Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fear Men More than God

Jeremiah 37 & 38

Inspired thots

King Zedekiah feared men more than he feared God. He invited Jeremiah to his presence to seek the Lord's words but he did not take action upon it as the given Word was not pleasant and the princes and people were displeased with the unfavorable prophecy.

King Zedekiah was also weak in his self confidence besides his faith. He would listen and submit to the desires of men than to God. He was easily swayed with men's requests or insistence. There is no leadership in him although he is in the position of power.

People of God must KNOW who their God is and who they are in Him to have their faith arise and not fear men. Romans 8:31 says,"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Better to fear God than man.

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