Friday, September 30, 2011

Not Giving Up on God

Genesis 32 & 33

Inspired thots

As Jacob set off home to meet Esau, he was anxious as he recalled his spat with his brother, Esau. Anxiety and fear filled him throughout the long journey but he hanged on to God all the while. He was persistent in his ways; which is a good virtue.

Jacob obeyed God to return home although he was fearful of Esau even though he may have matured. But as he left everything to God, he continued his journey.

God gave him the wisdom to use his worldly possessions to appease Esau as he planned his strategic meet up with his brother. Indeed, worldly possessions can 'buy' or gain favor with the world. Hope I am wise to learn and practice that. I feel better towards others who bless me with material goods too. I understand how Jacob worked.

Jacob sought God in everything. He prayed for favor with Esau; he acknowledged his unworthiness of God's kindness and faithfulness. He expressed his thanksgiving and fears. He could only count on God. Yes, there will be struggles in my life. I must not give up on God but to stay on His path and be kept in His grace.

>> Whom have I in heaven but You, O God? (Psalms 73:25)

>>>> Mark 16:9 use worldly goods to gain eternal dwellings (favor with man)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Only GOD Sees It All

Genesis 30

Inspired thots

No one sees the hardships we go through personally; everyone else is out for self gain but God sees and knows all. He will reveal at the right time.

Here am I complaining why God does not answer or speak to me; who am I that God should reveal Himself? would I listen and obey Him when He calls? There are so many more of his humble and obedient servants. I am far behind....

Jacob went through a lot of hardships; God was with him and he gained strength. He walked right with God although he schemed with men. God blessed and protected him.

God can also speak to others for his own people; truly nothing is impossible with God. There is "no need to worry about anything... but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving present my requests to God; and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will keep my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, my Lord" (phil. 4:6-8)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Outwitting One Another

Genesis 29 & 30

Inspired thots

Man.... whether male or female behaves alike; trying to outwit one another.

Leah and Rachel - competed with one another for Jacob's affection and favor
> competed for sons to prove their worthiness and their husband's love.

Laban and Jacob - competed to gain riches.
Laban tried to outwit Jacob twice:
1) giving Leah instead of Rachel
2) removing all speckled flock to avoid Jacob taking them but Jacob streaked Laban's better flock to gain abundance

When God's favor is upon someone, others will see and note; others get blessed too!
Christians should bring blessings to others. Walk right with God. He sees and hears all things.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Deep Love of a Parent

Genesis 27 & 28

Inspired thots

It is right for parents to love their children but there are times when parents seem to act in bias. This can cause disharmony amongst the children as in the case of Esau and Jacob when Rebekah taught Jacob to deceive Isaac for a blessing.

But Isaac did not reprimand Jacob for the deception; perhaps his walk with God  prompts him that this is the will of God.

Jacob was obedient to his mother in everything which brought him much blessings; he was saved from Esau's wrath for robbing him of his birthright and blessing.
He acknowledged God in his ways and was blessed. Esau acted hastily that caused him great loss. Although he realized his mistakes and tried to make restitution, the damage has been done.

Parents can really impact their children's lives with their teaching and love.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Like Father like Son

Genesis 26

Inspired thots

Isaac is really the 'mirror' image of his father, Abraham.

He followed God in all his ways just like his father.
He was afraid of others killing him over his wife and claimed her to be his sister rather than his wife, just like his father.
He heard and obeyed God just like his father.
He found all the wells his father dug and named them the same just like his father.

Abraham taught Isaac well to find God. Perhaps his 'sacrifice' experience confirmed the god of his father that he set his heart after his father's god.
Isaac is depicted as a quiet and gentle man; not arguing or contending with others. He always move on and let others take the better choice just like his father.

A good parental example is very essential to set the children on the right living path.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How People Relate .. even in a Family

Genesis 25

Inspired thots

Abraham lived a long life of 175 years and had many sons...
But it is recorded that the sons of Ishmael (from Hagar) were hostile people. They did not relate well with one another.

Then, Isaac and Rebekah had Esau and Jacob. Isaac loved Esau because of the game Esau caught while Rebekah loved Jacob for his homey nature. Two different personalities caused the parents to be pulled towards one and not the other.

Esau and Jacob did not get along too well; Esau was harsh and rash while Jacob was gentle and quick to seize opportunities even from his own brother on his birthright. Perhaps he learned from his mother important lessons on God and birthrights. He was quick to manipulate on Esau's shallow understanding of birthrights and blessings to take over the birthright for a temporal benefit.

Jacob was far-sighted.
Hence, people can relate very differently with one another; even in a family if there has not been proper interaction skills and the fear of God teaching in the home. I believe that was lacking in Ishmael's home that caused his sons to live in hostility with one another - taking on the attitude "all for myself".

Perhaps Esau was out too often in the field for wild game hunting that he did not listen to the important teachings of God and His ways. Time must be given on learning the ways of God.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Simple & Straightforward Lifestyle

Genesis 24

Inspired thots

Though the chapter may be long, it is a beautiful love story between Isaac and Rebecca.
But it is also a very detailed record of how a righteous heart like Abraham is set in its living. Details are recorded and lived out to find success in the assigned task by Abraham's servant, whose name was withheld.

But his loyalty and attitude towards his master are great; he set about his task in full obedience although he is old and the journey is long but he was the most trusted servant of Abraham. He knew his master's heart; he lived to serve his master well.

Rebecca and Laban were so hospitable to a stranger; they welcomed Abraham's servant generously. They were quick to discern the hand of God working in their lives and obeyed immediately. Such a simple life they took on.

What happened today? Everyone is concern about Big Bucks and Self. The focus is diverted. No longer is God their centre of life! How sad!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wise Dealings with People

Genesis 23

Inspired thots

It is interesting to note how Abraham dealt with the people of the land which he was staying in. He humbly asked for a cave to bury Sarah and humbly insisted that he should pay for it although the people respected him so much to offer the place willingly and for free.

But perhaps subtly or inside, people's nature remains ... they do not want to lose out. Hence, Abraham was wise to offer to pay for the cave AND the land around; so that there was no obligation on Abraham to the Hittites even if he was so rich. He paid for what he needed. He did not allow anyone or anything to cause him to give God's glory away. He dealt wisely with the people.

All that Abraham owned was given by God and in all his ways, Abraham acknowledged that wisely.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Total Obedience

Genesis 22

Inspired thots

When it comes to the things of God, Abraham was quiet and obedient. He only listens to what God says and did as he was instructed. There was no questioning, reasoning and pondering.

He understood the sovereignty of God; "God Himself will provide ..."

All that I have... God Himself provided... what is required of me? Total obedience... still learning....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Man's Folly in 'Helping' God

Genesis 21

Inspired thots

Man can be quite impatient. We dont know quite yet how to wait on God for HIS timing for HIS best will to be done on us.

Sarah 'helped' God by asking Abraham to take on Hagar to get an heir. Yet, when Hagar gave birth to Ishmael, Sarah was jealous and displeased.

Hagar ran away from Sarah who ill-treated her but at God's advice, went back  to Sarah who later asked Abraham to chase her and Ishmael out when Isaac was born.

But God is so gracious and kind; He loves all in Abraham's household. He accepted all his mistakes or 'bad moves'. He is merciful on Hagar and Ishmael. He keeps His promises to Abraham yet He does not neglect others who need His grace and mercy too. He is really Compassionate! Praise You, God!

But because of Sarah and Abraham taking things into their own hands, they created the Ishmaelites today who are filling the earth in vast numbers and great speed.

Future generations bear the consequences of earlier foolishness.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shrewd Living Amongst the People of the Land

Genesis 20

Inspired thots

This is the second time Abraham misled others about his wife - chp 12 with Pharoah and now ith king of Gerar. Sarah must have been really beautiful.

yet, God did not blame him for his ruse... perhaps it was also the truth...Sarah was his half-sister.
and, perhaps Abraham had a good point: if the people of the land did not fear God, they will kill him and take Sarah.
Is this what Jesus meant when He said 'Be Shrewd as snakes and Innocent as doves'. (Matthew 10:16)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Human Wisdom Brings Problems

Genesis 18 & 19

Inspired thots

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their wickedness; indeed they were VERY wicked to want to mistreat visitors as well. Lot was righteous in extending hospitality to the angels and protecting them. Yet he also hesitated when the angels told him to run away from Sodom and Gomorrah.
His sons-in-law to be did not believe his warning about the towns' destruction and Chose to remain; hence, they perish.

Lot's wife was either Curious or Missing her home; hence, SHE perished too.

Human wisdom brings destruction; it is best to obey God. Thank God for His mercy otherwise, all will surely perish just like Lot.

Only God knows what is best; the best we can do is to intercede for the people like Abraham did and plead for God's mercy and grace.

Friday, September 9, 2011

God's Faithfulness

Genesis 16 & 17

Inspired thots

The Lord God SEES All and KNOWS All...

He sees the despair, the desolate, the troubled, the wickedness, the righteous and the faithful. Nothing is hidden from Him.

How good it is for God to come down to earth to visit man.... He communed with Abraham; Since the fall of man, God did not seem to have fellowshipped very personally with man... How sad! He must be very hurt with man's growing wickedness.

BUT, He HEARS the cries of those persecuted and suffered. He comes to their aid. God is so good and faithful.
Thank you, Lord! It is easy and good to entrust all to You!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Submission in All Circumstances

Genesis 15 & 16

Inspired thots

All things are under God's control and plans; hence, it is wise to SUBMIT to what He has willed instead of going against it.

I must remember this in order to submit rather than going on my own ways and thoughts. Bias and ignorance are detrimental to my wellbeing.

The Lord SEES it all - past, current and future.

He saw Abram and Hagar's future. He saw their current situation - Abram without an heir and Hagar being mistreated by Sarai. But God did not blame Sarai. God is so gracious.

Abram listened to Sarai in their eagerness to get an heir. All the while, they were faithful and content with each other until God promised abundant riches and descendants. Then Abram and Sarai tried to 'help' God or 'speed' up His plans for them.
Better to wait patiently and submit.

Respecting God's Anointed

Genesis 14

Inspired thots

There is always trouble in the world. People are usually discontented with their lives while others may rise up over suppression. Like Lot, we may get caught in between. It is all part of God's plan and will to have the earth in turmoil to draw people back to Himself.

The best way to live is to be under God's hand of mercy and grace. Submit to Him all the time over everything.

Respect God's anointed whether they are good or wicked for it is God who works in them and through them. God chose them to play that role at that time. Let God decide on how His anointed is to be handled.

Abram respected the High Priest although he was also king. He did not care for earthly titles but sees the king of Salem  as God's anointed high priest.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Building an Altar to God

Genesis 12 & 13

Inspired thots

Wherever Abram went, he stopped to build an altar to God. God called Abram out to set him on the Best path and Abram humbly obeyed.

How does one 'build an alter to the Lord'?
~ building an altar to Acknowledge God's sovereignty
~ to serve as a place of worship
~ putting God FIRST, others next, self last (God, Lot, Abram)

It is the human nature that the self does push itself to the forefront sometimes; we have not quite put it under death ~ only when Jesus died on the cross could we do so. It is still hard but not impossible now with Jesus' conquer over sin and death. Hallelujah!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Change of Mankind

Genesis 11

Inspired thots

Even after the flood, life continues for man.

Several questions boggle my mind...
1) Why was God disturbed by man's unity in the building of Babel? Isn't that a good thing?

2) Wasn't all men from Noah after the flood? Aren't they directed to God?

3) What can man do together that can be dishonoring to God? He would not be able to live eternally since the fall.

4) Why did God scatter man?

Could it be man displeased God again by thinking of himself again (v4)?
~ Man plans to make a name for themselves.Perhaps they were getting distracted from God. Perhaps after their self-sufficiency through their unity, they will not seek God.

Beng was right in saying that the best plan is the Salvation plan. (Rom.1:1-17) It contains all the benefits to give up our rights to come under God. Only HE has the best plan for His people; for me. (Jer 29:11-13) It is better to be God's slave than to be a free slave in the world.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Life Goes On...

Genesis 9 & 10

Inspired thots

Drastic measures were taken to correct a situation sometimes no matter how hurtful it can be.

God flooded the earth to get rid of the intense wickedness; but He chose to bless again with the faithfulness of Noah. It only takes ONE to please God!

Then life goes on...

Yet man does not learn; there is no other God but GOD!
There is no other life except in Christ.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Winning God's Heart

Genesis 7 & 8

Inspired thots

It took about a year for the floods to come and go before Noah could set foot on dry land again. How would he had spent that time inside the ark? Yet he was obedient to God; not going out until God calls him to.

And the first thing he did out of the ark is to build an altar to the Lord and the Lord was pleased; so pleased that it can cause God not to curse the ground or destroy living creatures again.

It is easy to please God; to win His heart over. Just like a child pleasing his parent, I can please God like Noah too... obedience and total surrender.

Now to learn how to listen to God's voice....