Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, New Chapter

My New Blog for the New Year 2015 is found in ""

Please visit and share your insights as we honor God through this blog space. All glory to God! Hallelujah!

God bless all who reads the blogs...

Love and Blessings,


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rrrriing.... Wake Up Call

Hosea 10::12; Col 3:1,2

Inspired Revelation

I saw a silver alarm clock this morning with cup ears and asked the Lord what it meant.


We use an alarm clock to wake us up at a specific time set. We need to set our inner man alarm clock up to stir up our spirit. Those who are attuned to God must be set right in the things of God by setting their HEARTS and MINDS on things above as Col 3 mentions.

Those who are not so close to the Lord need to heed their CONSCIENCE which is their spiritual alarm to note where they are right now. Many are at the threshold of their lives without knowing it; their decisions would determine their accountability to God.

Hosea rightly says "it is TIME to SEEK the Lord"; hence, we need to sow righteousness to reap the fruit of unfailing love. Fallow unplowed ground must be loosened now as the Lord seeks to show righteousness on us. How Great is our God!

The calamities on Malaysia this year are a strong indication of what message God is conveying; Repent and Come Back to Him.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Shining Through the Darkness

December 30, 2014

Inspired Revelation

The Lord impressed upon me this morning that the darkness is closing in on Malaysia and the whole earth. But His promise and call is in Isaiah 60:1-3 that we God's people should ARISE and SHINE for His light has come upon us and His glory is with us. This is our Mighty God who overcomes and is victorious in the darkest hour. If we stay focused on Him, we shall not lose hope or be faint-hearted for we shall see the victorious end. What a revelation!

Hence, our attitude and preparations would be very different; we would need to be fully equipped with the whole armor of God to join Him in fighting the spiritual battle of which we are already victors in Christ. Ephesian 6:11-18 comes to mind for our full preparation and be trained to war against the enemy.

On the other hand, we are the hope of the nations. We need to be equipped with:
1) gifts of the Spirit as in 1 Cor 12:7-11 where we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to minister to God's people

2) gifts of ministry as in 1 Peter 4:7-10 where we exercise our gifts to bless those outside the kingdom that they may also come in. (John 10:16)

God's heart is still for His creation to have salvation.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Beginning of the End

Matthew 24:1-14

Inspired Revelation

The Lord showed me 2 pictures early in the morning; I dont know if they were dreams or visions as I was seemingly awake after the mosquitoes had a field day with me.

I saw a policeman carrying a lady and in the distance, big buildings were being bombed; the most obvious one was a brown oblongish building which looked like a shopping mall. It was a city on a flat land but in the far far distance were mountains.

The second picture I had was a mountain trail with donkeys and mules laden and moving away. Children turned and looked my way; it was obvious that they were fleeing as they walked the rocky path. These looked like Cambodians, Nepalese or Tibetans. There were mountains or deserts around. I dont know what type of people they are; dark skinned and simpletons.

These brought me to the Scripture in Matthew that "wars and rumors of wars" will come. 2015 would not be bringing better things as many hoped. The only hope is found in Jesus. Call upon His name and be saved.

Friday, December 26, 2014

True Worshipers for the King of kings

December 27, 2014

Inspired Revelation

John 4:24

I saw a beautiful golden crown with bright red velvet on the head of a king sitting on the throne. This is the image of Jesus our King of kings who is worthy of our worship. Hence, how we must focus on Him alone in everything to enjoy the best in life.

God wants true worshipers who are focused on Him and not self. And truly, the things of life pale in comparison. Nothing is important when our focus in on Him alone. Hallelujah to the King!

But I only saw a pair of large joss sticks burning in the midst of smaller joss sticks. Our land is laden with idolatry and worship to false gods which displease God. How we must intercede to get rid of this idolatrous practice to cleanse the land!

The Blessed Hope of Life

December 26, 2014

Inspired Revelation

Titus 2:11-14

Just a few verses that showcase the wonder of the Son of God. How encompassing the Word of God for man! The grace of God appeared to save man from sin and death. Our blessed hope in Jesus to be redeemed in Him for God. He redeemed us for a purpose - purifying a people for His glory. Hence, how important to live our life right before God as we remember our destiny and purpose in Life.

Truly, what is life without Christ?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Keep Talking, Teaching and Impress!

Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Inspired Revelation

A lot of scripture verses were inspired today on impressing the Word on God's people who are His children. Often we take this scripture passage to refer to children acted upon by parents but it is also true for Christians who are God's children. In these trying times in all urgency, we must keep talking, keep teaching and keep impressing one another to motivate a deeper faith and awareness of Who God is and How He is working today!

2 Peter 3:11 causes us to consider "what sort of persons ought you to be?" since God's judgment is coming. So we need to be ON GUARD (v17) and be VERY careful HOW we live (Eph 5:15). Much evil is looming in the world.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Salvation & Arise to Shine

December 23, 2014

Inspired Revelation

The Lord is always gracious and good; today's revelation is SALVATION for friends, neighbors and relatives who have yet to know the Lord as Savior and Lord. The times are really urgent for the Lord to reveal the ripeness of the harvest...Yes, Lord; send forth your workers into the harvest and reap salvation to Your glory! For the word of the Lord says, "Salvation shall arise from this land". We believe it and claim it for our loved ones and neighbors whom we keep in touch with daily.

Isaiah 55 and 60 also call for His people to arise and shine for HIS LIGHT has come upon them. Lord, help us realize the urgency of times with darkness covering the earth but your light breaks through the darkness. Let us arise to shine for the Lord and bring Him glory through salvation. Hallelujah!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Reaching Their Own Kind

December 22, 2014

Inspired Revelations

The Lord revealed the spreading of the gospel through the OA and spiritual cousins in Malaysia in these last days. He shall "put His laws in their minds and write them on their hearts" according to Hebrews 8:10 just as He did for Israel.

The indigenous people of the land as well as the Bumiputeras will come to know God as the Spirit leads to reveal. These are the days when 'bad' things happen in the name of Islam for their own kind to ponder and seek after the TRUE GOD; and God is faithful. They shall be found of Him (Jer 29:11-13)

Friday, December 19, 2014

ALMIGHTY God Who Blesses His People

Isaiah 40

Inspired Revelation

What an Awesome God we have! Yet many do not submit themselves to this True and Living God who wants to bless. I sense a rising of faith with blessings from this chapter as God reveals His greatness and awesomeness. He is Victorious and Mighty; no one compares to Him in all ways! What a Mighty God we serve.

We are like grass which withers away quickly if not for the grace of God upon our lives. We are constantly reminded to "know", "hear" and "understand" God and His power. It is God who is in control.

We can renew our strength when we are weak by turning to God. Our hope in the Lord gives us strength to carry through the day. Let us throw off all baggage and idols in our hearts and life. Seek God and be Blessed!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

God is All Encompassing

1 John 5:1-15

Inspired Revelation

Today's passage is encompassing; how dynamic the words of life that assure us of God's love and grace through the works of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hallelujah for the cross that frees us from the bondage of sin and shame! We are restored to God through Christ as His children; the Holy Spirit testifies of God's love and works for us and in us with the water and the blood.

And God Himself would hear us as we ask according to His will; such confidence we have in God who loves His own. Hallelujah! These words empower us to live rightly for our Lord each day!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rejoice & Give Thanks

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Philippians 4:6-8

Inspired Revelation

The Lord impressed upon me today to "give thanks always".  We do not THANK GOD enough for WHO He is; we are always 'asking', petitioning and interceding but GIVING THANKS and REJOICING in the Lord is KEY to a Victorious Christian Life.

Life can upset us at times with poor health, needs and challenges but our status in Christ Jesus always puts us in good stead to rejoice and give thanks over ALL circumstances. The Victory is ours because of the Lord! Hence, rejoice and praise God; thank Him for all He is; be grateful over everything for the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Godly Leadership Across Board

1 Timothy 2:1,2; 2 Timothy 3

Inspired Revelations

The Lord impressed upon me early this morning after being awakened by the pesky mosquito, that there is a strong need to uphold leaders in prayer.

1 Timothy 2:1,2 states that "supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way."

It is the leaders who offer others covering from danger, spiritual attacks and harm. They are at the forefront of the battle line.

From the HOME, to the CHURCH to the NATION, godly leaders must be raised up and upheld in loving prayer.

Without godly leaders at Home, the family unit is in shambles; everyone has their own schedule without a godly purpose and unity that keeps the family together in God. Family members become tenants with their own lifestyles which soon bypass God.

Without godly leaders at Church, the sheep have no shepherd to run to for covering, provisions and protection. The sheep can be very lost and confused from the ungodly bombardments of the world with no solid godly guidelines or foundation in God.

Without godly leaders in the Nation, our nation is doomed; politicians are corrupt and care only about their own fame and fortune while the land is adulterated and stripped bare of natural resources and riches. Godly national leaders are needed to keep the land safe and plentiful for the people to live peaceable lives.

Lets always pray for godly leaders across the Board because evil days are here where lawless people roam and thrive without a hoot for God. This would bring about God's judgment.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Urgent IN and OUT of Season

December 16, 2014

The Unfolding of World events should cause each of us especially God's people to understand the signs of the times. Terrorist attacks and prevalent illnesses...The Bible has mentioned these time and again for us to take heed of the coming of Christ.

How urgent for all to note the impending Judgment that we should call upon the Name of the Lord NOW! 2 Timothy 4:2 calls us to "preach the Word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and teaching" for Christ is coming soon for His bride.

This is THE LAST chance to make ready for the Heavenly Groom.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Salvation for ALL

Salvation Belongs to Our God

Inspired thots

The vision of Hollywood celebrities seeking self-satisfaction through worldly offerings with many 'wanna-be's to emulate these celebrities. Hence, it is not surprising to note the increasing popularity of talent shows and singing competitions that are to springboard one to stardom.

But do these really stop to ponder the TRUE meaning of life and satisfaction? Is money really able to buy true joy and self-fulfillment? News abound about celebrities who face depression and suicide. Only Jesus holds the key to set them free... Salvation through the precious blood of the Lamb!

Praying that people across the globe would reconsider their life's purpose and at this Christmas season, it points all to Jesus.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Recovered Through Covering

Dec 11, 2014

What a week! Down with another bout of flu but praise God that it is the Body of Christ that covers me to bring on the healing. Praise God that I was prayed for by my 'comrade' sisters yesterday morning and the blocked nose and fever left me immediately.

Later at night, they prayed again and I could feel strength coming back into my weakened body. Hallelujah! Praise God my test results were ok, in general. My cholesterol level has returned to normal! Hallelujah! My left knee does not hurt anymore when I bend due to bowing in prayer, I think; praising God and dancing before Him is excellent for health! Hallelujah!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Wedding Clothes - Prepared As Christ's Bride

Tuesday, Dec 9, 2014

Inspired thots

I was awoken early this morning and the words "Wedding Clothes" kept coming to mind; so, without falling back to sleep again, I asked the Lord for the meaning of the revealed words. When we attend wedding dinners, we normally put on our best... to impress? sometimes even better than our Sunday best.

At Morning Watch Prayer, the Lord brought me to Matthew 22:1-14 "The Parable of the Wedding Banquet". The primary emphasis was in verse 11 where a man was ushered into the banquet but did not wear WEDDING CLOTHES. When questioned by the king (host), he was speechless. Thus, the king threw him out of the celebration.

We are the Bride of Christ; we must be prepared as His spotless and unblemished bride now before His coming again. We cannot be found without our wedding clothes; we have no excuse because we should already know. Little time is left for us to prepare as Christ's bride; we are invited by God into the feast...His kingdom... but would we deserve a seat?

v14 "For many are invited but few are chosen."

Till the End of the Year...

Upcoming Devotions

Inspired thots

As the year ends, these inspired thots would be what the Lord speaks personally to me as I face each day before I commence reading through the bible from Genesis again on January 1st 2015. If you have been reading my blog, thank you for your faithfulness. I would be happy to know who you are with an email dropped at

I have other blogs at my dashboards such as:
God @ work
Prophesy! Prophesy! Prophesy!
Daily SOAP

For today, I had been quite unwell for the past week; with a scare in Denggi as PJ is a high alert district on Denggi. This morning's watch brought to my remembrance JAMES 1:2-12

This physical sickness is a spiritual attack which is affecting many of the intercessors this week. A lot of us are coughing although we are trying to persevere as the scripture passage encourages. We cast out the spirit of infirmity and ask for God's grace and mercy to cover us as we continue to draw close to Him.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hallelujah! Jesus is Coming SOON!

Revelations 22

Inspired thots

Everything is good... what a glorious finish! The river of the water of life flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb with the tree of life and its 12 fruits. God is always caring for His people; they are His glory.

The message "Worship God" resounds; stop idolatry; continue in righteousness and holiness as we await the coming of the Lord. Hallelujah! Maranatha!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New Lease of Life?

Revelations 21

Inspired thots

Wow! The things of God are so awesome; a grand finale that is so fitting for our Victor God! What a glorious moment that would be when Satan is defeated and out of the way FOREVER; and the people of God just bask in His glory.

A new heaven and new earth; unfathomable! God is God... must see to fully comprehend and be soaked into it. Prepare us, Lord, your bride even Israel as You prepare everything for them. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Satan is Vanquished!

Revelations 20

Inspired thots

Hallelujah! The end is at hand with the final defeat of Satan, our enemy. Such a long process that would certainly requires great endurance in faith and hope. How glorious it would be for those who are able to see that day of victory! Others can only hope and see from heaven if they are taken up before then.

But God's will is best for each of His children; we only have to trust in Him for the best. Though we may not SEE that day of victory, BUT we KNOW it WILL happen. God said it; He revealed it; it shall be done! Amen.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The End is Nigh

Revelations 19

Inspired thots

The Grand revealing of Jesus Christ in great splendor is to be awesome! His appearance will defeat the enemy easily as He is the Victor! The end is near. The end is here. All His saints, small and great, will praise and honor Him. How awesome would that moment be. Are we ready?

Are we prepared as His Bride? for the Word says, "and his Bride has made herself ready"...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Haughtiness Brings Consequences

Revelations 18

Inspired thots

Careful thought must be given to what we do and say today for eternity consequences. Many may want to 'eat, drink and be merry' today but this brings on dire outcomes ... the wrath of God; for these people do not honor God as they seek to satisfy self.

Ungodly alliances can rub off bad nuances; it is the wise who choose to sever ties with the unrighteous to save themselves. Destruction can come quickly and raze up everything in an hour... waste on all wealth and reputation. Pride before a fall!

Only the heavens rejoice!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Call Upon the Name of the Lord

Revelations 17

Inspired thots

Wow! A whole lot of stuff is going to happen in the heavenlies... it would be mind-boggling and disturbing to the soul unless one is secured in Christ.Truly, with Christ in us (vessel), we can smile at the 'storm'.

It's impossible to understand the length and breadth of this revelation but an urgency rises within... kingdoms will rise and fall; chaos is at hand. What shall the people do?

The word of the Lord came clearly... "Call on the NAME of the Lord and be saved..." This is not referring to basic salvation but total protection from future events which might be frightful.. but our Lord is the Conqueror. He has overcome the enemy! Hallelujah! All is well!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Opportunity to Repent in Adversity

Revelations 16

Inspired thots

Even as the bowls of plagues were poured out, there is still opportunity upon opportunity to repent; but the people didn't. How sad!

They still did not acknowledge God; did not before and will not now even in times of adversity. So they are judged in the wrath of God; for they cursed God in every calamity fallen on them. They failed to see their own pitiful condition or the glory of God possible for themselves.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Rejoice in the Heaven

Revelations 15

Inspired thots

While plagues rule the earth, the heavens are rejoicing with the victory of God in sight! What a glorious sight! How privileged are those participating in heavens! May each child of God be ready to embrace such beauty and awesomeness... the time is NOW for our bridal preparation for the Lord!

Let the plagues scourge the earth of its wickedness. The people of God shall rejoice!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Angelic Warnings

Revelations 14

Inspired thots

The time of God's judgment is nigh.... angelic hosts are sounding the warnings. Are we heeding?
The Lord has prepared His own; it would be a glorious moment for Him. But what about us? Do we rejoice in Him or we tremble with trepidation?

The ONLY way of escape is to "fear God and give Him glory" as we endure God's commandments till the end. The hour to REAP is coming.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Frightening Events to Come

Revelations 13

Inspired thots

It is the enemy's time to conquer and wage war against the saints. Its beasts are unleashed to coerce people into worshiping him and not God. It is indeed, 'all hell loosed'; but everything which happens is permitted by God.

Satan may create a lot of havoc and confusion to intimidate but faith must persevere. Yes, God's people must be ready for martyrdom; if we are to be taken captive, to captivity we go; if we are to be slain by the sword, we would be slain. All glory to God! for our HOPE is in HIM who conquers the enemy. Only by God's wisdom would we recognize the TRUE from the False.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Start of the Great Heavenly War

Revelations 12

Inspired thots

This would be far more intense than any video or computer game ever produced; for it is REAL and NOT VIRTUAL. There would be an EVERLASTING IMPACT but the Lord seems to have kept its sequence and timing hidden from our understanding. Perhaps that would be best for our weak hearts and faith. Ignorance can be bliss, at times.

However, things to be will come; the heavens would be waging war against the enemy, the Devil. Victory is the Lord's!! Hallelujah! Amen! With that thought in focus, we must persevere and be patient to await that glorious day. It does not matter that we do not know in full; it shall be revealed in due time.

But the devil is not embracing defeat with grace; he is not letting go without a fight; without a final tryst. If only Christians utilize this aspect in their lives and faith; how much stronger we would be for the Lord?

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Purpose of God Unveiled

Revelations 11

Inspired thots

God has it ALL planned out... from beginning to the end; from start to finish. It is the grand finale coming. How awesome would things be as events unfold! But do we heed it NOW? for there may not be time to Repent then. Truly, Jesus's words, "He who has ears, let him hear."

The judgment of God starts with His people as His measuring stick measures from within; but that is ALSO where His protection is. How important for us to GET INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES and not worship God from the outer courts. Let us heed what He is saying to us for our benefits.

We must watch out for these signs that God has given us... who would be the two witnesses? For 3 1/2 years, they shall prophesy with great power. Then they shall be killed. And then, after 3 1/2 DAYS, they shall become alive and taken up to heaven seen by all. How awesome is our God who can do ALL things! EVERYTHING IS IN HIS PLAN.

THE 7th SEAL :- the GLORY of GOD revealed... Awesome...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Mystery - Climax

Revelations 10

Inspired thots

An interlude... intermission... pause... a great excitement but sealed. Why did God not let it be known what the 7 thunders sounded?

Whatever it is, it shall be revealed in due time...that there should be no more delay; that is the promise of God; we must be patient ... God chooses whom He will reveal His things to and it shall happen in His right timing.

The Lord will use His servants to prophesy to His people about things to happen. Lets stay alert and move with God.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Opening the Seals

Revelations 8-9

Inspired thots

7 is an important number to God. The 7th seal was opened to unleash destruction and death upon the earth.

1st trumpet: hail & fire mixed with blood on the earth .. killing 1/3 greens; extreme weather; nature gets judgment first

2nd trumpet: great mountain burning with fire thrown into the sea... killing 1/3 of marine life and ships; 

3rd trumpet: falling star ... comet Wormwood; falling into the water and many men died from poisoned water that is bitter

4th trumpet: 1/3 of the heavenlies was struck with darkness

5th trumpet: Lucifer is allowed to open the bottomless pit to render havoc to mankind without the seal of God on their foreheads. This is a great woe on man without God

6th trumpet: the release of 4 angels at River Euphrates to destroy 1/3 of mankind through fire, sulphur and smoke.

But how sad that the remnant still did not repent; the hardcore.... Lord have mercy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Gathering of the Saints

Revelations 7

Inspired thots

The day shall come when the saints are gathered before the Lord in heaven. They shall receive a new white robe of righteousness and worshiping the Lord with joy. What a heavenly sight!

The end is near. There is an urgency with the speeding up of the days... as if reaching the 'destination' just like when one is on the road. There is little time left for us here on earth to prepare ourselves to present before the Lord as righteous; much less repent and draw close to Him. Have mercy, Lord Jesus.

Israel shall be there... but only 144000; 12000 from each tribe. Have mercy, Lord on your chosen people.

Monday, November 17, 2014

No Fear With God's Judgment

Revelations 6

Inspired thots

How terrible for those who do not know or acknowledge God the Creator and Judge until the last day - Judgment Day! It would be too late to cry out for His mercy. As the bible says, they could only call the mountains to fall on them instead of having to face the wrath of God.

1st seal - white horse; rider with bow; crown; conqueror

2nd seal - bright red horse; great sword; take away peace on earth - unrest on earth among men

3rd seal - black horse; balance; rising cost of living; oil and wine spared - God's mercy; not full judgment

4th seal - pale horse; Death; Hades; power over 1/4 of earth; kill with sword; famine; pestilence; wild beasts

5th seal - martyrs under the altar; white robe given - acknowledged as righteous

6th seal - great earthquake; black sun; stars falling; sky vanishing; mountains and islands removed; people hiding

While there is time NOW, let us seek God's face for mercy and grace in total repentance than be filled with fear on Judgment Day.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

P&W in Heaven

Revelations 5

Inspired thots

What a majestic scene in heaven! The thundering worship that would exceed anything ever on earth where 'myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands' worship Jesus. Hallelujah! What a glorious moment to indulge in by the saints.

We should really start singing NEW worship songs as recorded in Revelations... Jesus is worthy to receive all praises!!
Lord, grant us new tunes for the songs recorded so that we would be familiar with the songs when we gather to praise You in heaven!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Glimpse of Glory

Revelations 4

Inspired thots

What an inspiring moment to enter into heavenly worship!... or rather worship in heaven. A wonderful glimpse of what is to be when God's people are gathered unto Him. Something extraordinary to look forward to... certainly with awe and wonder!

Still many details are missing... what are the four living creatures? how are their 'many' eyes? how is it that they are singing and worshiping God unceasingly and the elders participate gladly? How awesome is the scene.

What delights my heart is that my sister Sharon is there participating in this great and awesome indulgence... Hallelujah to the Lamb!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Heed When the Lord Reveals

Revelations 3:14-22

Inspired thots

Jesus knows everything about everyone. The wise is really foolish who depends on self and not God.

Jesus revealed the condition of the church in Laodicea.

> When we claim we know God but not do what He wants of us... 

> when we go on in life without enthroning Christ... 

> when we remain status quo to feed self and not focused on what God wants.. 

> when we do love Christ but not enough to stir up our spirit to His will

> when we have 'parked' Christ and only to call Him in times of need

The Lord is gracious and compassionate but He will not always be waiting...

Time is nigh to be found in the presence of God as it shall be when judgment is passed.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Revelations

Revelations 3:7-13

Inspired thots

Wow! I am seeing a new perspective of Revelations on the messages to the 7 churches.

1) Who Jesus is to each church

2) How Jesus views each church

3) Promise of Blessing

Jesus is the HOLY One who is true; He holds the key of David to open doors that no one can shut; and who shuts and no one opens. How majestic is our Lord!
What is this key of David? ... the key of faith?  David was faithful to the Lord regardless of circumstances just like the church of Philadelphia which did not deny Jesus.(2 Tim. 2:11-13)

Be patient with the Lord as He works through us to keep that door of Faith opened. Hold fast to Him for the crown He is giving. Jesus makes the faithful His pillar in God's pillar with His new name written on it. Awesome!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Alive But Dead

Revelations 3:1-6

Inspired thots

A church can be alive yet dead; how necessary to watch over our souls to prevent that from happening to us. We can be alive and doing a lot of things but to Jesus, we are dead! How sad... this is caused by our straying away.

We have heard of the gospel; experienced God's love; responded to His call to salvation; then our love grows cold... we are distracted by the things of the world. We lived.. then we died. Only way out is to remember our response to Christ and repent.

God, remind us always of our first love; of how we have tasted Your goodness that we shall not fall away from You.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Always A Blessing From Jesus

Revelations 2:18-29

Inspired thots

The church of Thyatira is split as some tolerate Jezebel who beguiles others to stray away from Christ through subtle means while others who are steadfast in Christ are promised a blessing from the Lord. God is good; He always blesses even when He chides and disciplines. What a loving Father and Lord who wants only the best for those whom He loves!

How important to seek God's heart and walk wholly in HIS ways which are the best for us who believe in Him. These are the words of God before Jesus comes again. Will we heed and build our lives rightly before Him while there is still time? Lets do it.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Repent From Compromise

Revelations 2:12-17

Inspired thots

The church in Pergamum was situated right smack in enemy territory! It is able to hold fast the name of Jesus with a strong faith; nevertheless, it is not easy to remain strong or faithful when the surroundings permeate with evil. 

It is not surprising then to note compromise on the Word of God and the ways of God. Teachings deviate slowly and sometimes unaware of the enemy's subtle infiltration... immorality and eating foods sacrificed to idols.

God's solution: Repent and be restored to God.. and enjoy His hidden manna. How great is our God who does not stop there... a white stone with a new name; being special to God through restoration and transformation.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Suffering Church

Revelations 2:8-11

Inspired thots

The church of Smyrna wins the favor of Christ as she represents the poor and forgotten church. However, this church is rich in Christ; they have set their hearts and minds on the things of God and did not mind earthly poverty.

God will further refine her in tribulation and persecution to be His glory. How unfathomable by the world. But God is GOOD; tribulation, though may come, would be short. It is to test the faith of the saints. "He who conquers shall not be hurt by the second death."

Stay focused on God even in suffering...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Great Importance of FIRST LOVE

Revelations 2:1-7

Inspired thots

The church of Ephesus:

Remembering our FIRST LOVE for Christ is MOST important; it was our call to salvation. It was our motivation to adore and obey God. We can do everything right but forget the root of motivation: our FIRST LOVE to God. 

First love always leaves a deep impression; a strong mark that reminds us of the WHAT, WHO, WHY, HOW and WHEN. It guides us through life on an upward faith journey and keeps us humble to be focused on our center of attention: Jesus Christ.

It is easy to go on our own ways with our own wisdom when we forget our root of salvation.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Inspired Revelation

Revelations 1

Inspired thots

Wow! A bit of trepidation arose on approaching this book - the last in the Bible but most powerful and awesome in contents only with divine revelation for understanding. May the Lord inspired understanding and prompt obedience through the reading of His Word for what is to come.

God is good! He does not leave us alone; He provides helps and knowledge to share His heart's contents. Let us be alert to hear what He says about the various churches.

Which category does each of us fall into? Better for us to be convicted and repent before our Lord returns. Are our hearts prepared for Jesus to come again? Will He find FAITH when He comes? (Luke 18:8) 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Salvation to Contention to Contentment


Inspired thots

A short letter but full of revelations and caution to reminder on the things of God. It is easy to receive salvation and later forget about the True purpose of salvation and life. Hence, it is not surprising that many who are saved 'go back to the vomit'. How sad!

It is crucial and necessary for those who have tasted salvation to contend for their faith so that they would not lose heart or be led astray by the things of the world which may come camouflaged to deceive even the elect.

Only when we stand firm in our faith would we enjoy True contentment in Christ and receive His rewards for us.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Skewed Focus

3 John 

Inspired thots

How sad that as the church grows, certain people would rise up and take authority on their own while dispelling others' authority. God's people should be united and grow together instead of exercising bias and prejudice against one another. Submission to authority, especially God's appointed, is critical.

There may need to be a changing of mindset and heart priorities to be continually right with God; for we now know in part until God gives new or full revelation. Humility is vital to the unity of God's body.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Continue in Love (God's Command)

2 John

Inspired thots

How powerful is Love to move all things! And love is stemmed from God who inspires and guides. When God's people act in love, they overcome deception and danger in the physical and spiritual. They are able to discern the will of God and spiritual issues disguised in earthly forms.

Pure love in God unveils to reveal for the believers to be careful in the way they live their lives. They would be sensitive to things happening in their lives and persevere in order not to lose their heavenly reward.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Faith From Start To Finish

1 John 5

Inspired thots

Our Faith in God is our source of strength and victory. It helps us love others and overcome the world. It is the KEY to our salvation and belief in God; without which we are condemned for eternity.

We must KNOW WHOM we believe and trust; that strengthens our faith and helps us to live a godly life as God desires. Through Faith, we have the victory.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

God's L O V E

1 John 4

Inspired thots

Christians need reminding again and again about their status in Christ that HE who is in us is Greater than he that is in the world. Once we establish our position in Christ, we move on with life in victory; exercising LOVE for that is the greatest warfare weapon God has given us.

Hence, we need to love one another as God loves us for God is love. His Love is perfected in us to give us confidence to live this life and for judgment; we stand righteous and not afraid. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just As HE IS

1 John 3

Inspired thots 

In the family of God, we are because He is. How wonderful God works in the lives of His people that He knows ALL things. We can become as He is because we belong to Him. God is good; He will reveal Himself to us to enable us to change from glory to glory.

And LOVE is the key; love for Jesus; love for the brethren for God is our Creator. When we honor each other with love, God is pleased for He loves and He wants His children to love one another.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Our Position in the World

1 John 2

Inspired thots

Jesus has died for our sins to reconcile us to God. Hence, it is necessary to live our life in Christ; in His ways. There would be oppositions in the world to cause us to walk differently but steadfastness is necessary.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Word IS Life

1 John 1

Inspired thots

Indeed Jesus is the Living Word of God for in Him is Life; abundant life; eternal life; everlasting life. Wow! And HIS Life IN us who believe draws us to Him in fellowship; it draws us to fellowship in unity with one another as His body on earth as He prepares us for heaven.

As we walk in Jesus' light, we fellowship in purity with cleansing from sin. It is imperative to be cleansed from sin with our confession so that we would not subject to sin.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Wait With Wisdom

2 Peter 3

Inspired thots

The day of the Lord shall come. God's people needs to be patient while waiting. God shall fulfill His words before the coming of Jesus while mockers and scoffers remain defiant and ignorant about the truth.

It shall not be so with us for we have God's words and we SHOULD believe with faith. Be patient and wait with godly wisdom; making use of the time to present ourselves spotless and without blemish for the Bridegroom. There is a reason for every season.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Be Prepared for the Judgment

2 Peter 2

Inspired thots

The judgment of God is coming. It is crucial for Christians to be aware of the times and note the signs to be prepared for the Lord. There will be subtle deception which would not be identified if we are not alert. The Word of God has mentioned it; are we awake and aware of it?

Unrighteousness shall abound; what shall be our stand? Will He find faith when He comes? (Luke 18:8) We must always stay alert to the world's happenings and be constantly reminded of God's Word that is true so that we are not caught unaware when He comes. Parable of the 10 virgins. (Matthew 25:1-13)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Partakers of the Divine Nature

2 Peter 1

Inspired thots

Peter knew that God was calling him home soon and he did his best to encourage the church before his departure. It is important for believers to understand the purpose of their lives on earth and to live it well for God's glory.

There is so much to change within to be transformed into God's image; from FAITH to Virtue, Knowledge, Self-control, Steadfastness, Godliness, Brotherly Affection and LOVE. 

It's gonna be a long 'journey' for Christians to move from FAITH to LOVE. But if we can take these on, we would not become ineffective or unfruitful for the Lord. More zeal, Lord!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Continue On In Life With God To Eternity

1 Peter 5

Inspired thots

We must not lose heart in life as we await the glorious day of God where we stand beside Him in heaven. We are exhorted to carry on with what we are assigned by God to do on earth until He comes even if there is suffering but it would be for a little while (like Sharon).

How comforting to note that God Himself would call His own through restoration with establishment and giving of strength when we enter His eternal glory. Let us not grow weary but take heart on God's words which are true.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Forget the Past; Live in God

1 Peter 4

Inspired thots

A transformed life in Christ shows with changes and godly fruits that would impact non-believers. All things are done to the glory of God; our works; our lifestyle; testings that come to prove our faith.

We can still rejoice in our sufferings because we have hope in God.God is faithful. He knows all things and He appoints every event in our lives. So, if we have to suffer in the body (like my sister did), it is to His glory.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blessing Others Through Christ-centered Living

1 Peter 3

Inspired thots

Once saved, our life journey continues on a different path from the world's. A godly lifestyle requires a Christ-centered living pattern that blesses others regardless the circumstances or how badly others treat you. It may  be difficult and challenging but that is Christ's way of winning others to him.

It is never a 'self' but 'others first' attitude that Christians need to adopt to the glory of God. Every role we play we need to be Christ-focused to be Christ-centered.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Following in Jesus' Footsteps

1 Peter 2

Inspired thots

What a seemingly big task for Christians! A totally transformed life before God and man. Such radical changes are expected of us... for the glory of God! Indeed our ways and thoughts are not like God's.

We are not to exalt self but God; even when we have to take on a lowly form which would definitely boggle minds...what? not for self exaltation? Yea, not for self but for God's glory. A true transformation comes when man is impacted by the genuine love of God without conditions. But how many of us can live up to that standard; it may truly take a lifetime.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blessings for the Redeemed

1 Peter 1

Inspired thots

What immeasurable riches God has installed for those who believe in Him and His Only Son who died and rose for them! When our hearts faint from the trials of life, God's word perks our spirits up with numerous promises that are to refresh us. The focus is on the future when eternity comes into play. Hence, how important to stand firm regardless of circumstances under God's promises and grace.

Though we go through trials in life, God has not forsaken us. How crucial to be reminded of God's eternal purposes that keep us on the right track and not lose heart. He who is faithful will do what He has promised. Blessings abound for the redeemed in the Lord.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Prepare to Meet the Judge

James 5

Inspired thots

Indeed, these are the end times when the Righteous Judge shall be coming back soon. There is little time left in preparing ourselves as His bride. Unrighteousness must be disrobed now to put on HIS righteousness as a spotless bride for the King of kings.

And after our preparations, to be patient until the King comes. Do not get sidetracked by worldly issues along the way which would be likened to being smeared by mud and be dirty again. There may not be any more time to wash up again. Just like the parable of the 10 virgins.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Holy Living Through Humility & Submission to God

James 4

Inspired thots

Once we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, there is only one style of living. It is a godly lifestyle in Christ. Worldly character is disrobed to put on the new righteous character through humility and submission to God. Otherwise, we would not be transformed into His image more and more each day.

The coming of our Lord is near; will He find us ready as a spotless bride for His glory? Whom will He invite into His great feast? Whom will He shut out?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Walking the Talk

James 3

Inspired thots

As we share Christ with others through words, let us also couple with appropriate works of testimonies to support what we say. This type of consistency brings a stronger impact on hearers and observers.

The life of Christ in us transforms us in every aspect to refine our character, personality and total being to the glory of God. How important to have every part of a Christian in proper alignment that makes a powerful testimony to praise God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Faith Exhibited Through Works

James 2

Inspired thots

A true revelation of Faith is its Works; true faith prompts loving works to show the greatness of God. No partiality towards one another is part of the Works to be done from Faith. That is being kind to others. Works through Faith come in view of what is to come... judgment. 

Even though we are set free by the blood of Christ, we are to keep God's laws as commanded so that we are a reflection of His glory and virtues. Mercy triumphs over judgment. Faith is completed by Works. Our faith is an Active faith which reflects Jesus to His glory through actions to others.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Building UP

James 1

Inspired thots

What an irony to consider it PURE Joy when we face all kinds of trials; the loss of a loved one? How can it be joy? much more PURE joy... only in Christ can this happen because we seek HIS JOY; and the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh 8:10)

The testing of our faith builds perseverance;it must mature to be complete and not lack anything. Only God can give heavenly revelations to keep us focused and faith intact; only God... and God does not leave us alone in trials. He is constantly at our side. Look UP and He shall be found; and His glory shall overwhelm that all trials are insignificant.

As my dear sister Sharon said in her own eulogy,"enjoy the journey... forget about the destination" when you are on the right path. God bless her!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jesus Deserves ALL Glory

Hebrews 13

Inspired thots

Remembering what our Lord Jesus has done for us should motivate us to live a life worthy of His calling at all times! How great is our Lord with all His promises in this chapter;

> He will never fail nor forsake His own

> The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid; what can man do to me?

> Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hence, our earthly goal is to continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God through the fruit of our lips. How powerful is praise to God from His people! It breaks down walls and chains to set His people free.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Discipline Now For Later Victory

Hebrews 12

Inspired thots

Christ is our example on suffering for now to be glorified for later. The Son of God who has undergone it all is able to empower His people to do the same. Now is the time for the 'shaking'; the removal of all that is temporal so that what remains is eternal. 

It is the Lord's shaking of the unnecessary burdens that we put on ourselves. How wonderful to be lighter and rejoice in the Lord!

This is what God calls us for... to be free and light to praise Him in Zion over His kingdom that cannot be shaken. Hallelujah! Victory is certain for those in Christ Jesus!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Faith - Obedience Underpinning

Hebrews 11

Inspired thots

How inspirational with the great godly men of faith who accomplished great feats! But I wondered if they really knew what befell them. Indeed, faith is required to step into the unknown; it requires obedience to establish the faith.

Faith without works is dead; this applies to obedience too...  and this requires a close intimacy with Almighty God.

You must know WHOM you believe...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Developing Patience For The End

Hebrews 10

Inspired thots

Many Christians can get tired of waiting for the Lord's coming again with a weak flesh. Only God can help us to be patient towards our goal and destiny.  Only God can sustain us to the end...

How important to be focused on God that we do not miss the signs along the way pointing to the Right path. Open our eyes, Lord and help us ponder over the things happening and the things to come.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Christ, Once & For All

Hebrews 9

Inspired thots

Indeed God reveals His mysteries to His own; the old covenant is a shadow of the new which is the heavenly version. It is important for God's people to realize the changes God makes in our lives through time; and join Him at that moment so that we do not bypass the kairos moment.

We need to remember that Christ has done it all for us on the cross and we have confidence in Him in all things. No need for any other sacrifice or works; just moving on with Christ.

Monday, October 6, 2014

A New Covenant

Hebrews 8

Inspired thots

God's beloved people are so privileged; all He does and plan are for them. How wonderful to be loved so deeply by God! He plans a better covenant to bless His people.

He is always new with better ways to bless His own; this is how much He loves them. What a great and personal God!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Jesus, Our High Priest

Hebrews 7

Inspired thots

It's all about Christ! The supremacy of Christ is unveiled in His priesthood. He is the holy, righteous and perfect priest for God and man. Through Him is life and forgiveness of sins. With Him, we are seated in heavenly places in righteous robes.

Just as Abraham did, we too can offer tithes to Jesus. We can offer ourselves to Him just as He offered Himself on the cross for us.He is indeed the surety of a better covenant. (v22)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Holding Fast the Word

Hebrews 6

Inspired thots

To grow in faith in God, we need to read His word and understand. As we are enlightened, our faith is strengthened and we move on with the Lord to become more useful and pleasing to Him. As children of light, we become partakers with the Holy Spirit in the work and will of God. Hence, bearing good fruit after salvation is what God desires of us.

We must be patient to inherit and claim God's promises for us to change from glory to glory. And our Lord Jesus is there guiding and protecting all the way.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Time For Spiritual Maturity

Hebrews 5

Inspired thots

Deep spiritual things would not be understood if there is no spiritual maturity. Many are still feeding on 'milk' instead of 'solid food'. It is easy to be content with 'milk' as it contains all the necessary nutrients for growth but that growth is only effective from infant to adolescence. Growth is stunted without 'solid food'; the same with Christians.

We need to move on from elementary truths or the first principles of God's word. We need to desire for 'solid food' to mature in Christ and teach others the same. Then we can practice and distinguish good from evil.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

God's Rest by FAITH

Hebrews 4

Inspired thots

As read from last chapter, UNBELIEF robs us of God's blessings. The opposite holds; Faith in God is believing in God... His word and blessings. God's rest is part of His bountiful blessings. The cares and worries of the world can cause a lot of stress and dissatisfaction but Isa. 40:31 proclaims, "They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings like eagles."

And we have Jesus, our great high priest who empathizes and supplies all our needs. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Unbelief Robs

Hebrews 3

Inspired thots

When unbelief is harbored in our hearts, it robs us of God's blessings and treasures. We bypass the wonders God has prepared for us; one of which is Jesus - God's only Son who loved us so much to die on the cross for us. How awesome is that!

The Holy Spirit is given to us as well to walk in the ways of God as we hear His calling; let us not harden our hearts towards His voice for there is no better voice than His.

What peace and joy we forfeit when we choose to go our own ways...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fear Grips Life But the SON Empowers

Hebrews 2

Inspired thots

Many people are gripped by fear to waste their lives on earth instead of enjoying it to the fullest in God. When a life is yielded to God, blessings flow to wash away the fear of death and judgment. How awesome is Jesus who perfected everything to our good!

We miss out a lot when we turn not our eyes on Jesus but self and the tempest outside. Jesus is our great high priest. Our lives are in Him. Fear not, little children of God!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Glory to the Son

Hebrews 1 

Inspired thots

How wonderful to be living in the New Testament times where the Son of God is revealed! He speaks directly to His own instead of through prophets. This shows an intimate relationship that is desired by Jesus with His people.

It is all about Jesus; the whole gospel is about Jesus; out of which salvation is established. Jesus reflects the glory of God with the nature of God upon Him. He has God's approval and authority.

Angels are only ministering angels sent forth to serve the saints. Hallelujah! God has all things in place to His glory.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Restoration Through Acceptance


Inspired thots

Keeping in touch through letters is an excellent faith builder when loved ones are far apart. Much can be said to encourage one another as well as express the deepest desires and feelings that would connect soul and spirit and heart.

This is the case with the appeal for one brother who was lowly in others' sight but is asked to be restored as part of the group or family of God through acceptance. A proven changed of life that blesses others in need qualifies the Christian brother into God's fold and love for God's love is always faithful and steadfast.

What a wonderful God we have who restores and accepts us flaws and all! How much more we ought to do the same for every brother or sister in Christ.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Word of Exhortation

Titus 2 & 3

Inspired thots

There is something for every Christian in the past or present. The Christian life is to be upheld in all totality for all regardless of status and gender. Each Christian is called to walk worthy of his/her calling to be a glory to God.

From older men and women to families and slaves or authorities, the Christian is exhorted to live out their faith in public to the glory of God. Only the grace of God can empower us to do so.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rising Up ABOVE Circumstances

Titus 1

Inspired thots

The world does not offer a bed of roses; there would be challenging circumstances that would try our faith in God. The body of Christ is asked to take heed of these challenges as we work to firm up our faith.

If we are not sure of our Godly identity through the Word of God and the Spirit, how can we prevail against the world's accusations and lies? A proper attitude would sow the right actions to glorify God.