Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Believing through Miracles

Matthew 4:43-5:15

Inspired thots:

Jesus goes to those who are willing to hear and believe;
But many want to SEE before they BELIEVE (v48). Miracles happen to raise our belief and faith in God (v53)

If one takes Jesus' words at it is (v50), it will be done for him/her. How important to READ His words (the bible) so that I can take His word and have it be done for me.

There were SO many infirmed at the pool waiting to be healed by the stirring waters; but Jesus only chose ONE paralysed man to be healed there that day, asking him 'do you want to get well?'
And Jesus could recognise him at the temple later and advised him further. But the healed man feared Man rather than God ~ reporting on Jesus to the Jews.

~> Jesus took the initiatives at both occasions.

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