Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Seeking BUT Not Believing

Luke 20

Inspired thots

Pharisees and Sadduccees kept seeking answers from Jesus but it was not to believe. They wanted to trap Him as they hope to twist and turn His words. They still did not realize that Jesus is the Son of God who knows everything. If they did, they would not seek to take down Jesus; they would have believed Him.

When the self does not humble to seek the Truth, there is no truth to set the soul free. Challenging the Authority does not bring things our ways; only a humble heart that sincerely wants the truth will find that which satisfies.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Treasures Unfold

Luke 19

Inspired thots

Jesus loves sinners; actually ALL are sinners whether each chooses to acknowledge or not. Those who do gain forgiveness and eternal life like Zacchaeus; a transformation in heart and behavior happens when he restores those whom he defrauded. Reminds me of the comparison to the rich young ruler who could not part with his riches.

Secondly, it IS POSSIBLE to invest and MULTIPLY for God with the talent given; some may received more returns than others but it is the obedience leading to action that matters. God gives the increase. Those who are blinded by the enemy will not see or understand the things of God.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Calling FAITH to Arise

Luke 18

Inspired thots

Just as it is mentioned in the bible, "Without FAITH it is impossible to please God", we need to call our faith to arise now. With faith, all things are possible. Healing takes places; forgiveness is granted; transformation of character takes place... by faith.

However, the worldly attractions and troubles can cause our faith to falter as we turn our eyes off Jesus. Yes, let us call our call to arise so that Jesus will find faith in Him in us when He comes. After all, it is to our benefit... eternal life and eternal treasures!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Way to Behave

Luke 17

Inspired thots

With the kingdom of God IN our Midst, it is important to live according to His standards. It may be dealing with another brother or servant; it refers even to self in appreciating the works of God within our lives. The RIGHT way to live or behave reflects who God is IN US and who WE ARE IN Christ. 

v33 "Whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it but whoever loses his life will preserve it." Such an irony but logical when it pertains to the things of God. Always do a self-check against God's standards.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

True Conviction for Eternity

Luke 16

Inspired thots

It does not matter how affluent one is on earth; what is more important is how well we are preparing for eternity as there is no turning back. There is enough evidence to believe in the gospel and receive the free salvation but those who do not heed the current for the future loses all. So easy to be led astray with the wide worldly attractions.

Let us evaluate our priorities from now till Jesus comes. Be wise and be convicted for eternity's sake.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Rejoicing over the Lost that is Found

Luke 15

Inspired thots

Three parables of GRACE that we should appreciate OTHERS who were lost but found in God's kingdom regardless of who they are and their past. Everyone can make mistakes and stray away; but if they return with a sincere heart, we should exercise Grace to receive them back with Joy.

The parable of the Lost Son reminds me of my bro-in-law who just returned home too. Yes, Heavenly Father, I receive him back to the family and rejoice over his return. Thank YOU for keeping him safe when he drifted away and letting him come to himself to turn from his ways.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What is MORE Important?

Luke 14

Inspired thots

How important to have the RIGHT PERSPECTIVE on things in life before we 'miss the boat'. Jesus noted the people's personal preferences that they miss out on the MORE IMPORTANT things in life. Everyone has his own agenda and not God's.

Taking places of honor at a marriage feast; otherwise, there is an absence with priority to things in life on earth. Securing personal wealth and happiness instead of looking beyond to the things of God.

Lord, according to Your word, I choose to renounce the things of the world in my life from today to be worthy to be Your disciple. Amen. (v33)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Narrow Door to Heaven

Luke 13

Inspired thots

Jesus said, "Strive to enter by the Narrow door" to heaven as not all would be saved; in answer to Peter's question of "How many?". Jesus warned that many may come around Him but not all believed in Him to qualify for heaven. It may be referring to the Pharisees and priests who keep questioning Him without belief.

How sad on Judgment Day when they see their patriarchs at table with Jesus when they are cast out in the darkness. What a great regret for not  making this crucial decision there and then! It is not enough to CLAIM to Know Jesus without Believing Him for Who He is.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Smart Preparations for Eternity

Luke 12

Inspired thots

Jesus taught that the wise would consider the time by checking out the seasons. Signs are available to inform the end of times and Christ's impending return.

How ready are we to receive Jesus for eternity? The foolish rich man still planned for his own earthly comfort without acknowledging God's hand in it; the disciples are anxious about their lives and provisions; families can be divided if not united in Christ.

Lord, have mercy! Lead each of us in Your path of grace and truth.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Giving Christ Your Best, Your ALL

Luke 11

Inspired thots

A new revelation; v41 - give for alms those things which are WITHIN; and behold, everything is clean for you. Wow! Offer to God all that is within us and we shall be cleansed. Amazing inspiration! How often we hide shameful deeds and feelings when Christ wants it all; to grant us relief and peace. These are burdens which we should not hold on to but release to God.

When emptied, He shall fill us up again. Lets become NEW WINESKIN for the new blessings from God. Thank you Lord Jesus for accepting our meagre offerings of doubt, shame, hurt and everything not nice to make us clean and light. Matt. 11:28

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Feel What Jesus Felt

Luke 10

Inspired thots

Jesus sent out His disciples to do what He has been doing after empowering them. He is sure of victory with Satan being defeated. Yet, He continues to enlighten others even when they challenge Him; He does not condemn but patiently bears with them. He answers their teases and doubts in the hope to change their mindset on Him.

He makes time for every different individual and meets their needs. He must be thinking, "so much to do yet so little time" or "the field is ripe with harvest."

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Empowering the Disciples

Luke 9

Inspired thots

It was time for Jesus to empower His disciples to do the will of God; they were given instructions to go about different places to preach the good news and heal the sick. Different reactions surfaced; each one has to be accountable to God at the final judgment.

Jesus may call many but not all would follow Him. Those who do are empowered to do great things in the name of the Lord; even those who just believe. Hallelujah!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Blinded by Fear; Missed God's Blessings

Luke 8

Inspired thots

Certain groups of people could not receive God's blessings because they were blinded by fear; hence, seeing, they do not see; they hear but not understand. Fear prevents people from accepting who Jesus is; fear blocks out God's blessings. 

On the other hand, people who welcomed Jesus were ready to receive healing through faith. The woman with the blood issue and Jairus whose daughter was dying. These believed and desired healing. Faith overcomes fear. Healing happens.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Different Reactions to Jesus

Luke 7

Inspired thots

As Jesus went about healing, different people had different reactions to Him. Many were simply amazed at the miracles He performed; others were cynical. Yet there were those who braved the ridicule to draw near and gave their best unashamedly like the woman with the alabaster flask.

It is the heart that directs the soul to search for truth and freedom; Jesus restores all things to excellence. Thank you for your mercy and grace, Lord!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Take It to the Lord in Prayer

Luke 6

Inspired thots

Times of persecution and unpleasantness will come; God will give the strength to handle such difficult moments when time is spent in prayer. Praying is not only a time of request to the Lord but also a time of SOLACE where the tired and discouraged soul can pour out the heart's contents and be refreshed.

Jesus did it; as His disciples, we need to do it. Even when right is done, feathers may still be ruffled. Commit it all to God in prayer.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Strange Bedfellows

Luke 5

Inspired thots

Jesus called the strangest of people to be His disciples; fishermen and tax collectors; nobodies in society but precious individuals in God's eyes. Do not look down on self or 'insignificant' persons for God can transform these from ordinary to EXTRAordinary for His kingdom.

It is possible to 'miss the boat' when we are spiritually myopic with a great intensity on focusing at the wrong focal point.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Be Steadfast During Persecution

Luke 4

Inspired thots

Jesus displayed a steadfast attitude with a clear focus on His mission from the temptations by the devil to the rejection of His own people. Many may seem amazed at His works and teachings but at the end of the day, they could not believe that the boy they knew growing up in their neighborhood is the Son of God.

Many came to see the miracles and experience healing for self but still lack the faith to believe in Him as the Savior. Jesus had to face these rejections despite the wonderful works He showed. The people were unhappy that Jesus used Gentile examples to reveal their callous hearts of unbelief.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Being Content

Luke 3

Inspired thots

John the Baptist understood his role and position very well in the kingdom of God; he did not try to supersede Jesus but proclaimed the truth in every way. He also advised different people to live life with repentance; be content with current lot; for that is the portion from God. Hence, do not covet as it is God who apportions.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Glimpse is Enough

Luke 2

Inspired thots

The knowledge of God is just too immense for most of us; hence, a little suffices to fulfill the heart, mind and soul. So it was with the shepherds whom the angels announced of Christ's birth. The shepherds believed and went on their way to witness the birth of a Savior; and probably did not know more about the babe's future.

Simeon was inspired and led by the Holy Spirit to behold baby Jesus and he was contented. He was really to meet God but God had him stay to witness the Savior before he leaves the world. Simeon did not see the great works of Jesus but the early revelation was sufficient for him to praise and honor God. What amazing faith!

Anna, the prophetess, was being prepared to bear witness and prophesy about Jesus. Her dedication to God earns her a privileged role even if it was the start of a new era.

Each of us may not be able to be present for the whole span of history to be made but tasting a portion of it should make us glad that we can be PART of it. Praise God for giving us life to enjoy that part of it to satisfy the soul, heart and mind.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Different Responses

Luke 1

Inspired thots

The plan of God kick started with the angel Gabriel coming to Zechariah and Mary announcing their roles. However, different responses were offered with each announcement. Although the Bible text is not explicit with the responses, only God knows how Zechariah and Mary really felt about the announcement. Hence, different circumstances were activated.

Zechariah was kept mum until the birth of his son, John the Baptist while Mary was joyful and alert to following circumstances. The same with Elizabeth who insists on naming her son John. She was also prepared to be God's instrument, trusting her God at every step.

Each person's response would bring about a different path of faith journey.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Being Mindful of Self

John 21

Inspired thots

How wonderful for Peter to have the Lord reinstate him after his denial! That is how the Lord is... gracious, full of compassion and love. He appeared to His disciples to encourage them and set them on their way in ministry.

Peter was tasked to feed the lambs and sheep as well as tend the flock. Yet he was still curious about others although Jesus did not indulge in his curiosity. One must be mindful of self in serving the Lord without being distracted by others. Each has its own plate for the Lord.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Only God can Reveal

John 20

Inspired thots

Truly God is God! Only He can reveal what He wants each person to see and understand. None is clever on his own. God can shut the eyes and mind as He has rightly said, "seeing but not believing, hearing but not understanding." How mighty is God who knows each one inside out. He reveals Himself to those who would believe and have life in Him. 

What a privilege to have a revelation from God! It should be appreciated always with belief and obedience.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Compelled by the Fear of Men

John 19

Inspired thots

Pilate had the power to release Jesus; yet, he shrunk back from exercising his authority and did not execute judgment righteously. He gave in to crowd pressure ~ the fear of man and a lackadaisical attitude although he repeatedly proclaimed no crime on Jesus.

It is very easy to succumb to man's pressure when one feels intimidated but God is in control. He sees things we cannot see or understand. Many a time we just have to walk by faith; how important to hear His voice clearly to live this life victoriously in His sight!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Willing to Submit

John 18

Inspired thots

Jesus was willing and ready to submit to God's will. So, when the time came for Him to be arrested, He willingly had it done; whereas at other times, He managed to slip away. At the right time, He allowed Himself to be arrested to fulfill the will of God. Jesus really put God before self.

Such a difference with the Jewish leaders who thought only of themselves; they did not enter the Praetorium as it is deemed unclean and they wanted to partake the Passover. They didnt want to disrupt their comfortable slave lifestyle to the Romans with their own set of rules and religious structure. Unwilling to submit to God despite worldly circumstances do not bring about God's intended blessings and glory.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jesus's "Total Package"

John 17

Inspired thots

The chapter seems like a mouthful with a host of relations to bind everything or everyone together. Jesus in the Father; the Father in Jesus; believers in Jesus; Jesus in believers. It is like ONE BIG FAMILY! Jesus really has the whole world in His hand but not everyone in the world believes in Him. Some are of the world while believers are only in the world existing until Jesus comes again. When we know Jesus, we know the Heavenly Father.

However, the Lord protects His own and glorifies them at the right time as He prays and sustains His people against the enemy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sorrow before Joy

John 16

Inspired thots

Jesus prepared His disciples for His death and resurrection by giving them bad news before good news. He shared so many things that were hard for His disciples to understand but it is always turning Sorrow into Joy. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Be steadfast in the Lord!

How amazing that the disciples 'click' and understood Christ so clearly all of a sudden; only divine revelation to keep our hearts right with God.