Friday, August 30, 2013

God Warns His People

Jeremiah 12

Inspired thots

God always forewarns his people about the impending judgment on them if they do not turn from their wickedness. He cares and loves them so much that He is always waiting for their return to Him.

Indeed it is hard to stay close and focused on God when there are so many attractions in the world to distract us from God. Yes, God is righteous and our frailty draws us far from God if we do not take care.

Only God is merciful to give second chances against His wrath. Forgive us, Father God, for our stubbornness. Thank you for your great mercy and love that sustains us.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Judgments & Deliverances

Jeremiah 11

Inspired thots

Two groups of people; one will be judged and the other delivered! This is a sure fact... an act by the Lord in His good time.

There is no other faction. There is no other choice. The time is NOW... to decide which side you will be on.

The Lord has made a covenant of old which He is awaiting the time to fulfill. The righteous may be persecuted now but delivered in due time by the Lord. 

God, give your people grace upon grace and mercy to stand as we wait for You!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

There is NONE like GOD!

Jeremiah 10

Inspired thots

It is REPEATED; "There is NONE like thee, O Lord" v6,8. He is the TRUE God who does all things good and bad; blessings and judgment belong to God.

The foolish does not seek Him; the stupid turns to idols; the wicked satisfy their own lust. God will judge in His own time. All other gods shall perish for they are nothing but wood and silver. Man must come to his good senses to return to God.

v23 "The way of Man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his steps." 
> We need God! We are His creation. We should be following AFTER Him. 

How rightly Jeremiah notes.. v24 "Correct me, O Lord, but in JUST measure; not in thy anger, lest Thou bring me to nothing...." 

> Understanding... > Humility  > Repentance.. > Return to God .... > Submission...
> Protection & Blessing

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Glory in ONE thing

Jeremiah 9

Inspired thots

v23,24 Thus says the Lord,"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom; let not the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich glory in his riches;
but let him who glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practice steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, says the Lord."

It is NEVER about US; it is ALWAYS about God. His ways may be so SIMPLE in principle but yet, many would find it hard to follow. Hence, not many stay with God. Man prefers to be acknowledged for his 'great' deeds than to seek God alone. There is no glory but to God, we only need ONE reason... knowing God by acknowledge Him ALONE to be worthy.

Monday, August 26, 2013

God's Grief

Jeremiah 8

Inspired thots

The stubbornness of God's people grieves God deeply. Although His wrath is on His beloved people who do not choose to repent and return to Him, He is deeply grieved at their foolishness. They rather suffer want and wickedness than realize they need God who has been there for them all the years.

v20 "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are NOT saved."  How sad! From NT, we know that the field is ripe for harvest; people are ready to hear the gospel and be saved. Not so with God's people; they yearn and hunger... but for the wrong things in life. Hence, they do not enjoy salvation or blessings from God.

Hence, God is grieved.  v18 "My grief is beyond healing; my heart is sick within me."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our Own Folly

Jeremiah 7

Inspired thots

Only our own stubbornness gets us into trouble. We tend to trust in deceptive words rather than the WORD of GOD. Hence, we walk in unrighteous ways that provoke God to wrath and judgment although He keeps calling us to repentance and return to Him.

Many Christians live a double life; Sunday Christians. Coming to church to enjoy God's blessings but outside in the world, they are treacherous. God is not pleased with that.We have to truly amend our ways and doings without hurting others or going after other gods. Only then will God bless us when we meet up with Him in His sanctuary where it is pure.

Return to the Ancient Ways

Jeremiah 6

Inspired thots

God is still calling His people to return to Him despite their wanton ways and stubbornness. Although He speaks to turn them back, they do not listen. v10 "Behold, Their ears are closed; they cannot listen." How sad!

Hence God is angry and stirs to incur judgment on them.

Yet again He calls out; v18 "Stand by the roads, and look; and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." BUT they said,:"We will not walk in it." How sad!

Again and again God tried to woo His people to return but their stubbornness refuses His calls. Hence, God will refuse them when judgment comes. Let us come back to Him NOW before it is too late.

Friday, August 23, 2013

God's Soliloquy

Jeremiah 5

Inspired thots

It seems that God is responding to Himself over the dire state of stubborn faithless man. He expounds on their final end. His words are strong of judgment but I can feel His pain and grief through His love for His people who do not acknowledge Him as their God or want the best from Him.

God has suffered in silence for a long time over the rebellion of His people. How long must He endure such blatant disrespect? 

Truly, those who do not regard God now while there is time are foolish and senseless as how God calls them.
v21 "Hear this, O foolish and senseless people,
        who have eyes but see not,
        who  have ears but hear not."

God's Calling to His People to Return

Jeremiah 4

Inspired thots

God is always wooing His people to return to Him. He is always waiting for their return to His side. He has so much blessings to offer; yet they prefer the world. Why is it so? Why is it that man is so foolish to desire only that which they can see, hear, touch, taste or feel rather than the immortal, invisible and ever living God who alone reigns?

How heart aching is it for God to see His people running around on earth aimlessly!

When would we be FAITHFUL to a faithful God who is always waiting, watching and willing to forgive?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Faithless Over Falsehood

Jeremiah 3

Inspired thots

God is SO disappointed with Israel's faithlessness. Time and time again they turned away from Him although He wants to love and bless them dearly. He is so patient in waiting for their return to Him; yet, they choose to enjoy the world. Nevertheless, God is gracious to His beloved. He is still waiting to heal the faithless. WHAT A WONDERFUL GOD!

But God is displeased with Falsehood compared to Faithlessness. Judah was found to be FALSE with God; claiming to return to God but on pretense. What an important lesson to note. Falsehood has no place in God. Let us truly repent and return to God wholeheartedly!   He is gracious and merciful to true repentance and a contrite heart.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

God's Contention

Jeremiah 2

Inspired thots

God speaks through Jeremiah to His people Israel. He pours out His heart of grief to them who have hurt Him all the years when He kept silenced.

God recalls the good old days when His people were young and faithful to Him but as they mature, they became stubborn in their ways. They went after 'worthlessness' and became worthless. Though God intended the best for His people, they became defiled in their ways and did not acknowledge Him.

God's people forsook Him and opted for second best on their own strength which they gloated over.
Lust of the eyes and flesh can cause our downfall of faith in God; we are enticed by lust and turn away from God. Then we turn to other 'gods' instead of being steadfast with God alone in our lives. Next, we indulge in wickedness and revel with those in it to cause harm to others. How wickedness abound.

How foolish we are! Have mercy, Lord! Do not Contend with Us Lord! Let us come back to you!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Called by God

Jeremiah 1

Inspired thots

The Book starts off well with the calling of Jeremiah to be God's prophet. How wonderful to be SURE of your calling in Christ! That is our FIRM FOUNDATION. 
When the LORD calls personally, He equips; He is at our side and will deliver us through difficulties.

God's calling on Jeremiah is so specific; He reveals so much to Jeremiah to deliver to others as well as to encourage His servant. God is very good; He strengthens and raises our faith in Him so that we are not dismayed with the opposition for God is with us.

Hallelujah! Lord, we claim Your promise of deliverance and presence to cover us from all evil and wickedness! Keep our hearts in You alone, Jesus. Amen!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Finale Grandeur

Isaiah 66

Inspired thots

How ENCOMPASSING verses 1 & 2! Heaven is God's throne; the earth is His footstool. What can we offer God that He does not have? The only and Best offering is the man who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at His word.

God shall bring forth to birth His glory and blessings upon His people who seek after Him.  The Lord will come majestically for judgment. Are we Ready? What a horrible end for those who are not on His side!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Incurring God's Wrath or Blessings

Isaiah 65

Inspired thots

God is available to all peoples; even though He chose Israel, He is "ready to be sought by those who did not ask". He will pour out His blessings upon those who seek Him and wrath upon those who remain stubborn and wicked.

The wise would answer to God's calling; when He speaks, we should listen (v12)

It is easy to be in God's favor but the Self must be overcome to enjoy His blessings; not wrath.
His blessings are manifold to be enjoyed. Life is to be enjoyed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

He is the Potter, We are the Clay

Isaiah 64

Inspired thots

God is always calling for His people who are His creation. We need to be submissive to God who knows best. HE IS THE POTTER; we are the clay. The clay does not tell the Potter how to fashion it.

Our sins cloak us; v6 "all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment." How can we voice out arrogantly? Only be humble and CALL upon His name to vindicate us in due time.

How EXCELLENT is Your Name, O Lord!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

An Intense Relationship

Isaiah 63

Inspired thots

God showed His love but got rejected by man who reveled in his own glory and self-centeredness until he is in despair. That is always the attitude of man; calling on God when he is in need; forgetting God when all is well as he revels with the world. Sigh!

No wonder God is angry with man and comes with vengeance; but those who recall His faithfulness and repent shall be spared. How merciful is our God in our estranged relationship! What foolishness we exercise to enjoy fleeting pleasures of life from the world.

Let us proclaim His mighty name as our Heavenly Father, Lord, Redeemer and Savior! Let us appreciate the special relationship with God alone. Let us work out our salvation and love relationship with GOD!

Monday, August 12, 2013

God is FOR His People

Isaiah 62

Inspired thots

Indeed, if GOD IS FOR US, WHO can be Against us? (Rom. 8:31) How wonderful that God would PERSONALLY step in to deliver and bless those who seek Him diligently.  He promises favor to those who wait for Him as His bride for He is the Bridegroom.

v10 Go through, go through the gates, prepare the way for the people;
Build up, build up the highway; clear it of stones; lift up an ensign over the people.

>> When we GO THROUGH the gates, we ENTER into a NEW LAND! We must MOVE ON; GO FORWARD! not staying still or complacent.
It's the Gates of Trials...

>> When we BUILD UP the highway, we prepare the way for others. It is not for our own glory or contentment but assist others to walk in God's ways. 
It's the Highway of Salvation...

Father God, grant me your strength and wisdom with peace to do YOUR Work to YOUR Glory! 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Jesus IS, So shall I Be

Isaiah 61

Inspired thots

This was the chapter which Jesus read when He was in the temple; and He amazed the Pharisees with the Truth. Today, the Truth is with us ~ the people of God. We should aim to be like Jesus because the Spirit of the Lord God is upon us too (v1)....

So as Jesus is, so should we aim to be... like father like son; this is the day to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor! It is a day of celebration with the oil of gladness instead of mourning and ashes (v3). As we draw close to Jesus, we are transformed to be more like Him. How Wonderful! Let us rejoice greatly in our God (v10); "let my soul exult in my God, for He has clothed me with garments of salvation and covered me with the robe of righteousness."

He is the BRIDEGROOM; I am His BRIDE... Praise the Lord! Let us continue to work out our salvation to the His Bride without blemish till He comes...

I like what Ps MC shared yesterday in her sermon ~ Jesus is coming again; it is so because HE said SO! ~

Blessings from the Lord!

Isaiah 60

Inspired thots

"Arise, SHINE! for your light has come; and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." v1

How marvelous the BLESSINGS and honor when God bestows favor upon those who stay with Him. They are blest with good. There is a great Transformation when God's favor is on us. Everyone reacts favorably to us because God is our light and shield.  No good thing does He withhold. The days of mourning have ended. There is only JOY! 

Why does God Not Answer Prayers?

Isaiah 59

Inspired thots

Sin is an important element that prevents us from a close relationship with God. Hence, it is the main barrier in God's silence to our prayers for the Lord's hand is not shortened to save His people. It is our stubbornness to our sinful nature and gloat in selfish desires that angers God.

O how often we take God's grace and patience for granted! We anger Him to no end; He is displeased with our bad attitude and behaviour. Yet He is compassionate towards us when we cry out to Him in desperation.
He will intervene...

Hmmm... God puts on the Breastplate of Righteousness and the Helmet of Salvation (v17) as in Ephesians 6 to war with the enemies.

Praise God that HE REMEMBERS His covenant with His people to turn from His wrath and pour forth mercy; otherwise, we are dead meat!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

God's Direction on Fasting

Isaiah 58

Inspired thots

How faithful is my God who responds to my simple prayer of inspiration for today's devotion! Praise Him for His mercy and faithfulness as He reveals His thoughts on Fasting even as we start the 40-fast today!

How inspirational to have the answer of what type of fasts pleases God! It is NOT the TYPE of fast but the PURPOSE of the Fast and how we react during the fasting.

The WRONG fast is for self; to brag and boost while stirring up strife without proper control to eradicate self-centeredness. The RIGHT type of fast is what GOD designs; to LOOSE BONDS of Wickedness; to UNDO the THONGS of the YOKE; to let the OPPRESSED GO FREE; to BREAK EVERY YOKE; to CONSIDER others Better than self.

With the RIGHT fast, God will respond. We shall be blest by the Lord when we fast rightly for His glory according to His purpose. v8 ... the GLORY of the Lord shall be my REAR GUARD. God has me covered when I walk rightly with Him! Hallelujah!

Monday, August 5, 2013

A Compassionate God

Isaiah 57

Inspired thots

God is always mindful of His people. He takes care of those who trust in Him.The righteous man may seem to perish but it is God's will for him to escape calamity. Truly, HIS WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS;  (55:8,9)

The wicked continues his way until it is too late when judgment comes but our righteous God still waits patiently for their repentance. What a compassionate God! How true that God does not want anyone to perish. (55:6,7)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Blessings Come to the Godly

Isaiah 56

Inspired thots

Blessings are in stored for those who love the Lord! This is God's word on His people Israel as well as to Gentiles. Hallelujah! I am included in this full rich blessing of Jesus! Thank You Lord Jesus! 

How wonderful on vv6,7 where those who join themselves to the Lord would be taken to His holy mountain ~ His presence!

These people are to MINISTER to Him, LOVE His Name, Be His SERVANTS, Keep the Sabbath without profanity, HOLDS FAST His covenant.
We will be JOYFUL in HIS HOUSE of Prayer; our burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on His altar.

This is where HIS HOUSE is called A HOUSE OF PRAYER for ALL peoples.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Going In Needful, Coming Out Joyful

Isaiah 55

Inspired thots

What a wonderful chapter of hope and joy when one is in the Lord! A special invitation is made from the Lord to those who are thirsty and poor  to seek the Lord and be filled. There is never a lack with God who provides the needful to His people.

Indeed God is Almighty in all His ways over the earth; how amazing that "His thoughts are not our thoughts; and neither are our ways His ways" (v8) How important to seek a deep relationship with God to know HIS thoughts and ways.

Only with God can we go out into the world well equipped and well supplied; there is No lack with God! Hallelujah!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A God Who Cares

Isaiah 54

Inspired thots

How LOVELY the words of God in this chapter! Such reassurances by the Loving Heavenly Father who cares for His own. Yes, God's eye is on His people (Israel) but all who call upon His name shall not be forsaken too.

We are the bride of Christ who need not fear the enemy; our Redeemer God has everlasting love for His bride. His compassion is always on us to make us beautiful and glorify Him. How wonderful that God will take care of everything in our lives... our children would be blessed by Him; we are protected by Him; we shall stand in the midst of strife.

"no weapon that is fashioned against you shall proper" v17

We are victorious as we confute every tongue that rises against us in judgment. Hallelujah!