Monday, December 8, 2014

Till the End of the Year...

Upcoming Devotions

Inspired thots

As the year ends, these inspired thots would be what the Lord speaks personally to me as I face each day before I commence reading through the bible from Genesis again on January 1st 2015. If you have been reading my blog, thank you for your faithfulness. I would be happy to know who you are with an email dropped at

I have other blogs at my dashboards such as:
God @ work
Prophesy! Prophesy! Prophesy!
Daily SOAP

For today, I had been quite unwell for the past week; with a scare in Denggi as PJ is a high alert district on Denggi. This morning's watch brought to my remembrance JAMES 1:2-12

This physical sickness is a spiritual attack which is affecting many of the intercessors this week. A lot of us are coughing although we are trying to persevere as the scripture passage encourages. We cast out the spirit of infirmity and ask for God's grace and mercy to cover us as we continue to draw close to Him.

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