Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wise Dealings with People

Genesis 23

Inspired thots

It is interesting to note how Abraham dealt with the people of the land which he was staying in. He humbly asked for a cave to bury Sarah and humbly insisted that he should pay for it although the people respected him so much to offer the place willingly and for free.

But perhaps subtly or inside, people's nature remains ... they do not want to lose out. Hence, Abraham was wise to offer to pay for the cave AND the land around; so that there was no obligation on Abraham to the Hittites even if he was so rich. He paid for what he needed. He did not allow anyone or anything to cause him to give God's glory away. He dealt wisely with the people.

All that Abraham owned was given by God and in all his ways, Abraham acknowledged that wisely.

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