Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Life Changing Admonitions

Proverbs 22

Inspired thots

There are many wise words to admonish and make the prudent wiser. From child to adult; poor to rich; friends to enemies; righteous to wicked; there are many words of wisdom to bless those who are willing to hear and depart from wicked ways.

The Lord sees all that happens; He is always speaking to turn people back to Himself. One needs to INCLINE the EAR and APPLY the MIND to His words. They will be blest.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Little by Little Changing the Heart

Proverbs 21

Inspired thots

How interesting to note or be revealed that the repetitious teachings of Proverbs are meant to change the heart little by little each day! May the Lord forgive me for feeling a little sated with the repetitions of wisdom in the daily readings of every chapter of Proverbs; for the way of Man is so entrenched in himself that there must be a continuous cleansing every day! Hallelujah Lord for this revelation!

As each line of wisdom is weighed in each chapter, one will find some darkness exposed by God's  light. Would there be the appropriate response to eradicate the darkness totally? Perhaps it was there yesterday and one did not allow the light to shine through.

God is good; while it is Day, His mercy is new every morning.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Consequences with Choices

Proverbs 20

Inspired thots

Every action brings on a reaction; that is not only applicable in science as Newton noted in his 3rd law of Motion. Life itself takes on this law as well.

Everything done brings about a consequence; it is not a 'playing with the sand'.  And the Lord is WATCHING all that is done. It is a gathering on the scales for Judgment Day.

How would each fare before the Lord then?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sound Advice for Life

Proverbs 19

Inspired thots

Life is so complex; hence, it is right to have more of the Wisdom from Proverbs to guard against the wiles of life. One should heed the sound advice which is Wisdom. The Lord is in our midst; He is like a loving Father calling out to His sons to hear His instructions.

Let us hear and not bring Him shame but delight; Let us really live life well to His glory for HE alone is over ALL things.

Grant us grace and strength to embrace Wisdom, Lord.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The LORD in the Midst

Proverbs 18

Inspired thots

It is interesting to note that GOD is in the MIDST of our lives as noted in this proverb. After every few lines of advice and wisdom, God comes onto the scene.

1) Better and safer to use the MOUTH to CALL on the name of the Lord than speak out like a Fool.

2) Finding a good wife is securing Favor from GOD for God did not intend man to be alone. There are many challenging moments in life which a trusted party should be available to share and support for victory.

A wife, a brother or a trusted friend.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Family Ties

Proverbs 17

Inspired thots

How important to have a close knitted family that inspires love. Good godly relations are crucial to stir up one another to good works and a peaceful life.

We need one another in the family for support and wisdom; it is a joy to have another share the joy or burden. It is good for man not to be alone as is the intention of God even in Genesis. A family member who loves would advise one to stay out from the wayward path and be in the favor of God. Let us not be a grief to our family; especially parents.

We are living for Eternity.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Ways of Man

Proverbs 16

Inspired thots

Man may think highly of himself but the Lord knows what is truly in a man. He may plan or devise; the Lord will weigh the motives to pass out rewards or judgment. Hence, it is the wise who would humble themselves to seek the Lord's favor. He does not withhold good things from those who walk in His ways; and His ways are best.

Man may think he is in control with his choices but it is the Lord to allow the choice to bear fruit. But what fruit for eternity?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Rich Life Experiences

Proverbs 15

Inspired thots

There is a wealth of treasures from every line of this chapter which reflects on the rich experiences of life of the author. How amazing that the author would have undergone such a spectrum of experiences in life with such a great diversity to pen down all the riches and troubles with corresponding consequences.

The mouth is a powerful instrument that forms many of life's experiences depending on what comes out of it.The mind is another that keeps the soul on the right track to heaven instead of Sheol while the heart should be guarded from straying away off the right path.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Resounding Wisdom for Life

Proverbs 14

Inspired thots

There is never a shortage of Wisdom from Proverbs with a continual reminder of what is Right and Good for Life. Many may feel sated and the Self may beg to differ just to satisfy its darker side. How easy to give in to that fleeting moment which scars for life...

The best way to glean from Proverbs is to read each line slowly with meditation and thorough digestion; "is it me?" "where am I at this stage of life?" "Would my Lord approve of ME today?" if one really esteems the Lord highly.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The TRUE Treasures

Proverbs 13

Inspired thots

There are ENDLESS treasures from God's Word; LIFE is found in it with Wisdom. Each line bears a truth that liberates and satisfies needs.

But how often we skim through God's word for 'other commitments'? forgetting that the FOUNDATION of life is built on faith in God's Word; and faith comes by hearing (or reading) the Word of God.

Let him who wish to be wise read the Word of Life; that is the inheritance to his children's children ~ a true and worthy Legacy. (v22)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Favor from the Lord

Proverbs 12

Inspired thots

It is easy to obtain Favour from the Lord; be good. That's what verse 2 says; "A good man obtains favor from the Lord." But sometimes the easy is so difficult to do. Why? Because the SELF comes into play. 

The self tends to push its way through everything else to stand out but is wickedness personified.

Again in v8, "a man is commended according to his GOOD sense but one of perverse mind is despised."
When GOOD is performed, it shall be publicly acknowledge; but would one be able to identify what is Good and good sense to act accordingly? Again, it is how the Self plays its role.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Consequences from Life's Choices

Proverbs 11

Inspired thots

There will always be CONSEQUENCES to every Choice made in life; that is the Principle of Life. You reap what you sow. How important to BE CAREFUL to SOW rightly for GOOD Reaps!

Every action is noted by the Lord; He is the Rewarder and Judge. He blesses those who remain steadfast in His commandments while punishment is in store for those who flaunt His instructions.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Would YOU Live Life?

Proverbs 10

Inspired thots

There are ALWAYS CHOICES in life; which choice depends on the HEART. There is the Righteous and the Godly versus the Wicked and Self.

The contrasts are made with end results clearly stated. Would one heed and be wise? for the end will come; either at the end of the situation or at the end of one's life. If not, on Judgment Day! Where would one stand then? It may be too late.

If one Fears God, then let the SELF be disposed and let GOD reign within through Wisdom who leads in paths of Righteousness that please God. Take note of the END before Choosing the MEANS.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CONTRAST between Righteous and Wicked

Proverbs 10

Inspired thots

Again and again the Lord reminds through His word to embrace RIGHTEOUSNESS steadfastly over Wickedness. The contrast is great; the consequences are deep. The Lord is on the Righteous' side; blessings come. All are blest with the righteous; the wicked brings on transgression and destruction.

Choose Righteousness over Wickedness; the Former is a virtue of God; the Latter is the Self trying to glorify itself.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Contrasting Invitations

Proverbs 9

Inspired thots

Just as much as WISDOM extends her invitation to the simple to be wise, FOOLISHNESS extends the same to lure through deception.

The invites are so different; so contrasting. Wisdom appeals to the Right way and Consequences while Foolishness appeals to the forbidden; the unseen; covetousness through tasting the 'stolen' and personal satisfaction through secretive actions. It is the I, ME, MINE factor at play with Foolishness. It tries to lure even those who are on the Straight path. How cunning! What guile! Great deception.

One should leave SIMPLICITY to cleave to WISDOM for the added years of life from God!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wisdom at the Doorstep

Proverbs 8

Inspired thots

Wisdom is SO near yet many miss it; she cries aloud to the sons of man; yet they hear not. How sad!

There are so many benefits to securing wisdom.
Only NOBLE things are spoken; the TRUTH is uttered and RIGHTEOUSNESS prevails. But it is only those who UNDERSTAND will hear her call.

There is NOTHING comparable to Wisdom. COUNSEL, Soundness, Insight, Strength are virtues of Wisdom. Why do we not embrace it readily? Kings reign; princes rule; the nobles govern. Wisdom was with God before the world began. How enlightening! As old as God! It is God's daily delight; why is it not ours too? Why does man miss out on the best which is right before him? 

Pride and sin are the greatest hindrances to wisdom. They blind.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Downward Path

Proverbs 7

Inspired thots

How important to be steadfast in God's ways and listen to the good advice of well-intention parents! They lead us to stay on the RIGHT path. How tempting to be swayed aside and be wayward if the foundation is not firm; how difficult to be restored. How sad! One wrong decision; a moment of reckoning; a giving in to temptation and curiosity; ... leads to eternal condemnation and self destruction.

The severity of the impact and choice leads to a constant reminder ... Be On Guard! Stay Alert! Be Steadfast in the Right Ways! BE Strong! Turn NOT to the Left or Right! Be Reminded of the END before the START!

Lord, we need Your Grace!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Life's Issues

Proverbs 6

Inspired thots

So many aspects of life that one should consider wisely in living. It is essential for a healthy lifestyle in every facet of life.

1) Surety to another is a danger trap which one can fall into out of good deed. Avoid getting into it; get out of it asap. This is the only solution. Do not endanger self.

2) Work hard like the ant; be prepared in and out of season. Be disciplined in life through good time management.

3) God wants His people to live healthy lifestyles without causing harm and hurt to others; for all are His creation.

4) Last but not least, avoid covetousness that leads to adultery. Promiscuity is not acceptable. Why desire another when one already has a faithful wife? There is no perfect couple; a lifelong process of adjustment to develop a more fragrant relationship.

I wonder... do not those who commit adultery feel guilty? Are they not fearful of God's wrath? 
Never take the first step; dont succumb to the evil desires of the heart; that's how adultery will start!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

God's View - Better than Bird's Eyeview

Proverbs 5

Inspired thots

There are TWO paths in Life; WISDOM and ADULTERESS;

EMBRACE one and STEER CLEAR of the other;
One's DECISION determines the END RESULT;
Drink from own cistern rather than covet another's;
Be CONTENT with own lot in Life;

For the Lord is always watching over man; he will reap what he sows.
Lack of DISCIPLINE and own FOLLY will bring DESTRUCTION to man as he is captured by the cords of his sin.

Be wise then to choose the PURE PATH of Life; Wisdom is at hand to guide.

God sees All.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sound Advice from a Loving Father - Joshua Generation!

Proverbs 4

Inspired thots

What can a loving father give the child to carry the young one through life? W I S D O M

Gaining Wisdom or INSIGHT is the most important Trait one can have to Live Right and Well. The ADVICE is passed down from generation to generation; ONLY IF it was received and practiced. This would confirm the soundness of the advice; its relevance and importance to be passed down.

This is HINDSIGHT advice; Snr Ps just mentioned in yesterday's sermon that 'when young, we had no wisdom but had the boldness to take risks by bulldozing our way through life; then, when we become old and full of wisdom, we had no energy or boldness to take risks.'

Truly WISDOM is needed; the Joshua Generation needs to embrace it as quickly as possible to couple with their Boldness and Energy to be effective vessels for the Lord!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fullness in the Heart

Proverbs 3

Inspired thots

There can be FULLNESS of Heart when one is secure in the Lord; only in God alone will one find the full joy and peace with protection. God is SO good; He only wants to BLESS. His chastisement is to bring His people back to His covering. Who on earth would go all the way out of his convenience to bless another all the time? Only loving Abba Father God! Hallelujah!

What is expected of you, O man? to walk humbly in God's ways; trust Him fully; seek Him while He may be found. There is SO much riches unfathomable in Christ. Praise the LORD! Hallelujah! How easy and true not to lean on your own understanding.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

STEPS to Wisdom

Proverbs 2

Inspired thots

Interesting how Wisdom does not come just like magic; it does not 'happen' to be there for the taking. 

It has to be received through PROACTIVENESS;
> one must MAKE the ear ATTENTIVE;
> RAISE tje Voice;
> SEEK and SEARCH for it.

Then Wisdom comes openly with Understanding and Knowledge. 

Wow! It feels like Seek ONE, Get THREE deal! Not bad!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Choose the Fear of God

Proverbs 1

Inspired thots

There is MUCH to be gained when choosing to fear God alone; His instruction is Wisdom. His reproof is Warning.  His counsel is Security. 

There are consequences to every choice we make.

God will heed those who are obedient to Him but those who heed their own desires, God will ignore. One must remember that man is finite; a created being.  hence, be not wise in our own minds and being. We are God's creation; hence, only HE knows best... for us! Let us choose the fear of the Lord which is clean and forever enduring (Ps 19)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Only the BEST of Praise

Psalm 150

Inspired thots

How FITTING to end the Book of Psalms with PRAISES to God! For all that is done and said, Praising God is THE WAY to end all things. Hence, let us arise to praise Him in the morning, noon and night.

Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord! PRAISE the Lord!

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Festive Celebration

Psalm 149

Inspired thots

This morning's psalm ignites a festivity of praise to God who forever deserves all glory and honor! Yes, let us His people sing to Him a NEW SONG of thanksgiving and praise for HE is for US; our deliverer, protector, King and Victor! There are millions of reason to Praise Him.

May my heart be continually filled with His Joy and Victory to call forth a Celebration at all times! Hallelujah!