Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Triangular Relationship

John 14

Inspired thots

It is an important 3-way relationship. God the Heavenly Father - Jesus His Son - Me! The Holy Spirit is a gift after salvation. When I believe in Jesus, I believe in the Heavenly Father. When I please Jesus, I please the Heavenly Father. It is like the Malay proverb, "Bapa borek, anak rintik" or "Like Father, like Son".

When I know the Son, I know the Father because the Son is like the Father. As a parent, that is easy to understand. The child reflects the parent in many ways eventhough the child is his own individual with his own identity.

Relationships are important; whether in this life or in eternal life because it is WHO I am connected with determines my values, beliefs, trust, priorities and lifestyle. Yes, I know WHOM I have believed and am persuaded that He is MOST able.

Good relationships are hard to find; when you find one, work on it to keep it strong and healthy.
> Relationship with God
> Marriage - relationship with spouse
> Family - relationship with loved ones
> Best friends - relationship with those who click with you

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