Sunday, April 10, 2011

Favor with God or Man

Acts 5

Inspired thots

1. Ananias & Sapphira
> Greed; leads to Dishonesty and then to Lies!
> Hypocrisy; wanting man's favor on good acts that can be seen by men.
~ Be Open and Honest with God
~ Desire to be honored by God than man

2. High Priests & Associates
> Self-righteousness; leads to Spiritual Blindness and then Jealousy!
> Pompousness, not wanting or acknowledging others to be better than self.
   Can lead to Stubborness and Rage.
~ Be Humble! Only God is Great and Good.
~ Do not abuse Position of Power and Authority.

3. Peter & Disciples
> Confident in God; leads to Boldness and Power of Gifts.
~ Focused on the Right Object (God) without fear of man or consequences.
~ Rejoiced in suffering for Christ's sake.
~ Continue on with task

< I had a dream last night. I was at the beach. There was a collection of big cartons piled up on the beach like a wall. Suddenly, the waves and wind raged and brought in piles of mattresses. They were laid next to the cartons. More piles of mattresses were 'washed' up to line up against the 'wall'. Then the tsunami came. I with others on the beach were protected.
Then the skies beyond the horizon displayed angels in the form of stick figures with tiny wings on the shoulders :) 'patrolling' the horizon. Another luminous stick figure was pacing up and down another section facing down. 'It' didnt seem like a 'good guy' to me.

Then a man appeared. He was sitting under a tree discussing something important with a few others. I had a camera. I wanted to take photos but the camera kept pointing at him. He was feeling suspicious of me. But I was trying to take a photo of an orang utan up on the tree above him. Most of the pictures had his face half covered. Couldnt get a full face photo. 'He' didnt seem like a 'good guy' to me.

I dont know how to interpret this dream. >

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