Thursday, July 31, 2014

So Much to Do in Ministry

1 Corinthians 16

Inspired thots

There is so much to cover in God's ministry. The doors of ministry are always open as the harvest is white and plentiful; just awaiting the harvest workers as called by the Lord and their willingness to be available. Some may be called but not willing. Others may be busy attending to other areas; wait for the Lord's timing with a willing heart if one is available.

There would be others whom we can work together in the ministry. Be strong; be courageous; be watchful. Serve one another with love and the kingdom of God advances. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Glorious Day to Come

1 Corinthians 15

Inspired thots

The Crux of the Christian faith is the Resurrection. What joy! What excitement! We who are in Christ do not live just for the moment but for eternity when our perishable bodies become imperishable to spend Eternity with God. That is our hope and destiny.

Time on earth is to prepare ourselves for that glorious day; to invite as many as possible to join us for that glorious day. It is for one and all. Death has no power over us; it takes what belongs to it and not of God; and we are of God. Amen! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spirit's Manifestations for Building Up the Body of Christ

1 Corinthians 14

Inspired thots

God has loads of gifts and blessings to pour out to His children. Those who desire them need to know that there is a purpose for each spiritual gift given. It is not for self alone but the body of Christ to be built up. A strong chapter on prophesying to build up the church. So clear in v12 that 'since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church'.

God's gifts are never for ourselves; it is for the whole body of Christ so that it is made perfect unto Him. What a loving God!

Monday, July 28, 2014

LOVE Seals the Whole

1 Corinthians 13

Inspired thots

Just as each of us is one part of Christ's body, our self wisdom and strength is limited and in part. We wait eagerly for the promises of God to make us whole and perfect. Only God's ways are perfect; we cannot rely on Self to attain greatness. And the simple truth of greatness is this... LOVE.

Nothing matters or is worth a dime without Love... compassion.... mercy... acceptance... caring.... kindness... patience... endurance... all these are fruits of the Spirit who dwells within. How wide and deep is God's love for each of us so that we would be complete and perfect in Him.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Being One Part to Make the WHOLE

1 Corinthians 12

Inspired thots

What a beautiful and appropriate analogy of the body to the church! This apt analogy serves to remind us not to be proud of ourselves just because we think we are special and gifted; in fact, everyone is special and gifted in God's eyes as our loving Father. 

Our gifts are meant to bless others; it is always about OTHERS; not self. We are meant to build up others in Christ; not self. A great reminder for all times; each of us is ONE PART to make up the WHOLE for the glory of God. Hallelujah!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Arising Issues with New Life

1 Corinthians 11

Inspired thots

Although it is supposed to be a happy day and a happy ending with salvation, the journey can be besieged with issues that can cause disharmony in the church; the body of Christ. It is hard for a "leopard to change its skin" unless the Spirit of God is at work and the individual is willing.

Otherwise, a lot of conflicting issues can create hassles for the body of Christ. Instead of living victoriously, we live in defeat; battling within and among ourselves than the actual enemy. How sad. How much more we need to be alert to the spiritual health of one and others in the body of Christ. We need you, Lord and Holy Spirit! Maranatha!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Written Warnings

1 Corinthians 10

Inspired thots

The Bible is written as warnings and guidelines to help us walk righteously before God; it helps us learn from others' mistakes so that we could be wiser. Our lives can be so much more meaningful with the Bible helping us understand the ways and thoughts of God compared to the foolishness of man's wisdom.

It is a matter of accepting or rejecting the Word and Ways of God. Idols are nothing but our actions towards them is a show of disrespect to God.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Our Liberty is Our Motivator

1 Corinthians 8 & 9

Inspired thots

Indeed we who are in Christ has been set free from all worldly obligations to live a free life. However, we must be wise to live this new life in Christ without stumbling others whether it is with regards to food, marriage, work, pay or anything else.

How wonderful to be a Christian where we have the liberty to be who we are in Christ; yet exercising love to win others to Christ.

Everything is lawful but not everything is beneficial (6:12); hence, we should not be enslaved by anything that draws us away from Christ. We should use our liberty in Christ to identify the BEST way of life to live it well. Thank you, Lord.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Devoted to the Lord in all Statuses

1 Corinthians 7

Inspired thots

God is our Creator; hence, He knows our inner needs and desires. He created man and woman for procreation. It is not wrong to marry or stay single as long as our conscience is clear. We can still be devoted to the Lord in whatever marital status. 

Life is all about adjustments; hence, peaceful living stems from adjusting to circumstances according to God's commands. Then all would be well.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

You Are NOT Your Own

1 Corinthians 6

Inspired thots

Although many issues were addressed, the underpinning element is our IDENTITY in Christ. As a Christian, our bodies have become the temple of God which is the abode of the Holy Spirit. How can we grieve the Holy Spirit with our callous lifestyle of lawsuits, immorality, idolatry and unrighteousness?

The worldly ways can crowd out the Holy Spirit in us; of whom we were sealed until Jesus comes again. Thus, a reminder at the end of the chapter that we are not our own anymore upon salvation. We are of God and the Holy Spirit has been given to us to help us be overcomers in  this world.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Keeping the Church Sanctified

1 Corinthians 5

Inspired thots

It is easy to have sin infiltrating the church. Many Christians live a double life; one with the world and one in the church. However, it is possible to bring the way of the world into the church at times. Immorality is sin to God although it is acceptable in the world. God's ways are different from the world's ways.

It is important to keep the church body cleansed and sanctified as an unblemished bride for the Lord; no wonder Paul was harsh about immorality within the church; it defiles the body of Christ. And our God is a Holy God.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Keeping True to the Way

1 Corinthians 4

Inspired thots

How easy to continue on with the ways of God when things are going good or when strong spiritual leaders are available to guide. But when the opposite happens, it is easy to sway to the ways of the world and self. It is important NOT to judge one another; even the self. Only God is the judge and we should leave it to Him. That is the way to keep true to God and His commandments. 

It is sufficient to keep self right with God's ways which should occupy all our time, energy and focus; rather than minding others' ways and business. Those who do so have everything in Christ. Walk right with God to avoid others judging us and cause discontent in any community.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Maturity through Humility

1 Corinthians 3

Inspired thots

God's ways are unconventional from human teachings; to be great is to be humble. It is the flesh that causes our downfall if we are not careful. We are considered 'immature' in Christ if we bicker and strive with one another. We must overcome the flesh to be mature.

People will come by our way to build us up; God brings them for this purpose. However, we are not to hold on too tightly to them as our alliance is with God alone. He is the One who gives the growth as it is about Him. Let us work to present our bodies as living temples for a holy God.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Knowing God with the Mind of Christ

1 Corinthians 2

Inspired thots

It is unlikely to know someone intimately without knowing their mind and heart. Good and strong relationships start off this way. An indulgence in personal wisdom would be very inward looking without any attempt to get to know or understand the other party. Pride sets in and shuts out other opinions; this is detrimental to the person.

We need to have the mind of Christ to know God and to enjoy further revelations. God Himself has prepared many wonderful heavenly things to be revealed to those who love Him and seek them. How exciting!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Understanding Life's Recipe

1 Corinthians 1

Inspired thots

A few simple truths for life make our lives meaningful and full.

1) Giving thanks to God in everything and for everyone keeps the heart humble and appreciative with a focus on God instead of self.

2) Live in unity with one and all by agreeing to dispel dissensions without having to be right all the time.

3) The most important feature or focus of our lives is the cross that carries the message of salvation although it may seem like foolishness.

4) God's foolishness is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men (v25). Indeed, God is sovereign and omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent to be compared to man.

5) Consider your call; who are you that God has chosen to shame the wise and strong? My life is for God's glory as Christ Jesus is my source.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Long Suffering to Truth

Acts 27 & 28

Inspired thots

Paul continued to expound the good news with the Jews in the hope of winning them for Christ. Though some believed, others did not. How sad that it is said of them, "hear but never understand, see but never perceive."

When the heart grows dull, complacency sets in to disregard truth and liberty. Those in the faith continues in long suffering to ensure their own heart does not grow dull or discouraged despite the circumstances.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Always Ready with Personal Testimony

Acts 25  & 26

Inspired thots

Paul was always ready to speak to anyone on the gospel. He has a personal testimony that reveals Jesus and his passion for the good news despite persecutions which are taken as opportunities to share and minister. What a different attitude from many laid back Christians today.

Paul shared the gospel as if the second coming of Christ is near; unlike current times. Maybe we think there is still time or Christ would not come so soon since it did not happen at Paul's time; Paul was 'mistaken' or 'miscalculated'. Forgive us, Lord!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Keep Looking UP

Acts 23 & 24

Inspired thots

The world will not see the heavenly things for it is clouded with selfishness and pride. How hard for the stubborn to enter the kingdom of God. Yet, it is the hand of God that moves among men. How foolish to go against God. 

Discomfort and trials will come to those chosen by God to spread the gospel for opposition is rife. Steadfastness of heart and faith puts us on secure ground with God at all times. It is like having a phobia on heights; looking down would stir up great fear while looking up steadies our path.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Trusting the Savior

Acts 21 & 22

Inspired thots

"In everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 

What a trying time for Paul who was steadfast in his ministry for the Lord! He feared not persecution nor imprisonment as he went about the task designated for him by God. What faithfulness and faith Paul exhibited even if it means a nearing of his life on earth.

But our lives are in God's hands; fear does not offer comfort or solution to what God has willed for each of His children; hence, let us be steadfast in faith to God and trust in His awesome power and love which saves!

Friday, July 11, 2014

On Course in Life & Ministry

Acts 20

Inspired thots

Paul was able to pack in a host of activities in 3 short years ministering to many across the continents. Only the Holy Spirit could have enabled and empowered him to do all those tasks and survive. Truly, he was on course in his life and ministry to the glory of God. Paul was so clear of his direction and purpose in life for Jesus that he wavered not in his ministry; there was an urgency that prompted him to share the gospel to as many as possible. Yet, Jesus did not come in his time.

Today, a more lackadaisical attitude overcomes many Christians in the sharing of the gospel with fear setting in from various quarters. May the Lord Jesus gives His servants strength, confidence and power to overcome every hindrance in spreading the good news that we are on course in life and ministry until He comes or we go to Him.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Danger of the 'HERD MENTALITY'

Acts 19

Inspired thots

It is easy to instigate others into uproar and commotion without many understanding the truth and basis of the issue. Crafty men may devise ways to cause a riot and opposition with their own agenda in mind and heart  using the crowd that goes on herd mentality. Yet, patience and steadfastness cause peace to prevail when rational men view the situation correctly to avoid a breakout of riot.

How important to seek the Lord's way and have Him handle difficult situations instead of rushing in. His ways are best; He will use the right parties to speak and act or influence to have all things well. Hallelujah! We can trust Him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Opportunities in the Midst of Opposition

Acts 18

Inspired thots

Paul went about to preach the good news of Jesus being the Christ. There is always opposition but there would also be opportunities where salvation comes about.  However, it is God who opens the door of opportunity and He guards and guides His servants on the right path to preach His word as long as one is obedient.

God will use others to provide opportunities to His servants. Then the spark is ignited to pass on the ministry to others. All is well.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Seizing Opportunities

Acts 17

Inspired thots

When opportunities are seized, better and better results come about. Persistence and Consistency are important to enjoy success especially when it is God's leading. Never giving up is a great attitude to propel forward and enjoy the mighty works of God.

Every man has equal opportunity to hear the good news of God and enjoy His favor. The decision lies with each person. Paul did not give up when the Jews incited trouble against him; he moves on to others who would welcome him and his ministry. There would be some who would respond to the word and works of God.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Chameleon Effect

Acts 16

Inspired thots

What a colorful turn of events! From popularity to persecution.... Paul and Silas underwent the whole works as they traveled from place to place. They did not fear the crowd that was incited against them when the previous moment was soaking in the Word of God.

How quickly one's attitude changes following a more influential power! Fear or lack of identity causes many to change their skin like a chameleon. But it is crucial to remain faithful to God no matter what the situation to enjoy everlasting rewards.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Simple Salvation Terms

Acts 15

Inspired thots

God is good! His plans are good! When He offers salvation, He intended it to be easy and simple. Only man tends to twist and turn to complicate matters and lay burdens on others.

Contention can arise when man cannot agree with the simple truths of God; complexity is their nature to prove their own greatness (or rather weakness). Complicated matters form a challenge to simpletons who rejoice at God's simple truths. Lets keep God's ways to enjoy life and faith.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Individual Decision for Eternity

Acts 14

Inspired thots

Reading this chapter reminds me that no one can force salvation onto another without the latter being willing and receptive. Salvation is such a personal decision that each individual must make. There may be persuasive words and threats to stir discord and doubt but those who seek the Lord with all their heart would understand the truth and gain wisdom and strength to stand firm in their faith regardless of persecution and trials.

It is FAITH that makes one well... in soul, body and spirit. Nothing is impossible with God.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Led by the Holy Spirit

Acts 13

Inspired thots

The disciples could discern acutely the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they are empowered with the Holy Spirit. I believe their passion and strong faith in Christ causes them to be acutely aware of the Holy Spirit moving amongst them; and they readily obeyed.

Compared to the Jews who reject the gospel and Christ, the disciples embraced Jesus. Hence, salvation is offered to the Gentiles because the Jews rejected their Messiah.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

God Delivers His Own

Acts 12

Inspired thots

Being a Christian for Jesus is not easy from the world's point of view for the persecutions that come by. However, God is faithful and true; proven by the disciples in days of old, God delivers His servants at the right time.

And Jesus is the same today (Heb 13:8); He will deliver His own in this world as this world is not our home. It is THIS assurance that Christians can live with Joy and Peace regardless of circumstances. Hallelujah! The best of both worlds...