Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Love as Christ loves

2 John

Inspired thots:

Again God's word is so powerful and relevant... as it is written in Hebrews 4:12.
Its message comes appropriately in timing and content. Yes, God speaks... to me!

Such a short and simple message by so exacting!
L O V E - love for one another, especially those in the church that no division should be caused in Christ's body.
To love is to obey. To obey is to love. Walk in love. Live with love. A lifestyle.
To love means to forgive; to overlook another's offense at me.
To love means accepting the sister again despite repeated offenses towards me.
To love means being patient and forbearing with another even though our ways differ.
This is not a new commandement.

'Do not lose what you have worked for' v8 but that you will be rewarded fully.
If one is not careful, you can fall into the trap of deception and be ensnared, losing all your possessions. It takes just one seemingly harmless moment to cause the total loss.
One needs to be alert to such deception and traps. 1 Peter 5:8

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