Friday, August 31, 2012

A Covenant With God

Nehemiah 10 & 11

Inspired thots

After the temple of God was restored, Nehemiah led the people into a COVENANT with God. With the Proper Understanding of God's word, the Israelites entered into the covenant. They were to be faithful to God their Lord and to attend to His house with tithes and offering.

The people were united in their task and being as they now have an understanding of WHO they are and WHO their God is. Hence, the people OBLIGATED themselves. It is a matter of the WILL and MIND to set the HEART right.

Key People are important to keep God's people on the right path. There is strength and encouragement in unity; even in Faith.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Read God's Word to Remember, Learn & Decide

Nehemiah 9

Inspired thots

Ezra the priest brought the people together and spent time READING God's word (a Quarter of the day!). The Israelites spent another 6 hours in CONFESSION and WORSHIP! (v3) Wow! Such practices should be done now on earth for heaven during eternity.

It is NECESSARY to REMEMBER What God has done through the reading of His word to keep on God's way and worship Him.

Reading and Remembering God's word helps one to LEARN Who God is and What He has done for His people.That will keep one on the toes towards God's righteousness. The mind and heart would be stayed on God to DECIDE on His ways which is so important.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Joy in Reading God's Word

Nehemiah 7 & 8

Inspired thots

There is great JOY when one reads the word of God; especially when there is understanding. The people had not read the Word for a long time and they grieved; but their grief turned into joy because they understood their God.

The Israelites were united in blessing God and honoring Him according to His ways.

It is true that JOY and STRENGTH come from the reading of God's words. How wonderful for those who love God to have such a simple but powerful tool in their lives. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Enemy Near and Far

Nehemiah 6

Inspired thots

Nehemiah stood his ground and continued supervising the work on rebuilding the temple walls despite the threats from the enemy. It is very important to have established a strong and deep relationship with God such that one is discerning over the matters in any circumstance.

The enemy is within and outside; Tobiah is an outsider but related to the Jews through marriage. Sanballat is an outsider who did not want the Jews to unite. He was the big bully hurling taunts and jeers to discourage them from the rebuilding. Even the own Jews were 'bought' over to the enemy's side; Shemaiah and Noadiah were priests and prophets who advised Nehemiah wrongly to bring a stop to the rebuilding but Nehemiah sought the Lord closely in all matters and handled each trying circumstance righteously.

The spirit of discernment and knowledge is so crucial to making the right and godly decisions.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Strayed WITHOUT a Godly Leader

Nehemiah 5

Inspired thots

Famine came upon the land and the people were hungry and poor. They cried out to Nehemiah for help and he corrected the situation. People were in bondage and not able to fend for themselves as others lord over those who were poorer by imposing taxes, high loan interests and seizing of property.

People can stray away from God's way when there is no godly leader to direct, lead and remind them of God's ways. Everyone would tend to go their own way which is the world's way ~ secure the best for yourself without regards for others. But as a body of Christ, when one part suffers, all parts suffer.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keeping Focused on the Work

Nehemiah 3 & 4

Inspired thots

The Jews started rebuilding the walls of the temple of God diligently although the enemies taunt them. But with a focused heart and mind, they work together; each in their role and area of specialization. They took turns to rebuild a part of the temple using the skills they have.

When the enemies became more threatening, Nehemiah appointed men to protect the builders. Due to the lack of manpower, the Jews had to carry a weapon as they rebuild; hence, the rebuilding was slowed down. But they trusted God to fight for them and were not afraid of opposition. They had the right mind and heart condition on the task

Friday, August 24, 2012

Arise & Build ~ The Enemy is Always Around

Nehemiah 2

Inspired thots

Nehemiah was given permission by king Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple of God. He asked the king for the needy after consulting God on what was required. The 3 generations of the Persian kings were godly because there was godly counsel.

Nehemiah went about his task of rebuilding quietly but the enemy caught wind of it. Sanballat and Tobiah were displeased and tried to stir up problems for Nehemiah. How important to be secure in God as the enemy is always around to taunt us and bring us down. But if one ARISE & BUILD on God, the foundation is secure even in enemy territory.

How much more today when the time of Christ's return is soon! God's people needs to arise and rebuild their lives on God.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Compassion Leads to Intercession

Nehemiah 1

Inspired thots

It would not be easy to move one into ACTION if there is no Identification; identification brings on Compassion upon hearing unfavorable news of others which in turn stirs up the spirit to Intercede.

Nehemiah identified with his people who returned to Jerusalem after exile but had no leader. Hence, Nehemiah was filled with compassion for his people from the report received. An aimless people is a people without  hope. The first course of action is towards God; rebuild the temple of God for an identification by the people to the God of their fathers. Then the people's spirit would be stirred up for greater works to God.

Nehemiah prayed and recalled the ways of his people and interceded for repentance with promises of God. How important to know the word of God to move with the Spirit!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Realize, Repent, Return

Ezra 8-10

Inspired thots

The return of the exiled Israelites caused a MAJOR clean up by Ezra the prophet as many of God's people including the priests and Levites had married foreign wives; thus, defiling themselves. Ezra interceded for his people on this matter to cleanse themselves before God who brought them back to worship in Jerusalem.

Ezra identified with the sins of the people and interceded with them in prayer and fasting; he is ashamed to stand before God as he acknowledged Israel's sins have mounted up to the heavens. (9:6) But God is a merciful God who hears and receives a repentant heart. When one has sinned, it is important to REALIZE the guilt and REPENT immediately before the Lord with weeping and confession to RETURN to God.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Hand of God ~ Authority & Favor

Ezra 7

Inspired thots

When the HAND of God is upon someone, much favor pours... Ezra experienced the favor of a foreign king, king Artaxerxes who gave Ezra permission to serve the Lord with all the Levites and authority to carry out their priestly duties according to the word of God.

How Great and Mighty is God who can move even a gentile king for 3 generations: Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes who feared the 'God of heaven'.

Everything is under the hand of God who directs His people who choose to seek Him and His ways. Ezra purposed himself to STUDY the word of God, and to DO it, and to TEACH His statutes and ordinances in Israel. That is my heart's desire too. May the Lord move in me as He did with Ezra for His glory!

Monday, August 20, 2012

God Works for His People

Ezra 5,6

Inspired thots

When God moves, He brings EVERYTHING into its proper place. The Israelites continued rebuilding the temple as decreed by king Cyrus. God can move even the gentiles; they acknowledged Him as 'GOD of the Heavens' just like the Chinese.

The Israelites were humble and diplomatic in dealing with queries and opposition; they did not retaliate or be arrogant. They presented FACTS and invited the opposition to confirm their word and works. Speaking the Truth keeps on the Right Path without fear or worry.

King Darius, a descendant of king Cyrus, was wise to keep the decree of king Cyrus as he acknowledged the God of heavens too. He wants the Israelites to pray blessings for him and his sons. Hallelujah! God is in control to glorify His name on earth as it is in heaven.

The temple was rebuilt and the Israelites rejoiced and celebrated.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Outcomes from ONE Task

Ezra 3, 4

Inspired thots

The Jews were allowed by king Cyrus to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple of God which was destroyed before their captivity. Such a godly gentile king who was used by God! Hallelujah!

The Jews were united in this task which prompted them to return to their God in faith. God was beginning to move among them to bring them back to Himself. 

The gentile believers wanted to help in the restoration of the temple and offered their help to Judah but were rejected uncouthly. Hence, enmity stepped in. Good intentions turned sour;how could the situation be done right? Perhaps the Jews could have explained their decline of help better than being too outright in their response. Rejection is not easy to accept by anyone especially those with good intentions.

Thus, problems arose for the Jews in the building of the temple. The work was slow and the opposition delayed its completion. How important to establish good communication and relations to have peace and success!

Friday, August 17, 2012

God's Plans Are Not Thwarted

Ezra 1,2

Inspired thots

God can use ANYbody in His plan. He is certainly no respecter of persons. He used Cyrus, king of Persia, to rebuild His temple in Jerusalem. With this edict, the Israelites were brought together to work on restoring God's temple.

With the SAME FOCUS in mind, the people became UNITED. They cleansed themselves and gave freely to the Lord's work according to the capability and ability. They were willing to be involved and seized the opportunity to serve the Lord in the restoration works.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

FOREIGN Kings More Righteous than Judah

2 Chronicles 36

Inspired thots

The book ends with a sad but awesome record; it paid tribute to a FOREIGNER who honored God more than the Israelites. Truly God is gracious and ABLE to graft in outsiders into His vineyard. How privilege are the Gentiles.

King Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) and king Neco (king of Egypt)  were used by God to teach kings of Judah a lesson. The evil kings of Judah were taken captives to foreign lands and the temple's treasures were carted away. God is not bothered about worldly treasures; He allowed all to be carted away from Jerusalem.

Although there was the prophet Jeremiah who spoke God's words to guide the kings of Judah, they chose NOT TO HEED. How sad! whereas the foreign kings revered God and the king of Persia obeyed God's command to build Him a house at Jerusalem. How honorable!

May God honor these foreign kings' obedience by letting their countries come to know Him as Lord and Savior today!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Serving Others for the Lord

2 Chronicles 35

Inspired thots

King Josiah did well in sprucing up the house of the Lord and getting the priests and Levites to serve the Lord with a Passover celebration. Every priest and Levite were WILLING to serve one another and helped each other prepare for the big feast as there was much to do.

There is no pettiness in God's service to ensure that all goes well to the glory of God. All worked together in serving God to bring Him glory. The land had rest from war and the people enjoyed peace and prosperity.

However, too much of a good thing can cause the heart to 'stray' and sin. King Josiah did not mind his own business and went to war; in disguise using his own wisdom. But he was killed. He did not heed the word of God which may come from any quarter God chooses.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

NEVER Too Young To Follow God

2 Chronicles 34

Inspired thots

King Josiah sat on the throne at age 8. At 12 years old, he started cleansing the land off idols and high places of worship as well as repair the temple of God. He brought the people back to worship God. The priest found the Book and it was read to Josiah who understood its contents. He repented for himself and on behalf of his people who had not obeyed God. He humbled himself before God.

Such a great example for one so young! It is never too early to know God and set the heart to the Maker. May God continue to pour His mercy on His people to come into His saving grace and loving mercy!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Knowing God Through Distress & Humility

2 Chronicles 33

Inspired thots

King Manasseh got on the throne with pomp and arrogance; he did not seek God and stirred up the people to sin so greatly against God until God cast him away into the enemy's hands. There in a foreign land, Manasseh REMEMBERED the God of his fathers and sought God. He was in distress; he entreated the favor of God personally without any priest or prophet. God is a PERSONAL God who hears His people's heart cry.

Manasseh did not heed God when He called them to repent; hence, Manasseh had to come back to God the hard way! Manasseh HUMBLED himself GREATLY before God and PRAYED to Him; and God in His great Mercy received and restored him. Oh, what blessings we often forfeit! Oh, what needless pain we bear! when we do not HEED God when He calls.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Self Checks to Stay With God ALWAYS

2 Chronicles 31 - 32

Inspired thots

King Hezekiah had UPs and DOWNs with God; he was humble and faithful at the start of his reign. He cleansed the land of idols and high places of worship. He brought the people of Israel back to God who delivered him from his enemies.

When he became sick, he called out to God who extended his life; but he did not reciprocate to God for His goodness and mercy.

Man's character is callous; no appreciation of what God has blessed until disaster strikes!

It is God in control... over our lives and the earth! even the universe! God lets circumstances come upon man to try his heart and have him check himself; for God already knows what is in man.

Friday, August 10, 2012

God HEARS When the HEART is Set on Him

2 Chronicles 30

Inspired thots

King Hezekiah's heart was set on the Lord; he began to set the priests and Levites in their priestly tasks in serving the Lord. They were sanctified; the temple of God was cleansed. Then, king Hezekiah invited the rest of Israel to join in the celebration to God but not may heeded the call. Those who did were blessed with a lot of provision and rejoicing.

Healing took place as God is merciful and gracious to those who sincerely seek Him. Their transgressions were removed as the people set their hearts on Him. They removed the high places of idolatry and king Hezekiah's steadfastness on God kept his heart right before God; hence, God heard his prayer on behalf of the people and granted him favor.

What a great and mighty God I serve! He is gracious and merciful. May He continue to pour out His grace and mercy on me as I yield my heart totally to Him day by day. He waits for me...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Things First

2 Chronicles 29

Inspired thots

King Hezekiah TOPS all the kings of Judah! As soon as he was on the throne, he set himself and the people aright with God by putting HIM FIRST in their lives. IMMEDIATELY, on the FIRST month in his FIRST year of reign, king Hezekiah commanded the priests and levites to restore the house of God. All sanctified themselves and were restored to their ministry.

King Hezekiah declared, "It is in my heart to make a covenant with the Lord, God of Israel". (v10) King Hezekiah already knew what he has to do and want to do as soon as he gets on the throne. He was ready and waiting for the right opportunity.

He was Abijah's son; Abijah was the daughter of Zechariah the priest. How impactful to have godly influence!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Great Guilt

2 Chronicles 28

Inspired thots

King Ahaz was a bad leader; he chose to rely on foreign kings and gods for assistance rather than the Lord. Thus, the Lord caused defeat upon him. The whole land did not prosper with the wicked reign but Ahaz did not repent; stubborn in his ways.

His people followed in his callous ways; they robbed and killed their own kind. Thankfully there was a godly prophet who cautioned them against sinning further for their guilt in idolatry is already great in God's eyes. More trouble would befall them if they sin further. They repented from mistreating their own kindred and sent them home well.

But Ahaz faced more and more defeats as he turned to foreign helps. It does not pay to taunt God!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Starting off Well... Finish Well

2 Chronicles 25 - 27

Inspired thots

All the kings of Israel and Judah started their reigns well... They did what was right in the eyes of God by removing the idols from the land but as they grew strong in battles, they forsook the Lord. Most of them end up in God's "bad books". How sad! Why is it difficult to keep to God all the time? David was not perfect but his heart was on God ALL the Time.

How important to subject the heart and will into Complete Submission to God to Finish Well. Listen to the Constant REMINDERS and Advice of the Holy Spirit... the Israelite kings had godly prophets to guide them but in their pride, the kings chose to ignore the godly counsel. They do not get it that God is OVER ALL! They did not have a godly fear of God until it is too late! How sad!

Be wise... starting off well with God does not guarantee a Good Finish unless one is mindful of every step along the way.

Monday, August 6, 2012

JOY in Giving to the LORD

2 Chronicles 24

Inspired thots

With godly counsel, Joash reigned well and set about restoring the temple of God. He instructed the priests to have the repairs done on the house of God with a freewill collection of taxes from the people. The people rejoiced at the giving to restore the temple of God (v10).

There was no coercion to give to God for the restoration works of the temple. A collection chest is put in front of the temple and the people freely gave. Hence, their hearts were filled with joy as they gave to God. The chest was full and more than enough was collected for the repairs on God's temple. There was balance to make utensils with offerings to God. God blesses abundantly when His people come to Him with a willing heart. Joy fills the heart submitted to God!

Such a contrast when people turn away from God; after Jehoiada's death, king Joash listened to ungodly counsel which led him to his downfall. What a shame that the early years of godly teaching went down the drain...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Good OR Bad Counsel Makes a BIG Difference

2 Chronicles 22 & 23

Inspired thots

How sad that a mother should give bad counsel to her child especially when he is the king. Hence, it is not surprising for Ahaziah to reign wickedly as his counselor was his mother who counseled him to reign wickedly in God's sight after Jehoram's death. Athaliah was the granddaughter of Omri; king of Israel who also reigned wickedly. Like begets like! Athaliah took over the throne by force when her son Ahaziah was killed by Jehu.

Godly people like Jehoiada the priest and his wife Jehoshabeath hid Joash, Ahaziah's son and hid him while Athaliah killed all the other sons to prevent them from reigning. She seized power in Israel for 7 years.

Joash grew up well under the godly care of Jehoiada the priest and his wife. Godly nurture brings about godly character. 

The priest took courage in setting young Joash on the throne; the people took courage in declaring Joash as king to overthrow Athaliah.

God is Great in working His plans; one must take courage to walk with Him all the way.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Lord Sees & Recompenses

2  Chronicles 21

Inspired thots

Why is it so hard to keep following the Lord instead of evil? After the godly kings, Asa and Jehoshaphat, Jehoram did wickedly once on the throne. He even killed his own brothers to eliminate any possibility of fighting for the throne. But he 'missed the boat'.

God sees all that one does and would recompense one for all that is done. How terrible to fall into the hands of God than man. One can never escape the wrath of God with wickedness. It is best to trust in the Lord in ALL our ways than to try to secure our position on earth by our own efforts.

When our LOVE for God is SHALLOW, it is hard to follow Him. Then, it is always 'self for self' and big troubles come on. Honor God and He will honor you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

PRAISE & WORSHIP God in Overcoming Wickedness/Evil

2 Chronicles 20

Inspired thots

There is no GREATER weapon to fight the 'enemy' than Praise & Worship. When one praises and worships God in the midst of trouble, God delivers.

Praise & Worship FOCUSES on God!
> Worshipers are relieved of their worry and fear.

> There is peace in the heart and mind.

> Humility sets in as one waits on the Lord to deliver.

True worshipers believe in their mighty God to hear and act on their behalf.
The battle belongs to the Lord. King Jehoshaphat found that out. He was outnumbered by the enemy but he sought the Lord instead of taking matters into his own hands or find earthly alliances.

What a different outcome with seeking God alone for his battles and joining king of Israel in any venture. Joining the wicked and ungodly does not honor God; failure results. What an important lesson to learn!

God has provided His people a simple but powerful tool; Praise & Worship. Keep the Focus on God! He fights our battles ~ all kinds ~ and brings on victory! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Godliness at ALL Times

2 Chronicles 17 - 19

Inspired thots

Jehoshaphat is a godly king  who sought the Lord in his ways. However, as man, one tends to 'make' mistakes although good intentions were in place. Jehoshaphat was reigning well teaching his people to fear the Lord until he made a marriage alliance with Ahab, king of Israel. Thus he got swayed to agree to a war against the Syrians with Israel though he inquired of the Lord first regarding the battle.

Jehoshaphat must have walked closely with God to discern true and false prophets; for he insisted on another prophet besides the many false ones of Ahab. God was merciful to him in battle and Jehoshaphat went home.

How important to establish godliness all the time so that one can identify how God is and be sensitive to the actual ways and workings of God. One must recognize the Holy Spirit's guidance and walk accordingly; not on one's own ways. Minding one's own business is good until the Lord directs instead of falling into the cares and troubles of the world.