Saturday, October 9, 2010

The ABUNDANT Promises of Jesus

John 6:30-59

Inspired thots:

Jesus is SO patient with the people, especially the Jews who could not and would not accept Him as the Son of God or the one sent from God or the one who came down from heaven. They were indignant that a MAN whom they know his background could be God.

It is true that being FINITE, man is not able to grasp the heavenly concept, but some things need to be embraced by FAITH. Just like it may be difficult to walk blindfolded, but not impossible if we use our other faculties and instincts as alternatives.

When one OVERLY depends on a faculty, he can be ERRONEOUS.

Jesus repeats the LESSON of truth over and over to help his listeners understand, but they were still refering to the PHYSICAL, to SIGHT for making their decision (v30) instead of through their heart and faith.
Jesus repeated Himself as the BREAD of heaven 11x, that He came down from heaven 6x, inviting all to COME to Him 4x, BELIEVE in Him 3x, LIVES FOREVER 8x, identifies God as His Father 8x.

Jesus' promises:
  1. He gives life to the world (v33)
  2. Those who come to Him will never go hungry (v35)
  3. Those who believe in Him will never be thirsty. (v35)
  4. Those who come to Him, He will never drive away. (v37)
  5. He shall not lose anyone given to Him by God. (v39)
  6. He shall raise up those who believed in Him. (v39)
  7. Those who believe in Him shall have eternal life. (v40)

Praise the Lord!

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