Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Glimpse is Enough

Luke 2

Inspired thots

The knowledge of God is just too immense for most of us; hence, a little suffices to fulfill the heart, mind and soul. So it was with the shepherds whom the angels announced of Christ's birth. The shepherds believed and went on their way to witness the birth of a Savior; and probably did not know more about the babe's future.

Simeon was inspired and led by the Holy Spirit to behold baby Jesus and he was contented. He was really to meet God but God had him stay to witness the Savior before he leaves the world. Simeon did not see the great works of Jesus but the early revelation was sufficient for him to praise and honor God. What amazing faith!

Anna, the prophetess, was being prepared to bear witness and prophesy about Jesus. Her dedication to God earns her a privileged role even if it was the start of a new era.

Each of us may not be able to be present for the whole span of history to be made but tasting a portion of it should make us glad that we can be PART of it. Praise God for giving us life to enjoy that part of it to satisfy the soul, heart and mind.

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