Monday, August 8, 2011

IF You are Willing...

Matthew 11

Inspired thots

Many times it is read that Jesus was asked 'if He was willing...' to heal the sick and diseased; and His answer is always the SAME - 'I am Willing' for He was filled with love and compassion for man.

But when the table is reversed, as Jesus asked 'If you are Willing...' it shows a deceptive and self centered heart. It depends on each individual to be Willing to accept the sayings and teachings of Jesus; only time and etermity will prove Him true.

Man tends to critique what he does not understand or accept and usually, that is the heavenly things. He will get tired out (burned out) struggling with believing in God. The Best way for stress relief is come to Jesus and take His rest; learn from Him.

Most of the time, it is NOT the Physical that causes tiredness but the Emotional and Intellectual and Spiritual that cause 'tiredness'.

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