Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Victorious Living

2 Peter 2

Inspired thots:

1) Everything is in God's hands.
He knows when and who to rescue and protect; and he will also punish those who turn away from Him
Best to leave EVERYthing into God's hands. Let me be anxious about nothing. Phil 4:6,7

2) Slander is despicable in God's eyes; especially when it is on things that one does not fully understand.
Best to keep my mouth SHUT when the situation is getting offensive. 'Be slow to speak, and quick to listen' James 1:19 then I wont get upset and fall into sin.

3) v19 A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.
Do a self-check on what is usually in one's thoughts - that is what is enslaving the person.
Is it pleasing to God? Is it worldly, flesh or Godly? Get back on God's track.
Remember not to revert to the sinful old nature. Stay on God's path. Dont be deceived.
When weak, call on God for strength to overcome.

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