Thursday, February 6, 2014

Self Righteousness Leads to Unbelief

Matthew 12

Inspired thots

Envy, Doubt, Self Righteousness all leads to unbelief about who Jesus is. The Pharisees could not accept Him with the miracles He performed on the sick; they didn't like His breaking away from the norm; they didn't want changes which they could not accept. Hence, they didn't accept Him as the Son of God.

Jesus knew their evil thoughts and exposed them subtly but 'siapa makan cili, dia akan berasa pedas.' They knew He was referring to them in His rebukes but they were not humbled to repent. Instead, they went away to seek ways to trap Him. All the wrong reasons to get close to Jesus and missing the blessings which the humble enjoyed. What a Difference in Attitude and Outcome!

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