Friday, February 17, 2012

Reasons for God's Rejection

1 Samuel 15

Inspired thots

One of my favorite verses in this chapter ~ v22 "To obey is better than sacrifice"

There are SO many great lessons from this chapter.

King Saul started off well in his kingly quest until the greed in his heart took over his devotion to the Lord. He deviated from the EXACT instructions of the Lord which cause him his downfall. He kept the best of the enemy's spoils and spared Agag the enemy; perhaps wanting to find favor with him as he viewed the enemy's riches.

King Saul also erred in blaming others for his own wrongful desires; v15 ~ he claimed that the soldiers were the ones to bring back the unlawful spoils.
He insisted on obeying the Lord, v20 but it was not a TOTAL obedience. He began to choose the Better portion of materialistic gains for himself. 
He sought the favor of men, v24 as he gave EXCUSES on his own wrong doings.

Everyone is accountable to his or her own actions. The truth lies deeper within.

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