Sunday, November 14, 2010

Submission = Beauty

1 Peter 3:1-7

Inspired thots

The Lord is good! I missed the message yesterday as I was in SS but today God gives me the message personally. He knows all things. Praise Him!

Submission again. Must be a difficult topic for many, as God would know.
Today, it is submission in a marriage - from a wife to her husband.
To God, Submission is beauty. Not the outward adornment to create an illusion of physical beauty but an inward expression of who one really is.

And the beauty that is exhibited from submission is from the inside - an inner beauty that is 'UNFADING which is of Great WORTH in God's sight' v5

Long ago, women have no cosmetics to beautify themselves physically. They are 'WYSIWYG' - what you see is what you get. The only way to make them more attractive to the soul is the soul - the gentle and quiet spirit which men like.

v6 nails it correctly that women do not submit because they fear. They fear mistreatment and so they force themselves to be at the forefront of control. But in God, there is no fear so as a woman, I can submit easily to my husband.

My husband who is godly knows how to treat me in Christ so that his prayers will not be hindered; he has to mind his connectivity with God.

In community living or in a union, there must be only one head though all are part of one another, to allow orderliness.

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