Acts 11
Inspired thots
It is in Antioch that those who believed in Christ as Savior were called Christians; and that was when the term was coined. It was the Gentiles who believed in the good news to be first called Christians. As one goes about preaching the Word of God, mighty miracles will happen through the Holy Spirit and God's grace.
The world seems so small then; but its community was sufficient for the Word of God to be effective before more disciples were called and used by God.
A daily time out with the Lord Jesus, to hear Him speak to ME. I am asking the Lord to share HIS thoughts with ME, to teach me more about Himself, and how I can be drawn closer to Him... for 'His thoughts are not my thoughts and neither are His ways my ways' Isaiah 55:8,9. This blog is not a theological exegesis. This blog is to record down the INSIGHTS & INSPIRATIONS of God's Word to me; speaking LIFE into my life for Abundant life! :)
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
God Works in Mysterious Ways to Save
Acts 10
Inspired thots
The ways of God are so different and mysterious; indeed, He works in ways far beyond our comprehension but we know, His ways are best. He brings different people together for His glory and their benefit. He thinks through the plan well.
It is necessary for us to join God at work; to be used by Him as His channel of instrument according to His plan.Salvation is for all.
Inspired thots
The ways of God are so different and mysterious; indeed, He works in ways far beyond our comprehension but we know, His ways are best. He brings different people together for His glory and their benefit. He thinks through the plan well.
It is necessary for us to join God at work; to be used by Him as His channel of instrument according to His plan.Salvation is for all.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Extreme Transformation
Acts 9
Inspired thots
A bad reputation is hard to accept especially when there is an extreme transformation to the other end. It can only be a deep encounter with the Lord that can change a person inside out and stay focused on the new path of life that kept Paul on his new life mission.
It was difficult for others to accept the sudden change on Paul from Saul; only the Lord can do such a great work and He will have His will carried out to His glory. Everyone can be transformed by the Lord with a humble and contrite heart to be His useful instrument.
Inspired thots
A bad reputation is hard to accept especially when there is an extreme transformation to the other end. It can only be a deep encounter with the Lord that can change a person inside out and stay focused on the new path of life that kept Paul on his new life mission.
It was difficult for others to accept the sudden change on Paul from Saul; only the Lord can do such a great work and He will have His will carried out to His glory. Everyone can be transformed by the Lord with a humble and contrite heart to be His useful instrument.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
From Persecution to Proclamation
Acts 8
Inspired thots
What a wonderful attitude the disciples had. They did not focus and moan about being persecuted; they just moved on to another place as the Holy Spirit guided to preach the gospel. And God is faithful to bless as He directs His people to the exact spots to proclaim His name. And great signs and wonders follow which astound the audience. Indeed, these are the greater things Jesus' disciples do as He had said it.
Something good always comes out of the bad. Lets not lose hope.
Inspired thots
What a wonderful attitude the disciples had. They did not focus and moan about being persecuted; they just moved on to another place as the Holy Spirit guided to preach the gospel. And God is faithful to bless as He directs His people to the exact spots to proclaim His name. And great signs and wonders follow which astound the audience. Indeed, these are the greater things Jesus' disciples do as He had said it.
Something good always comes out of the bad. Lets not lose hope.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Rising to the Ranks
Acts 6 & 7
Inspired thots
As the number of disciples grew, more helpers are needed to assist in the growing ministries. Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, was chosen among 7 to serve tables; distributing food to widows and others. A seemingly meager position but he did it well for the Lord he loves just as Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
Stephen rose the ranks with great wonders and signs until jealousy against him arose from the synagogue leaders. But Stephen was well versed and ready to share the Scriptures from 'A' to 'Z'; from Abraham to Jesus. Awesome! And further up the ranks Stephen went until martyrdom for Jesus. Incredible!
Inspired thots
As the number of disciples grew, more helpers are needed to assist in the growing ministries. Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, was chosen among 7 to serve tables; distributing food to widows and others. A seemingly meager position but he did it well for the Lord he loves just as Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
Stephen rose the ranks with great wonders and signs until jealousy against him arose from the synagogue leaders. But Stephen was well versed and ready to share the Scriptures from 'A' to 'Z'; from Abraham to Jesus. Awesome! And further up the ranks Stephen went until martyrdom for Jesus. Incredible!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Amazing Transformation
Acts 5
Inspired thots
The disciples went about building up their ministry although there would be some who are not truly transformed like Ananias and Sapphira. The self must truly die for the Spirit to reign freely and fully. What awesome miracles when the power of God comes on.
God has an awesome plan in our lives on earth; no one can oppose Him. The godly or God-fearing people will recognize something special or different; and if they do not allow SELF to overcome, they would also be transformed.
Peter and the disciples REJOICED that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus.
Inspired thots
The disciples went about building up their ministry although there would be some who are not truly transformed like Ananias and Sapphira. The self must truly die for the Spirit to reign freely and fully. What awesome miracles when the power of God comes on.
God has an awesome plan in our lives on earth; no one can oppose Him. The godly or God-fearing people will recognize something special or different; and if they do not allow SELF to overcome, they would also be transformed.
Peter and the disciples REJOICED that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Boldness with Unity
Acts 4
Inspired thots
Peter and John became bold to speak in the name of Jesus with healing drawing many to hear them. The chief priests could not do anything to them because Peter and John were part of them; the people were witnesses of the miracle and honored them. The treatment is so different from that on Jesus who did the same.
Man is basically bias; only boldness to stand up against bullies prevails. Unity brings about boldness; boldness draws unity. Unity shares everything for the common good.
Inspired thots
Peter and John became bold to speak in the name of Jesus with healing drawing many to hear them. The chief priests could not do anything to them because Peter and John were part of them; the people were witnesses of the miracle and honored them. The treatment is so different from that on Jesus who did the same.
Man is basically bias; only boldness to stand up against bullies prevails. Unity brings about boldness; boldness draws unity. Unity shares everything for the common good.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Acts 3
Inspired thots
As I continued to seek God on Sharon's health condition, the rhema words from this chapter is PERFECT HEALTH (v16). The chapter talks about Peter and John healing the lame man at the temple. Faith in Christ brings about total healing to perfect health. Yes Lord, I believe. It is You who directed my eyes, heart and mind to these words in answer to my seeking.
Help me now to trust in You for total healing to perfect health for Sharon in due time before we go home with You.
Inspired thots
As I continued to seek God on Sharon's health condition, the rhema words from this chapter is PERFECT HEALTH (v16). The chapter talks about Peter and John healing the lame man at the temple. Faith in Christ brings about total healing to perfect health. Yes Lord, I believe. It is You who directed my eyes, heart and mind to these words in answer to my seeking.
Help me now to trust in You for total healing to perfect health for Sharon in due time before we go home with You.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Amazing Works from Amazing Words When Spirit Filled
Acts 2
Inspired thots
How interesting that the infilling of the Holy Spirit on the disciples after Jesus' death and resurrection has such a great impact on others than seemingly Jesus Himself. The disciples spoke in tongues which others could understand to open their minds towards unusual happenings around themselves. Conviction comes easily when Peter spoke to them about Jesus and salvation. 3000 souls were saved with one sermon!
Indeed, this is what Jesus said that His disciples would do greater things than Him on earth. How true! How wonderful! God has His purposes.
Inspired thots
How interesting that the infilling of the Holy Spirit on the disciples after Jesus' death and resurrection has such a great impact on others than seemingly Jesus Himself. The disciples spoke in tongues which others could understand to open their minds towards unusual happenings around themselves. Conviction comes easily when Peter spoke to them about Jesus and salvation. 3000 souls were saved with one sermon!
Indeed, this is what Jesus said that His disciples would do greater things than Him on earth. How true! How wonderful! God has His purposes.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Life After Jesus' Death
Acts 1
Inspired thots
More mystery seems to surround Jesus AFTER His resurrection for He appeared to His disciples for 40 days speaking the kingdom of God. Why did God keep silent on these 40 days to modern man? Jesus reappeared with passion and many proofs; yet, these were not recorded.; or do we need to discern them in the books written by the apostles?
I suppose the most important point was to build up the disciples' faith and passion to go about the appointed task...The Great Commission. They devoted themselves to prayer and allowed the Word of God and HS to guide them in all things.
Inspired thots
More mystery seems to surround Jesus AFTER His resurrection for He appeared to His disciples for 40 days speaking the kingdom of God. Why did God keep silent on these 40 days to modern man? Jesus reappeared with passion and many proofs; yet, these were not recorded.; or do we need to discern them in the books written by the apostles?
I suppose the most important point was to build up the disciples' faith and passion to go about the appointed task...The Great Commission. They devoted themselves to prayer and allowed the Word of God and HS to guide them in all things.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Not Quite the End
John 21
Inspired thots
Christians who love the Lord should not be disappointed to go into depression because the Lord is faithful and loving regardless of the circumstances. Peter and the disciples were disappointed after Jesus' death and went back to their old ways and lifestyle. They were lost like sheep without a shepherd. It is expected when losing someone; memories, missing the loved one, feeling the void....
But the Lord appears and provides for them in amazing ways to lift up their spirits for the work again. When Jesus queried Peter on his love for Him, it was Peter's calling to serve Jesus. We are always curious on other's fate but fail to comprehend and work out our own especially when the Lord calls.
Inspired thots
Christians who love the Lord should not be disappointed to go into depression because the Lord is faithful and loving regardless of the circumstances. Peter and the disciples were disappointed after Jesus' death and went back to their old ways and lifestyle. They were lost like sheep without a shepherd. It is expected when losing someone; memories, missing the loved one, feeling the void....
But the Lord appears and provides for them in amazing ways to lift up their spirits for the work again. When Jesus queried Peter on his love for Him, it was Peter's calling to serve Jesus. We are always curious on other's fate but fail to comprehend and work out our own especially when the Lord calls.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The Great Love of Mary
John 20
Inspired thots
Sometimes we may not be able to do much to show our love but certain actions and words suffice to show the real picture. Mary Magdalene went early to the tomb and saw the stone rolled away. She reported her findings to the disciples. She shared what she saw. She stayed on at the empty tomb even after Peter and John left. There is much to be gained when we linger in the presence of God; He appears to His loved ones.
How seemingly foolish of her to suggest that she would take away the body of Jesus! A mere lady, frail and gentle; how could she carry Jesus' body even if it were told her. But this reflects her deep love for Jesus; to stay by His side and have Him near. What amazing love she has for Jesus.
Inspired thots
Sometimes we may not be able to do much to show our love but certain actions and words suffice to show the real picture. Mary Magdalene went early to the tomb and saw the stone rolled away. She reported her findings to the disciples. She shared what she saw. She stayed on at the empty tomb even after Peter and John left. There is much to be gained when we linger in the presence of God; He appears to His loved ones.
How seemingly foolish of her to suggest that she would take away the body of Jesus! A mere lady, frail and gentle; how could she carry Jesus' body even if it were told her. But this reflects her deep love for Jesus; to stay by His side and have Him near. What amazing love she has for Jesus.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Seemingly a Sad Ending
John 19
Inspired thots
Jesus is finally arrested; His enemies must be so happy. Such a sad end to one who performed so many wonders and miracles; left alone by one and all. The world is deceitful; it is not loyal. Friends and families would stand away for fear of men. But Jesus knew ALL things and did every will of God willingly. Thank You Lord. By Your death, we live.
It may seem a tragic end but to the world for after death, comes life; with Jesus, life eternal ... and hope. How wonderful. How myopic is man not to see further.
Inspired thots
Jesus is finally arrested; His enemies must be so happy. Such a sad end to one who performed so many wonders and miracles; left alone by one and all. The world is deceitful; it is not loyal. Friends and families would stand away for fear of men. But Jesus knew ALL things and did every will of God willingly. Thank You Lord. By Your death, we live.
It may seem a tragic end but to the world for after death, comes life; with Jesus, life eternal ... and hope. How wonderful. How myopic is man not to see further.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Total Obedience with Appropriate Axtions
John 18
Inspired thots
Jesus set an excellent example of TOTAL OBEDIENCE to His Heavenly Father by submitting to His will when the time comes. At the right time, Jesus yielded Himself to the enemy although they were powerless to take Him personally. Jesus was not arrested before His time despite many tries by the Pharisees and leaders until His time in His Father's plan.
Comparing Peter to Jesus, Peter failed to follow Jesus' example at that moment in time; his fear of people and arrest led him to deny Jesus 3 times. How important to Trust God and BE BOLD at the right time with total obedience to God and not man. May God give His grace to empower us for His glory!
Inspired thots
Jesus set an excellent example of TOTAL OBEDIENCE to His Heavenly Father by submitting to His will when the time comes. At the right time, Jesus yielded Himself to the enemy although they were powerless to take Him personally. Jesus was not arrested before His time despite many tries by the Pharisees and leaders until His time in His Father's plan.
Comparing Peter to Jesus, Peter failed to follow Jesus' example at that moment in time; his fear of people and arrest led him to deny Jesus 3 times. How important to Trust God and BE BOLD at the right time with total obedience to God and not man. May God give His grace to empower us for His glory!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
United in God
John 17
Inspired thots
Jesus is bonded to the Father and He wants us to be bonded to Him so that we are also bonded to the Father, just like Him. It shows how important it is for unity in God to be victorious and overcome the enemy and self. We look to Jesus instead of self when we are united in God. Our focus is on the Heavenly Father like Jesus who focuses on His Father instead of securing self glory. This way, the Father gives back glory to Jesus; it would be the same for us His children.
Inspired thots
Jesus is bonded to the Father and He wants us to be bonded to Him so that we are also bonded to the Father, just like Him. It shows how important it is for unity in God to be victorious and overcome the enemy and self. We look to Jesus instead of self when we are united in God. Our focus is on the Heavenly Father like Jesus who focuses on His Father instead of securing self glory. This way, the Father gives back glory to Jesus; it would be the same for us His children.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
True Understanding of God's Words
John 16
Inspired thots
It is not easy to understand the teachings of Jesus. His words may seem so simple but carry a deep meaning that we THINK we understand yet we dont. It is ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD that we understand what He reveals. Yet we are only understanding IN PART; the FULL HAS YET TO COME.
It is easier for modern Christians to understand the bible based on written explanation like hindsight than the disciples although they have Jesus. However, the bottom line is really... Only God can reveal what He wants EACH one to understand at that point in time.
Inspired thots
It is not easy to understand the teachings of Jesus. His words may seem so simple but carry a deep meaning that we THINK we understand yet we dont. It is ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD that we understand what He reveals. Yet we are only understanding IN PART; the FULL HAS YET TO COME.
It is easier for modern Christians to understand the bible based on written explanation like hindsight than the disciples although they have Jesus. However, the bottom line is really... Only God can reveal what He wants EACH one to understand at that point in time.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
More than Good Fruits
John 15
Inspired thots
In order to bear good fruit all the time, it is important to stay in Christ all the time. Pruning may be painful but in Christ's hands, it is a blessing. Let not the enemy turn it into a self-pity to cause rebellion for every good fruit must have appropriate conditions to come forth according to the law of nature.
Similarly, abiding in Christ opens heaven's gates to ask and receive the best from Father God Himself. There would be love, joy, truth, obedience and contentment in life. Lets look more closely at the end benefits before we become myopic to self and be deceived by the enemy.
Inspired thots
In order to bear good fruit all the time, it is important to stay in Christ all the time. Pruning may be painful but in Christ's hands, it is a blessing. Let not the enemy turn it into a self-pity to cause rebellion for every good fruit must have appropriate conditions to come forth according to the law of nature.
Similarly, abiding in Christ opens heaven's gates to ask and receive the best from Father God Himself. There would be love, joy, truth, obedience and contentment in life. Lets look more closely at the end benefits before we become myopic to self and be deceived by the enemy.
Monday, June 2, 2014
From Complexity to Simplicity
John 14
Inspired thots
Jesus' teachings may seem to be so complicated that the disciples found it hard to understand but it is BY FAITH that one hears Jesus' words to understand. Hence, Jesus speaks more of the HEART to hear and understand without being troubled or afraid. But from complexity, things become simple as promises are given to the disciples; simple promises as in v13,14 "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask in my name, I will do it." Mature Christians would know what to ask and how to ask; and the Lord will do it! This is by Faith.
Then the Holy Spirit comes to assist to ease the complexity to simplicity; just ask and receive. Thank you Lord.
Inspired thots
Jesus' teachings may seem to be so complicated that the disciples found it hard to understand but it is BY FAITH that one hears Jesus' words to understand. Hence, Jesus speaks more of the HEART to hear and understand without being troubled or afraid. But from complexity, things become simple as promises are given to the disciples; simple promises as in v13,14 "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask in my name, I will do it." Mature Christians would know what to ask and how to ask; and the Lord will do it! This is by Faith.
Then the Holy Spirit comes to assist to ease the complexity to simplicity; just ask and receive. Thank you Lord.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Love Covers All Things
John 13
Inspired thots
Every action performed by Jesus is activated by LOVE. Jesus washes His disciples' feet in humility to teach humility which is inspired by LOVE. He dismisses Judas Iscariot to betray Him without condemning Judas as Jesus accepts the will of God. He gave the new commandment of LOVE that would make His disciples a worthy testimony to others in winning them to the kingdom of God.
Inspired thots
Every action performed by Jesus is activated by LOVE. Jesus washes His disciples' feet in humility to teach humility which is inspired by LOVE. He dismisses Judas Iscariot to betray Him without condemning Judas as Jesus accepts the will of God. He gave the new commandment of LOVE that would make His disciples a worthy testimony to others in winning them to the kingdom of God.
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