Monday, May 16, 2011

Blessing Upon Blessing

John 1

Inspired thots

How can one NOT consider Jesus as Lord and Savior?
verse 16 says that "from thse FULLNESS of His Grace, we have ALL received One Blessing After Another.

And it is SO True as I reflect upon MY Own life; how great is my God and Savior - Jesus! Praise Him! He only wants to give the BEST! and it is because of His grace. Such a wonderful attitude which is So different from humans.

Each one has a ROLE to play; John was 'the voice in the wilderness'. Perhaps it is not easy to identify exactly how Jesus is - just as many who searched but did not find. It is truly God's grace and our heart to seek and find God.

And the good news should be shared, not hidden for ourselves. Andrew shared the blessing with his brother Peter and many came to know the Lord. Philip shared the good news blessing with Nathanael whose faith is established with Jesus.

My mind will not be able to fathom all the blessings that Jesus wants to give me... but Lord, I want to be ready to receive it all. Halleluyah!

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