Monday, November 17, 2014

No Fear With God's Judgment

Revelations 6

Inspired thots

How terrible for those who do not know or acknowledge God the Creator and Judge until the last day - Judgment Day! It would be too late to cry out for His mercy. As the bible says, they could only call the mountains to fall on them instead of having to face the wrath of God.

1st seal - white horse; rider with bow; crown; conqueror

2nd seal - bright red horse; great sword; take away peace on earth - unrest on earth among men

3rd seal - black horse; balance; rising cost of living; oil and wine spared - God's mercy; not full judgment

4th seal - pale horse; Death; Hades; power over 1/4 of earth; kill with sword; famine; pestilence; wild beasts

5th seal - martyrs under the altar; white robe given - acknowledged as righteous

6th seal - great earthquake; black sun; stars falling; sky vanishing; mountains and islands removed; people hiding

While there is time NOW, let us seek God's face for mercy and grace in total repentance than be filled with fear on Judgment Day.

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