Thursday, June 24, 2010

God is AWESOME... Totally.

~ Introduction ~
On the Book of Matthew

I had been reading the books of Matthew and John numerous times as I facilitated CMTT (a Sunday School Teachers' training) and encouraged the participants to read through these books as part of their training.

These books have 28 and 21 chapters respectively and could be read within a month; and as the training takes 8 months, one could read Matthew and John FOUR times!

I have read Matthew and John in various ways: devotional (God revealing His truths to me), in Bahasa Melayu, cross-referencing, summary, bible verses emphasis and memorization, highlights, bible character emphasis and application modes.

I asked the Lord, “How should I read Matthew and John again, after yet another read?” The Lord is good.. He answers, “Write My revelations down… as in a memoir”. Perhaps have it published to bless others who might want to read how God speaks to me. Wow! That would be not only revealing what God reveals to me… it would also mean exposing myself to the world (or the reader!)… and I am quite a private person. “What shall I call it, should I publish it one day?”, I asked the Lord. Again… He speaks… “Share your thots with me..” just like the song… Lead me to your heart, as close as I can be…

Yes, so as I asked, God will share HIS thoughts with me… and many will be blest as they read the inspirations and revelations of God. Why should God reveal only to me? may ask… well, He will reveal His word/thoughts to you too, if you ask Him. I asked, and He revealed these to ME.


May 29th 2010
Matthew 1:1-17
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

Hmmm… Not a ‘hot’ topic for most readers to get their devotion started… Such a long list of names… do we have to know them all? Yes, I am wowed by Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon.. I recognize Boaz, Judah, Josiah and even Hezekiah… but who are Jotham, Ammon, Azur, Akim or Matthan (to name a few)? Why should I bother with them?

Then the Lord spoke to me…
Inspired thots:
1) The Genealogy listing records seemingly unknown people (to me, at least!) BUT they were PART of the important lineage of the Human race for SALVATION (from the father’s side of procreation)
No one is Unimportant in God’s sight and heart.

2) Only FIVE women were mentioned in the Genealogy listing (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Uriah’s wife (Bathsheba) and Mary). Each of these played a role in an OUTSTANDING event; all were of honourable standing (ie Uriah was mentioned instead of specifically Bathsheba’s name)

3) These names recorded in the Genealogy list inspired me that those who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, will ALSO have their names recorded in the BOOK of LIFE! Hallelujah!

God gives honour to the great and the small. God is fair and loving to His people. He is no respecter of persons.

This inspiration reveals that I am BIAS! I chose not to acknowledge those I am not familiar with or hold high regards for… I chose to categorise these listed great men and women of God according to MY understanding and PERCEPTION of them. I lacked the TRUE knowledge of WHO they were and HOW they were placed in the plan of my ALMIGHTY GOD! I sidelined some because they did not ‘impact’ me with their lives. I did not view them as my ‘heroes of the Bible’; I was judgmental. I am wrong; I should find out what EACH was like…I need to go indepth on my research of every name I sidelined from the Genealogy list.

Father God, I am sorry to be judgmental over anyone… especially people I don’t even know. Forgive me for being bias, because that is NOT how You are. You show no favouritism; You love all men (and women) for You created them in Your image. As I desire to be more like You, Lord, thank you for revealing this important point to me through a ‘mundane’ (or ‘boring’) passage of Your word. Actually, NONE of your Word is mundane or unmeaningful when You open our eyes, ears and heart to hear Your thoughts! Thanks, Jesus!

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