults have MORE experiences; those should keep our hearts in the right condition ~ HUMBLE.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Humble in All Ways
Humility is not easy to learn but if the bible teaches it, it should be embraced. The disciples had its opposite in mind. The worldly stance was to be GREAT! Jesus pointed out HUMILITY ~ that of a child; simple, trusting, patient, forgiving, accepting.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Learning from the Lesser.
No matter how small something is, we can learn a lesson or two from it. Eg. ant ~ be hardworking. Child ~ simple & trusting. As we grow older, we need to take on the good virtues of a child. No wonder many say that adults tend to be a child again in their twilight years!
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 18:1-4
Humility is NOT a Weak word. It BUILDS character for one's destiny.
Have each child choose someone YOUNGER or LESSER in talent than he to recite the bible verse as a reminder to be humble.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus,, continue to work in my life with constant reminders of being Humble until I am like You and bring You glory. Amen.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Exciting Life with Jesus

Peter, James and John were the privileged disciples who went everywhere with Jesus. Hence, they witnessed Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain. They were able to see the vision and were filled with awe. These disciples were prepared for greater works ahead.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Exciting Life with Jesus
When we walk closely with Jesus, life is MORE exciting as the SPIRITUAL would be revealed as well as the physical. There is SO much more to learn and live with Jesus.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Walk closely with Jesus for more revelations.
God will reveal what is in His heart as His children. We shall SEE and DO great things for the Lord with His wisdom, strength and joy! But we must make time for God.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 17:5,6
God will speak to those who are ready to hear Him. Just as He is pleased with Jesus who obeyed Him, we must please Him with our obedience all the time.
Surround one child and recite the bible verse. Children take turns to be inside the circle to be blessed.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus,  help Your children to be obedient and walk close to You ALL the time! You have so much to reveal to us. Help us desire more of You Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Soaking in the Lord's presence

I am trying to kick start my journaling on God's revelations and inspirations as I learn to 'soak' in His presence and 'hear' Him.

Such sessions have been conducted by Jackie H. at the Intercessors' sessions for the last couple of months; indeed, discipline practice is crucial to have the self prepared rightly to hear from God.

I am convinced God is AT WORK in my life (John 5:48) and it is indeed a blessed Joy to 'flow' with Him as I learn to let go of control and invite the Holy Spirit to take the lead in my daily life. I have found my life to be more fulfilling with many amazing outcomes. PRAISE the LORD!

Tuesday nite: 26/6/12
Learning to see 'visions' through these sessions.

Near the end of soaking, 'saw' a medal that looks like a medallion in the shape of a sun glittering in its gold. Then, the medal strap wrap round to become a belt with a buckle.

I feel God assuring me that the 'reward' or His approval I receive would be like a fastened belt to keep me in good stead.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Traditions Vs Commandments

The Pharisees were picking on nitty-gritties rather than focus on the more important matters; so much so that they have been diverted from the REAL issues that matter. They soon became spiritually blind as they focussed on the visible rather than God's commandments. They emphasized on issues that become traditions rather than the TRUTH which is God's commandments.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) True Values
It is easy to stray from God's commandments if ..
a) we do not know them
b) we do not understand them
c) we do not apply/practise them
d) we do not have them as TOP priority in our lives
without the above, we would make up our own VALUES and PRIORITIES to pass on to children.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Practise God's Commandment
When God's commandment is practised regularly, it cleanses the soul and spirit. This is where DAILY DEVOTIONS are so CRUCIAL to God's people. We sit at His feet to learn what PLEASES Him and learn HOW to FOCUS on Him.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 15:6,8,9,17-20
God does not want LIP SERVICE and HAND SERVICE (sacrifices) but a contrite HEART from His people.  How can the Heart be cleansed and filled with God's word and will if there is no deep relationship with Him through His word?
Have the children identify TRADITIONS in their lives (having CNY dinners etc) versus God's commandments (10 commandments). Check if each tradition honors God or not; throw away traditions that do not please God.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, in everything I do or practise, please let it be of YOUR commandments and not tradition that displease You. Amen.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Free from Sin & Guilt

Herod heard about the ministry of Jesus but FELT GUILTY about his command to behead John the Baptist. He knew he had killed an innocent and rigtheous man who was jailed for sharing the good news and convicting others of sin. Herod had earlier misused his authority in imprisoning John who told him of his adulterous sin with his brother's wife.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Sin Catching Up
When we sin, and try to hide it, the SIN will finally catch up with us. It is impossible to hide from sin although man is very good in trying to cover up or sweep it under. GUILT will come on to convict which would bind us into further condemnation.
Children (as well as adults) should be taught to RECOGNIZE sin; AVOID it with God's word (like Jesus ~ Matt 4) or CONFESS wrong done (1 John 1:9) to receive Christ's forgiveness (Rom 8:1)
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Free from Sin and Guilt
It is important for children (and adults) to be DAILY CLEANSED from all sin (known and unknown) for God is a holy God. To be useful for God, one must be cleansed first (2 Tim. 2:20). It is important to allow the HOLY SPIRIT convict us NOW than at judgment day.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 14:1,2,9
Herod was sorry to have said rash promises which he could not or did not want to break for he viewed man's honor more important than God's.
Lead the children to think of their sins before applying 1 John 1:9. Then help them memorise the bible verses by breaking them into various phrases and piecing them.
Play CATCHING with the children to remind them that SIN WILL CATCH UP with us when we dont confess them. If the child is caught, he/she is to SAY SORRY. If caught TWICE, he/she becomes CATCHER.
PRAYER: Cleanse me Lord of my sins to be your Cleansed and Useful vessel. Convict me now so that there is no condemnation on me after I confess to You. TQ for your forgiveness, Jesus. Amen.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Richest Trasures

God's WORD is FULL of Treasures. Are we LOOKING for them? Would we RECOGNIZE those treasures when we find or stumble upon them? What would our reaction be?
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Seeking Eternal Treasures
Anyone can look for treasures; one must be OUT in action to get any results. Treasures do not come to you. Before we can enjoy the treasure, we need to find out about it so that we would recognize it.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ God's treasures are for His children; young or old.
Children must be taught of God's treasures through a regular input of God's WORDS and identification of God's WORKS. But how can they if the adults are not doing the necessary themselves. Many children's BEHAVIORS are CAUGHT when TAUGHT and OBSERVED.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 13:44-46
These are simple and few verses which children of God can memorize to keep reminded on looking for treasures from His word.
Prepare pieces of 'earthly' treasures from magazines such as branded products, beautiful models, dream cars, vacation holidays and desirable clothing, jewelry and houses.
Hide these pieces and let the children 'seek the treasure'. Each can only choose one piece. Then, each one can share why they liked that treasure found.
Teacher can take the opportunity to correct and guide children's thinking on the earthly treasure while pointing them to the heavenly eternal treasure.
I was blest in Kuching with this activity. While some shared 'earthly' joy if they really had the 'treasure' they found on the paper, some were wise to mention that that is not what they desired. For example, one sister shared that though she may like branded products, she will not indulge in them. Another shared that the beautiful model does not reflect the inner beauty one should have with God.
We who serve are usually more blessed than those whom we serve.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, all my earthly possessions are Your grace to me for You know my needs and wants. Help me to desire more of You than the things of the world. Amen.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Words => Sword

One must be careful in how words are let loose from the mouth as they can backfire on us if they are bad.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Words turned into Sword
Words can be turned into a Sword which can be used for GOOD (Defense) or BAD (Offense). One must choose to use our words/sword appropriately. Fight the Devil with it (Offense) and Protect your faith with it (Defense). There are SO many words of God which we can use as SWORD. 
All the more for our children who learn what is CAUGHT more than TAUGHT.  Expletives must be curbed with the understanding and application of this passage.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Children's words are picked up from their environment.
Adults can impact the children through their words which are uttered carelessly in their presence. Hence, our children fall  into condemnation when they repeat those careless words which have taken strong residence in their lives.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 12:34-37
These verses should motivate one and all, young and old to be careful with our words. v37 reminds us of accountability with our words.
Imagine how we stand before the Lord and account for our moments of anger and hate with harsh words lashed out?
Practice 'Judgment Day'. Let the children line up in front of the teacher who is role playing 'JESUS'. Have each child come up and tell of all their careless words. Help children to pray for forgiveness there and then using today's bible verse.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, please help me speak only BLESSINGS to all in honour of You. Amen.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prepared to Serve

One is called to be a DISCIPLE of Jesus; whilst receiving Salvation, the disciple must move on to SERVANTHOOD. He/she can be used of God mightily when yielded; however, PREPARATION of self is required to do the works of God effectively.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Serving God
Jesus calls people into His kingdom to call OTHER people for He is a compassionate and loving God. He will use those who yield to Him. 
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Children are able to serve God boldly. 
Adults tend to overprotect the child until the latter becomes pampered and spoilt in character. We forget or do not believe that a child can serve God and at times, better than adults. With the right equipping of God's word and training, EVERY CHILD is bold enough to stand up for Jesus. It is the adult who instil fear and doubt in children which prevent them from moving forward with God.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 10:19-20
When God calls, He will equip; even with little children. Adults need to exercise their faith in children to release their boldness to serve God. Matt 19:14 instructs us 'not to hinder the children from coming to Him" because He knows the little ones can do Great things for Him.
Play catching if space permits where some are 'wolves' and others are 'sheep'. If caught, the sheep can be released if they can recite the bible verse.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, help me to keep focuses on YOUR heart's desires with regards to your children and being a Faithful disciple and Humble servant toYour glory. Amen.

Monday, June 18, 2012

MERCY & GRACE Please God

We are to remember that we are SINNERS SAVED by GRACE. Hence, we should not continue in our OLD ways BUT CHOOSE to CHANGE for Jesus. Christians have been 'spiritually sick' before accepting Christ as Savior; we are made RIGHTEOUS through JESUS.
Jesus has come to offer SALVATION to all who Accept Him for Who He is. It is NOT by WHAT we do or WHO we are but our humbleness in acknowledging we need Jesus to enter into Eternal life.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Children should be shared the GOOD NEWS of salvation to ensure their place in God's kingdom. 
Check if EVERY CHILD in your class has already accepted Christ as Saviour; if not, share the gospel or help those who have had, share with those who have not.
For those who are in God's kingdom, teach about remaining HUMBLE and RIGHTEOUS before God.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 9:11-13
Those who think they are 'well' without Jesus are really in darkness. Jesus is the Light. Jesus is MERCIFUL to those who acknowledge their sins and will forgive when we confess with a humble heart. (1 John 1:9)
Give each child a piece of paper and write down their bad habits; encourage them to confess their sins and ask Jesus for His mercy to set them free to be righteous.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, THANK YOU for Your MERCY that allows me to be your child. Teach me daily to be humble and cleansed to be righteous for Your glory. Amen.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Jesus is Willing To Heal

This passage shows the NEED of a DESPERATE leper for Healing. Every CHILD HAS NEEDS. They are desperate to be LOVED, ACCEPTED, HEARD and PROTECTED. They have Physical needs, Emotional needs and Spirtual needs. Some needs are not known to them for they are still young ~ like spiritual needs. Some needs which they cannot handle themselves ~ sickness.
How important for us parents and custodians to say like Jesus "I WILL" to children for their sake.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Jesus is Willing
Jesus is compassionate and loving; He does not turn away those who call out to Him. He MEETS needs. He has time for those who turn to Him.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Children must be TAUGHT that they can come to Jesus ANYTIME for ANYTHING. 
Jesus is WILLING to hear them out; heal them; forgive their sins when they confess (1 John 1:9). Encourage children to call out to Jesus in whatever situation. He hears them.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 8:2-3  Pair up children; one to recite verse 2, the other verse 3. Switch roles until they can memorize the passage.
Have children THINK about a NEED they have. Write it down on paper. Have them pray the leper's prayer kneeling. (V2) believing Jesus is willing (V3)
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, THANK YOU for being WILLING to heal and bless when we make time for You. YOU are SO faithful and wonderful. Glory to you. Amen.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Identify the Counterfeit Through Genuine

For the children's sake, I have chosen "identifying false prophets" which may not be a popular passage to teach them as we consider children too young to understand but that is not true.
In this time and season, it is vital to 'open the spiritual eyes' of children towards evil. They must be equipped with God's Word about the enemy so that they will know how to overcome and be victorious. Knowing the TRUTH will set them FREE (John 8:32).
We must SOW GOOD SEEDS ~ God's Word which is the Christian's SWORD!
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Identify Counterfeit with TRUTH
Children must be TAUGHT God's Word with FULL Understanding today to overcome their Enemy; otherwise, they can be caught by DECEPTION through the earthly pleasures. They must know how to identify 'wolves' and learn not to associate with them (Psalm 1). Teach them ALERTNESS through God's word.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ God's WORD is the SWORD for DEFENSE and OFFENSE. Just as Jesus was tempted by the devil and used Scripture to overcome the wiles of the devil, God's children should follow that example. (Matt 4)
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 7:15-16 
Use actions to learn these verses. Older children, try whole passage.
Blindfold the children. Then choose one to say some info without giving the name.  Have the other children identify who the informer is. Informer can take on a false tone.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, help us to teach children Your word correctly so that they will not be lost in their life but grow to be Your mighty army today and tomorrow. Lord, what we desire for tomorrow, we must start preparing today. Help us Lord to prepare our children for Your glory. Amen.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Effective Vessel of God Thru Fasting

Another Great chapter to check our Christian Character path. Today is on fasting which not many can understand the reason to fast and how to fast. Many like myself struggle to fast but the rewards are great. Lets learn it! I personally exercised it for my mom's salvation; praise the Lord, she is saved for 20+ years now!
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Effective through Fasting
Fasting is part of the Christian Character building where the body is subdued. The heart and mind take over to focus on the things of God. There is full fast or part fast where fasting is for the whole day or part of the day. Full fast can also mean full abstenance or part; liquid fast or solid fast.
Children must be TAUGHT to FAST today to prepare for their tomorrow. Look at the youth or young people today and we would understand the importance to getting the children learn God's ways NOW.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ God will use those who prepare themselves rightly for His glory. Children who fast would draw closer to God and be cleansed as His vessels.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 5:16 - 18
Break up passage by pausing at the right places while reciting. Recite one by one to each other. 
Have children write down on paper something important they want God to work on. Challenge the children to fast according to the bible passage. Choose a partner for accountability. Fast and pray about the item until God answers. Journal times of fasting and revelation. Dont be surprised that children will hear from God more readily.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, When You were here on earth, your disciples did not fast; but You said, there would come the time for your disciples to fast. Help us to fast today to understand your teaching and will, Lord. Amen.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This can be said to be an EASY as well as a DIFFICULT passage. Easy to understand but Difficult to PRACTICE & MEMORISE; all of which must be attempted by the Christian ~ young and old.

LESSON POINT: (Observation) Aiming Towards Blessedness
We may think that BLESSEDNESS encompasses everything GOOD ... only. Here the passage implies more. Yes, it offers the BEST of what God would give but the journey towards the end may not be so pleasant. How can one keep on the narrow and difficult road of Faith & Christian Character?
MY MOTIVATION: 5:48 ~ Desire to be like my Heavenly Father for I am His child. So, 'like Father like child' motivates me on the BEattitudes!
Children must ALSO be shown that GOD is their Heavenly Father; they are HIS children. I would apply the same adage to teach this truth. 
TRUTH: (Application) ~ It is important to God to have His children BE LIKE HIM. Jesus has cleansed us to be able to change into His character day by day. It is a matter of will.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 5:3-12
1) Be POOR in Spirit to receive the KINGDOM of Heaven
3) MEEK to INHERIT the Earth
4) HUNGER & THIRST for righteousness to be SATISFIED
5) Be MERCIFUL to receive MERCY
6) PURE in Heart to SEE God
8) PERSECUTED for Righteousness' sake to HAVE the Kingdom of Heaven
9) REVILED, PERSECUTED & EVIL UTTERING Against You to receive REWARD in Heaven
Divide children into TWO groups. One group shouts out the FIRST HALF of each Beattitude while the other group finishes off the SECOND PART. SWAP Group roles. REPEAT until children can memorise passage. (YES, they can! Can we?)
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I need Your Grace and Power to Understand, Memorize and Apply the Beattitudes to be more like You. Amen.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Willing Vessels Made Effective

SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 4: 12 -17; 23-25
Again I choose the lesser known and taught passage instead of 'the temptation of Jesus' or 'calling of disciples'.
Jesus started off His ministry to the Gentiles in Galilee. He chose the most difficult portion; so unlike us.
He knew where the need was and availed Himself to meet it.
LESSON POINT: (Observation) An Effective Vessel
Where is the need that God can use me? What is the area of ministry God is calling me to? Am I hearing from God to be willing and available so that others can hear the good news?
Children must not only be TAUGHT ABOUT the Good News; they must be TAUGHT TO SHARE it too without fear or favor. This is YOUR responsibility as God's SS teacher.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ God will use those who avail themselves to His salvation plan. Miracles and power would follow the obedient and faithful.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 4:16
"the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death LIGHT has DAWNED."
How beautiful this verse is; where there is light, there is no darkness.
Pair the children up to share the GOOD NEWS to one another as practice makes perfect. They must be equipped to share the Salvation message to others. They must learn to PRAY for those who are sick or need blessing. Thus their faith will grow deeper and closer to God faster than what we had gone through.
RAYER: Lord Jesus, may You continue to prompt us to do Your will rightly for the children's sake who would then be your effective vessels. Thank You for hearing and answering prayers. Amen.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Willing Vessel for God

The Baptism of Jesus is very much taught; hence, I shall attempt the lesser passage ~ John the Baptist. He was a cousin of Jesus by birth. He accepted his earthly calling and had no hesitation in being God's messenger for Jesus:preparing the way. His parents Zachariah and Elizabeth brought John up well. How important to have godly parents! (Yesterday's lesson)
LESSON POINT: (Observation) A Willing Vessel
It is not easy to be a Willing Vessel for God in today's environment. There are certain characteristics found in John the Baptist from this passage to be a successful willing vessel. CAN YOU ADD ON?
We need the BOLDNESS of John the Baptist who was brave to rebuke the Pharisees and Sadducees.
We need to be FIRMLY ESTABLISHED in our faith and purpose with God to do His will.
We need to KNOW God well to be a guide in the darkness.
We need to be HUMBLE to give God all the glory and be SEPARATED from the world's ways.
We need to BEAR GOOD FRUIT to bring joy & pleasure to our Heavenly Father.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ God is looking for those who would avail themselves to His eternal plan.
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 3:3
When you memorize Matthew 3:3, you would have memorized Isaiah 40:3! Killing two birds with one stone!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank YOU for choosing me to be your precious child. I avail myself willingly to be your useful vessel for thy glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Godly Fathers Are Vital

We are very familiar with the Three Wise Men (Magi), Mary and baby Jesus for the Christmas story but JOSEPH is usually forgotten or sidelined very quickly as the focus shines on the other characters(Magi, Mary or baby Jesus). But JOSEPH played a VITAL role in the Redemption Story. As FATHERS' Day approaches, this lesson is dedicated to ALL FATHERS!
LESSON POINT: (Observation) A Godly Father
Recalling yesterday's lesson, the GENEALOGY of Jesus lists the FATHERS. How important it is to remember that FATHERS have such a vital role in molding the destiny of their family especially children.
Without Joseph's close relationship with God, he would not have heard from God or be convinced that GOD IS AT WORK in his life. His godliness nature enabled him to RECOGNISE God; that should be the PRIMARY CHARACTERISTIC of fathers! before he can Provide, Protect, Pave the way and Pray for his family.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ Godliness CONNECTS you to God.
You can HEAR from God; you can RECOGNISE His voice and instructions; you can OBEY God without doubts; you can BLESS your loved ones as you make godly decisions.
ACTIVITY: Role play this passage; have children lie down and listen to the voice of God through the teacher who is the 'angel'.
Children of God need to learn to rest in the Lord and hear Him.
Fathers, learn to SOAK in the Lord's presence to draw close to Him. (Heb 4; Matt 11:28-30) {I am personally learning this at this point in time. It takes time.}
BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 2:19-21
Have children lie down when reciting v19; sit up when they recite v20; stand up and walk to the end of the room when reciting v21.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank YOU for godly fathers who are close to You. YOU are their ONLY Great EXAMPLE! Grant them Your strength & wisdom to Lead & Keep their loved ones in You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

This is not a popular passage BUT there is GREAT significance and importance to this passage. It is the BEGINNING of Matthew which accounts the great and mighty works of God. These 17 verses establish the foundation of FAITH in Jesus. 
LESSON POINT: (Observation) Who AM I?
It is important to confirm one's identity before one can progress successfully in life. Knowing WHO YOU ARE leads you to your destiny.
TRUTH: (Application) ~ God was already at work from the beginning of time on you and me. And God is STILL at work in our lives (John 5:17)
ACTIVITY: List out YOUR family tree. How far can you go? I can only go up to my maternal grandma. :(
Praise God I am a child of God; I can list out my FULL Heavenly Family Tree; and Matthew 1:1-17 kicks start my endeavor. {You can confirm these names in 2 Kings and Chronicles. You dont need a concordance...}
All children of God should know WHERE they come from and of WHOM they belong to. (Ps 139:13-16) List down your own earthly family tree. Next, direct your efforts in combining the EARTHLY with the HEAVENLY. (continue from Jesus -> earthly family)
BIBLE VERSE: Attempt to memorize the genealogy. Start off with one generation and build up.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank YOU for including me into Your great heavenly family. I am proud to be included and to be counted as precious by You. Amen.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Destruction Follows Disobedience

2 Kings 24 ; 25

Inspired thots

King after king took on evil instead of obeying the Lord when they sit on the throne; they forgot that God is on the HIGHEST throne looking down on them. Only a few kings like Hezekiah and Josiah did right before God when they reigned. Hence, it is not surprising that the evil and wickedness the kings did led the Lord to 'disown' them and caused them to be exiled to Babylon.

Provoking the Lord to anger is dangerous as He is the RIGHTFUL king and is control of everything. He deserves all the obedience and reverence; those who obey Him would be kept safe in His hands.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Inculcating the Fear of God into the NEXT generations

2 Kings 21 - 23

Inspired thots

Despite the massive clean up of Josiah on all the high places and Baal worshiping, God's anger could not be kindled over the many sins which Manasseh caused the people to indulge in; he set up all forms of idolatrous worship.

Why was the fear of the Lord not inculcated into the lives of the next generations to stay the blessings of God? It is so sad.

Another lesson here is that it is the whole nation of Judah sinning against God. The king is responsible to lead the people into repentance and following God. A good leader is crucial in leading the people into a deep relationship with God. A bad leader takes the people into destruction.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Remain Humble for God is Overall

2 Kings 20

Inspired thots

Man remains as man; thinks selfishly and acts proudly. Although Hezekiah walked in God's ways and Hezekiah cried to God in his hour of sickness and our merciful God heard him, he puffed up when he became well. . Yet, he showed off all the treasures in the whole of Israel which was displeasing to God; hence, all the riches of Israel were carted away to Babylon, of whom his riches were shown to. Hezekiah was not repentive when it was told him about the exile for he was glad it would not happen in his days.

Being humble is important no matter how rich or important one is; all glory to God for HE is the one who provides. He is IN CONTROL.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


2 Kings 18 & 19

Inspired thots

It is dangerous to mock God; the king of Assyria found out when he sent messengers to Judah and reviled God. Thank God that king Hezekiah stood fast in his faith and listened to Isaiah's counsel. He sought God when he was threatened by the enemy. He believed in God's deliverance. He did what was right before God and God honored him.

How important to remember and be humbled that God is the Maker of Heaven and Earth! All things are in His control. Who is man to boast and exalt himself? He is sure to fall. Better to trust in God and dwell in the safety of His wings.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Not Giving God His Due Worship...

2 Kings 17

Inspired thots

No matter how much God displays love and grace to His people, they still sin against Him with their own ways; they choose other gods and ungodly kings to emulate rather than follow God whole-heartedly. Although God sent prophets and seers to warn them and priests to guide them, God's people prefer to go their own way.

It is NOT logical; how can one worship what is designed by self? Worship should be accorded to some higher deity; worshiping what one makes is self worship. And man tends to exalt self or fear other men than God.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Not a WHOLE Hearted Obedience

2 Kings 15 & 16

Inspired thots

Most of the kings of Judah and Israel did not FULLY obey God. They may have taken away Baal worship but they did not take away the high places which allowed the people to pray to other gods.
Sometimes they chose outside help instead of seeking God for full coverage; like king Ahaz who sought the Assyrian king's help and made peace with him. This also led king Ahaz astray with a strange idol from the gentile land.

Why is it so difficult to follow God with a WHOLE heart? We tend to walk by sight and not by Faith.