Sunday, October 31, 2010

The End of Something is the Start of Something New

John 21

Inspired thots:

1) From this scenario of the disciples going back to their fishing after Jesus died, it is common to return to the 'old ways' when the faith is not strong or focused. Perhaps they were still mourning. But Jesus is ever so caring to appear to them again so that they do not feel like 'orphans' left behind to face the world alone.
Truly, there is NONE like Jesus who cares for me!

2) Jesus cares for EACH of His own. He knows each person's needs. He knew what Peter had gone through and took him aside to reassure him of his good standing with Himself. Yes, He restores.
After the denial, Peter must have been waiting to see Jesus again hoping to restore or salvage the situation. He is blessed to be able to 'turn back the clock' though not literally. It will never happen (except for king Hezekiah). All things happen to mature a person. There is no need to 'turn back the clock' if we are wise in our ways. Make EVERY moment worth it!

3) v23 We need to be careful in over-reading someone's words which can cause misunderstanding and rumours. The best strategy I learned is to ask God for the real meaning if I am unsure rather than to conjecture. Only He knows all and He knows Best!
When I take things into my own hands, they go awry.

To God be All Glory for taking me through the book of JOHN! (and Matthew)

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