Sunday, October 13, 2013

Abominable Sins

Ezekiel 8 & 9

Inspired thots

There are certain sins that are abominable to the Lord which anger Him to pronounce judgment on His people.

1) Idol worship

God is a jealous God who wants us to worship Him alone for He is our Creator and Lover of our souls. He is angered by idol worship even from His most trusted and appointed priests. People chose to seek their solace apart from God and cause their own destruction.

2) Sun worship

People worship the image rather than the creator; they are worshiping the WRONG 'sun'... it is the SON of God who deserves all worship.

3) Fertility god

Again the people forgot their Creator who opens the womb; they choose to appeal to Tammuz a fertility god than God himself who gives life.

But the RIGHTEOUS shall be saved. 

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