Inspired thots:Matthew 5:5 ~ Beatitude #3
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
a) John 17:14,16 says we are ‘not of the world’; so what in the world do we want of it? I don’t understand Lord. Share your thots with me.
b) Psalm 73:25 says ‘and earth has nothing I desire besides you’. Before that, the verse starts with “Whom have I in heaven but you?”
c) Ohh…I get it now. God is all encompassing…He is in heaven and on earth. When I seek Him (meek), He shall be found of me (there is only ONE thing precious on earth.. that is God, and God alone!).(Jeremiah 29:13,14)
d) And when I have God, I have EVERYTHING! Thank you Lord!
e) Ps 23:1 ~ ‘the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’. When I have Jesus, I have no needs ~ thus, no wants since Jesus supplies all.
Matthew 5:6 ~ Beatitude #4
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
1) When I am hungry or thirsty, I eat or drink to keep my body nourished to maintain my wellness; for as I grow old, I value good health more and more.
- a) Similarly, that’s how I should maintain my spiritual wellness ~ to desire righteousness, like God is, for that was His original plan.
- b) Of course, all parents want the best for their children. God wants us to be like Him. Only sin came in the way.
2) How can I seek or learn righteousness? Only from the Father who is righteous. Just as the saying goes, “Anak rintek, bapa borek”, we can pick up righteousness from our Heavenly Father. God’s word shows us how.
Matthew 5:7 ~ Beatitude #5
Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.
1) compatible to my Life Principle (Matt 7:12) “Do to others what you want others to do to you”; as well as “give and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38)
2) Mercy in every aspect for a life of wellness, just as our Heavenly Father is merciful to me, in every part of my life. If not, I stand condemned. Praise God for Romans 8:1
3) Therefore, let me exercise mercy on people without bias regard of them in any way but rather, look upon others with love (at least God’s love) for “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Pet 4:8). I am learning that it is better for me and others that I exercise love and mercy (or compassion) on others than self-gratification or justification. Thank you Lord!
Matthew 5:8 ~ Beatitude #6
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Awesome Promise… but do I qualify? No small or laughing matter… to see God. One must be holy or be ‘zap’? Who am I to see God, less stand humbled in His presence?
Inspired thots:
1) It is not impossible… to see God. (Luke 1:37) And if God’s word says so, “it is so” (Isa 55:6,7)
2) But You are a holy God; how can sinful I come into Your presence, except through the blood of Jesus? Praise God! With Jesus, there is always a way… when there seems to be no way.
3) So much to unlearn and take off from my heart, spirit and soul. Body can be de-toxed; how about the spirit and heart? Such a challenge.. step by step, here a little, there a little… and I shall get there. Thank you God for a willing heart, to take the first step.
Matthew 5:9 ~ Beatitude #7
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.
Inspired thots
1) ‘Peacemaker’ – one who makes peace. Not quarrelsome nor creates disharmony… hm.. one who does that is called ‘son of God’; Wow! Such an honour, so simple to qualify. God must really be serious about ‘peace’ amongst man.
2) ‘In mathematics terms’, inversely, the son of God is then a peacemaker. How appropriate a reminder during this time when riots are rampant and protests ring at every nation.
3) As a child of God, I must also be a peacemaker. To be a peacemaker, I must want the good of others above self, just like Jesus. Hmmm… ok…lets do it.
- a) Turn the other cheek
- b) Be humble
- c) No need to have the last say/word
- d) Think the good in others, not the bad.
- e) The list can go on, but to be realistic, I will start with the above.
Thank you Lord, the this daily ‘bread’ of revelation~