Saturday, November 30, 2013

There IS Victory at the End

Daniel 7

Inspired thots

It took me 2 days to complete this chapter as I was 'alarmed' at the first part where Daniel described his vision. The description is explicit enough to be of grave concern for deep understanding is required to appreciate the impact. 

Praise God for the equally explicit explanation of Daniel's vision that removes the anxious thoughts! How great is God who knows the frailty of men. There is ALWAYS good news at the end; victory is in stored as we persevere to the end. Help us Lord. Come, Ancient of Days!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Consistency in Godly Lifestyle

Daniel 6

Inspired thots

Daniel was unperturbed with the conspiracy that rose against him; he excelled in whatever he did because he did it in honor of God. Hence, the favor of man was on him because the favor of God was upon him. He was consistent in his godly lifestyle. Thus, he prayed to God as usual despite the king's interdict of no petition to any god or man for 30 days.

Our God is much higher than any other; His laws and decrees should be obeyed instead of new changes made by men. Even king Darius was upset that Daniel was snared into the trap but fasted for him as Daniel spent the night with the lions.

What an amazing impact on a non-believer! A consistent godly lifestyle is a great testimony to others in the knowledge of God. There may not be a conversion but there WAS a CONVICTION!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Honoring God

Daniel 5

Inspired thots

God is the ONE who blesses us with EVERYTHING. How important to give thanks to Him in all our lives. Pride indeed comes before a fall as with king Belshazzar who angered God in not honoring Him by praising other gods that do not see or hear or know anything.

One can enjoy the wealth God has blessed but should not defile self as god in our way of life. Do not defile the things of God for He would execute judgment on those who are proud with self wisdom.

Fear God and honor Him alone in life to enjoy His favor.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Acknowledging God's Power in Praise & Thanksgiving

Daniel 4

Inspired thots

Another dream; another interpretation by Daniel. Heard but soon forgotten by the king; hence, the fulfillment of the prophecy. How important to remember what God says to keep one from being proud and self-sufficient.

King Nebuchadnezzar was perplexed by his dream until Daniel interpreted. But how quickly he forgets the warning. How true for humans to forget God's words of warning! We want only blessings but forget to walk uprightly and humbly before God to enjoy His best for us.

Have mercy on us, O Lord! Guide us, Holy Spirit in reminding us of God's ways. Empower us to obey Almighty God at all times! Amen.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Full Confidence in God through Complete Obedience

Daniel 3

Inspired thots

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were caught in defying the king's edict of worshiping the king's idol at the sound of any instrument because they were firm in their faith to worship only God. There would be troublemakers who would try to gain a foot by pulling others down.

God's people can get into serious trouble with the world but God is in full control; He will not allow anything to happen to His people without His consent. He is able to deliver if He desires especially when His name is at stake. God's people must continue to live in full confidence in Him with total obedience regardless of the outcome.

When God chooses to act, there is strong testimony.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Good Testimony

Daniel 2

Inspired thots

King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream; and in his own wisdom, he did not make it known to his magicians. He demanded that THEY reveal his dream AND its interpretation. That would really test their magical abilities. When the king threatened to kill all the 'so called wise men' in the land, Daniel heard and commit the matter to God.

Lesson: How important to BE ALERT to the CURRENT TIMES to be a USEFUL VESSEL for God.

Daniel's apt intercession brought him favor with God and man (the king). He requested his friends to intercede with him to God for revelation. God revealed it to Daniel in a dream at night. Daniel revealed and interpreted the dream to the king who acknowledged Daniel's powerful God.

Lesson: A good testimony points the audience to Jesus as they acknowledge His work in their lives.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Favor of God Brings Favor of Man

Daniel 1

Inspired thots

How inspirational that God is concern with His young people to be built up after Him. They may be in exile but great opportunities await those who desire to please the Lord just like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. They chose to eat well instead of indulging in rich foods and wine; God blest them with favor.

Favor with God brings on the favor with man.

I pray verse 4 for my youth daughters, E and P, that they will be 'youths without blemish, beautiful (handsome) and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning, and competent to serve the king (of kings)' ~ Jesus. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The LORD is My Portion

Ezekiel 48

Inspired thots

God portions the land to His people so that none would lack anything for a fulfilling life. Even God has His own allotted portion ~ the temple. The city of God is aptly named "The Lord is there."

The Lord gives me my fair portion in life. He is my Portion; I should not complain or murmur. What He allots is the best; lets make it a FULL portion with the Lord.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Going Deeper with God

Ezekiel 47

Inspired thots

Ezekiel was brought into the temple where the River of God flows. He went from ankle deep, to knee deep and loins deep until he has to swim in it. But God is gracious to bring him back to the bank where many trees were planted and nourished with fresh fruit that does not fail.

God may bring us through difficult moments in life until we seem not to be able to have our feet on solid ground but He never fails to see us through the deep. He will lead us back to safety and pleasure. He will restore and feed us with the best.

"There were all kinds of trees for food." (v12) Fruit for food; leaves for healing. Complete bliss and perfect health. How wonderful! Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Straight Path

Ezekiel 46

Inspired thots

It is interesting to note how God prepares the place of worship for His people with specific instructions. The people have to come in by the NORTH gate and exit by the SOUTH gate. It is a STRAIGHT path they walk through after worshiping God. How interesting.

Lesson: After meeting up with God (worship), we should NOT be going back to where we came from. 

Our Christian walk is a continuous straight path. Amen.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Contented Living through Righteousness

Ezekiel 45

Inspired thots

The Lord wants to bless His people with a contented life where righteousness rules; not greed. All men should live harmoniously with one another to enjoy a good life. It should not be a striving and gathering of earthly wealth but seeking the Lord and trusting in His provisions.

For the Lord will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. The right sacrifices would be pleasing to the Lord when offered with a right heart attitude. Peace shall dwell in the Lord as we worship the Lord.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Call to Service

Ezekiel 44

Inspired thots

The Lord God calls His people to serve and minister unto Him. There is a special task for a group of special people - the Levites and priests. His instructions are very specific for understanding and execution.

How is it that we today do not hear it as clearly? Lord, forgive!

Many today may think the OT commands and instructions are staid and rigid but that is the simplest way for the people to understand to obey. Otherwise, we tend to add and subtract to the Word of God.

The priests and Levites are to serve God and His people but on the latter, not to the extent of giving in to their idolatry practices. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Lord Fills the Temple

Ezekiel 42 & 43

Inspired thots

The last 2 chapters described vividly the NEW temple of the Lord; He has a purpose for it. HE IS GOING TO DWELL IN IT. The new temple represents the place where He will show forth His glory but even the whole temple cannot contain Him; for as He fills the whole temple, the WHOLE EARTH shone with its glory!

The effect is so powerful and impactful when the glory of the Lord comes down.

The NT says our bodies are the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 6:19) Surely the glory of God can fill His people too. How awesome.

And there is an altar in the temple for offering. Our temple must also have an altar to offer the best offerings to God.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Preparing a New Temple of Worship

Ezekiel 40 & 41

Inspired thots

God reveals a new temple for His people to worship Him after they would be gathered from exile.
This shows how caring God is towards His people who had been rebellious towards Him. He does not hold His anger forever. He prepares the best for them to await their return to Him.

God is SO loving. Today, we are told that our bodies IS the Temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells within. Let us also prepare ourselves to worship God.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Restoration in God's Time

Ezekiel 39

Inspired thots

God is at work if we open our eyes. He is always working in our lives; everyday is an opportunity to know God in His wonder and majesty. Every situation and circumstance is brought about by God to reveal His glory and power. 

Through calamities, He reveals and restores that which belong to Him. It is foolish to claim self-glory and honor when all things are subject to God. He will not let His name be profaned. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No Power Can Come Against the Lord

Ezekiel 38

Inspired thots

No power on earth can come against Almighty God; there is always a time and season in which God would act against those who rebel or are proud in their own strength and wisdom. It is the wise who keep humble and have the Lord honored in their lives.

Personal inspiration:
v7 "Be ready and keep ready, you and all the hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them."

This speaks to me as an intercessory warrior to be ready and remain ready until God calls out for action. His timing is right. Intercessors have an important role in guarding God's people against danger and judgment. Yes, we are to inform those around us about the impending judgment of God and stir one another up to be prepared for God's judgment and Christ's coming.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dry Bones Made Alive

Ezekiel 37

Inspired thots

God answers prayers.... I was asking Him for a word of encouragement for my sister with 4th stage cancer before reading His word. This passage speaks of dry bones made alive by God's power and grace. I claim it for my sister to be healed of cancer in Jesus' name.

As the prophet Ezekiel prophesied according to God's command, it came about. Truly, the Word can come to life in the mighty power of God.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Heart of Flesh from Heart of Stone

Ezekiel 36

Inspired thots

Only God can do the impossible; Only He can change a heart of stone into a heart of flesh. Stubbornness can be transformed into obedience. God is merciful to His people. He does not always chide or chastise; He wants only to bless.

He will not let the enemy gloat over His people's downfall for it is the Lord's doing.

Who can go against the Lord? The wise seeks after Him and allows Him to have His way for their own sake. The Lord will not let His own name be profaned.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

God Acts to Make Himself Known

Ezekiel 35

Inspired thots

Many a time God acts against the enemies of Israel to show His glory and power. It is a time of revelation on WHO GOD is. 

His awesome judgment acts will prove His existence and faithfulness to those whom He has chosen.

Many will know God from His mighty acts; hence, let us not be proud and gloat over others' calamities which may be part of God's judgment. Let us see and be humble; lest His judgment comes upon us.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Lord is the Shepherd

Ezekiel 34

Inspired thots

The Lord God is always good; He watches over His people all the time. If His appointed shepherds do not perform their duties well, the Lord God will step in. He is the GREAT Shepherd who takes good care of His sheep.

He will bring back those who are scattered, lost or strayed. He will feed His sheep and rescue them from evil. He will give them rest and strengthen them.

He will judge between sheep and sheep; rams and he-goats. He is the Righteous Shepherd.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Watchman's Message

Ezekiel 33

Inspired thots

Everyone is useful for the Lord. Each is a watchman for Him to warn others about the impending judgment of God.
Those who understands the signs of the times MUST SOUND the TRUMPET to warn others; it is up to them to heed the warning. The blood of the people would not be required of the watchman who forewarns the coming danger.

Even the righteous must continue to do right before the Lord as ONE SIN can wipe out all past credibility. Everyone is accountable to the Lord personally.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The End Result

Ezekiel 31 & 32

Inspired thots

Those who cause terror on earth during their days would share the same end result; bottomless pit! 

God will cast them into the deep as a punishment for their sins and evil when they heeded not the warnings given time and again. The great and mighty on earth shall not be spared; they too will be in the pit when they die if they continue to walk in their self-righteous ways. It would be an eternal shame on the heads of terrorists in the pit when they share the same fate.

Repent now with a humble heart while the grace of God still abounds.