Sunday, March 31, 2013

Shouts of Praise from Everything Everywhere

Psalm 148

Inspired thots

It is FITTING to PRAISE the LORD! Anytime, anywhere by everything and everyone. How amazing to note that every creation is called to praise God with man last in the list of exhortation! Creation praises God by being what they are according to God's command; how much more man who is created in the likeness of God.

And God raises a HORN for His people and PRAISE for His saints. He who is seated in heavens Always wants the Best for His beloved. What a great and loving God!

Hallelujah! Rejoice! All you His saints, Praise the LORD!

Friday, March 29, 2013

God's Delight is SO Simple

Psalm 147

Inspired thots

Man can search high and low for satisfaction; and be willing to risk much to acquire Power or Fame. But God only desires in those who fear Him or hope in His steadfast love. (v10,11) He is so mighty that He has all He need. He wants only the simple from man; his creation.

So indeed Praises to Him is seemly which would delight Him instead of sacrifices and works. How easy to be in God's favor! Hallelujah!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Trust God Rather than Man

Psalm 146

Inspired thots

How wonderful to set the day right with Praises to God! There is NO ONE on earth or in heaven who deserves my Praise!

It is IN VAIN to put my trust in man; for they shall fail me. Only God sustains me with His righteous hand and mercy. Only God is able to deliver me and provide all I need. How wonderful to be protected by God, my Savior and Redeemer.

He is ALWAYS WATCHING OVER ME! Hallelujah! More joy, Lord! Greater countenance of your glory!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Praising God FOREVER and EVER

Psalm 145

Inspired thots

There is SO much to Praise God; so much to THANK Him for. God is SO GOOD... He loves; He is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He wants only the best for His children; those who call upon Him in faith and humility. It is good to be under His hand and enjoy the best of Life! Life abundantly.

Henceforth, let us praise God now and forever; for He alone is God and He has done GREAT things! Amen.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From Warring to Blessings

Psalm 144

Inspired thots

This is a strange psalm; it starts off with a warring prayer to a praise to God who delivers to blessings bestowed on those whose God is their Lord!

It shows how situations can change but God does not. God is in control and hears all cries to Him from a sincere heart. He gives hope, joy, peace and deliverance.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Solace in God

Psalm 143

Inspired thots

The Lord is helping me sing new songs from the Psalms. This morning, I sang Psalm 143 and had v8 my chorus. The Lord is teaching me how to have the right rhythm to suit each verse; praise His name. Only He would hear and be pleased with my off-key singing.

No one quite understands in every situation except God; hence, it is really between you and God if you want to find solace. There is no one else who can offer Hope and Peace in distressful times; desperate times. only God!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Only God Cares for the Destitute

Psalm 142

Inspired thots

Every person has their own problems in life; no one else bothers about another's well being as each is self-centered but God cares for the one who calls upon Him. He is their only Hope and Deliverer. 

How assuring that God delivers when no one else would. How important to keep focused on God and have Him in our lives at all times. He will bless and provide a wall of righteousness around those who call to Him. Hallelujah!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Upholding those in Trouble

Psalm 141

Inspired thots

The pursuers of man are plenty; they can be humans or emotions and even principalities. But with the Lord at  our side, there is no worry or fear for Victory is on our side. Blessed is the man who keeps his ways right before the Lord.

A keen watch over our mouth, heart and eye would allow the Lord's presence to envelope us with His love. Amen.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Look to the Lord for Deliverance

Psalm 140

Inspired thots

The enemy will not leave God's people alone; he is always on the prowl; always on the offense to taunt and jeer. But that is all he can do. The Lord is greater and as I declare the Lord in MY Life, I nullify the works of the enemy. For the Lord is my protector, guard and deliverer. Hallelujah!

How important to look to the Lord for help and keep focused on Him than the miry sea that rages over.
The Lord covers my head in the day of battle (v7) Wow!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Song of Praise to the Magnificent God

Psalm 139

Inspired thots

The Lord inspired me to a song of praise this morning; hallelujah! How lovely of the Lord to accept my offering of song regardless of my awkward notes. Hallelujah!

It is HE who has been there before me and with me all the days of my life. How awesome is my God! He formed me wonderfully and now with life, I can offer back the best of my praises and worship and Love to Him. Glory to God in the Highest!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Worship & Praise the Faithful Loving God

Psalm 138

Inspired thots

There is really no one like the Lord God Almighty who loves and delivers. It is fitting to praise Him and sing of His ways for He is great and worthy to be praised. He delivers and preserves those who trust in Him; he fulfills His purposes for His name's sake.

Great is His steadfast love that He is to be exalted above everything.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Remembering those in Forlorn

Psalm 137

Inspired thots

When the Israelites were in exile, there was a lot of hardship upon them. Their life was tormented, ridiculed, broken with no worth given by their captors.

I pray for those in such dire situations today, O Lord, that they would turn their eyes upon YOU to find HOPE, STRENGTH and Joy! They shall endure their difficulties for a little longer until You come in Your glory for their vengeance and deliverance. Praise the Lord! Your people will not let the enemy triumph over them for God is with them. 2 Tim. 1:7

v7 Remember O Lord against the Edomites in the day of Jerusalem! Yes, the Lord will deliver His people!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

His Steadfast LOVE ENDURES Forever

Psalm 136

Inspired thots

The phrase keeps ringing out, "His steadfast love endures forever". How important to remember that! Everything that God does is motivated by L O V E!

That IN ALL SITUATIONS, it is God's STEADFAST LOVE that brings us through. Despite the bad circumstances, God's Love carries us through the dark hours just like He did for me when I had a REALLY BAD stomach pain last night. The pain was SO intense that it caused backache and difficulty in breathing..

Praise God for my husband who was beside me, covering me in loving prayer; yes, it is LOVE that carried me through. It was an intense hour; a really long hour that made me grimace with pain. Thank YOU LORD for your Steadfast Love endured forever! 

Remember Past Blessings

Psalm 135

Inspired thots

How important to remember PAST Blessings to enjoy PRESENT Blessings.

Past blessings would bring on a heart of THANKSGIVING and humility to the servant of God who is kept focused on the Maker rather than on self.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bless the Lord

Psalm 134

Inspired thots

The famous short psalm to BLESS the Lord by the SERVANTS of the Lord. This is just the right psalm today for tonight's cell group as we meet again after many weeks. Hallelujah! Let us LIFT up HOLY Hands to Bless the Lord!

Praise God for a NEW group for this NEW SEASON so that God can do NEW THINGS in our midst. May God grant us the RIGHT Name for the group. It is a group where Members come to Give THANKS to God for What He is doing in their lives. A group that Bless God for the things that are happening in their lives to His glory! Amen!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Unity Amongst Brethren

Psalm 133

Inspired thots

The Lord gave a song for this psalm especially verse 1. "Behold, how good and pleasant it is, when brothers dwell in unity."

It is the Lord's desire that His children are united in all circumstances to be a good testimony; then blessings will flow. But how difficult when man has his own agenda instead of God's.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Resting in the Lord

Psalm 132

Inspired thots

King David wanted to build a temple for God although God does not dwell in man-made structures. However, God is pleased with King David's attitude of loving Him to honor Him with a dwelling place.  When we know God's dwelling place, we also can enter into it and enjoy the rest we need and want. We can worship at His footstool and be clothed with righteousness.

Obedience is key through a personal encounter with God. How necessary to rest in the Lord to renew our strength. God's resting place is that of righteousness and obedience. Hallelujah for His revelation.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Humility Brings Hope

Psalm 131

Inspired thots

A song of humility to the Lord as I am reminded to be HUMBLE before the LORD for HOPE to arise. The SOUL needs to be QUIET to be at Peace and to Hear from God. There is Great Contentment when one is humble and quiet before God; like a child contented at its mother's breast.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The SOUL Waits

Psalm 130

Inspired thots

God is indeed merciful; if He should mark iniquities, who could stand? v2. But there is forgiveness with Him that He may be feared. v3. How great is God to provide a way out for sinners. If only all men would hearken to His call.

Indeed the soul that waits would find HOPE in Him and His word; and He would redeem. Hallelujah!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Persistency Over Affliction

Psalm 129

Inspired thots

Life is not a bed of roses; even if it were, there are thorns on the roses. Hence, afflictions are bound to come. 

Plowers will plow upon the back rather than the field but they shall not break my back because the Lord God is righteous and He is with me. I suffered bad backache yesterday night and the Lord healed me when I persisted. I called upon the Lord for healing and kept focused on Him. He gave me rest for the rest of the night. What a revelation! When I thought little of this psalm upon its first read; how amazing God works! God's Word is truly living and active.

Yes, Lord! May the Blessing of the Lord be upon me a I learn to be persistent in Him! Amen.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blessed Household

Psalm 128

Inspired thots

One's household is blessed only when the whole household walks with God and lives peaceably with all; especially blessing Israel whom God loves.

Everyone in the household has a blessing; the wife is blessed; the children are blessed; the husband is blessed. How important to walk to honor God in our life. It is in vain to strive when God is in charge. Seek Him and be blest. Amen.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My HOUSE(hold) Belongs to God

March 7, 2013

Inspired thots

Whatever problems there may be in the home, if it is dedicated to the Lord, He will deal with them and set all things right. Hence, there is no need for any anxiety as God sees and knows all. He will not let His children suffer in despair for He sees and knows our hearts' desires.

How good of the Lord to provide me with restful sleep these few weeks; especially since I came back from KK. The breaking, shaking, shifting and loosing of strongholds in me allow God to pour in more and more of His grace in place of the old structures. Hallelujah!

My children shall be called BLESSED as I commit them to the Lord! God shall mold them Himself to His glory. My husband shall arise to speak to the enemies and be victorious! My mom shall glow with God's favor and revelation. I shall enjoy the fullness of the Lord as I commit one and all in my house to God. Amen! Amen!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Joy from God's Restoration

Psalm 126

Inspired thots

The hard comes before the soft; toil and sweat perhaps with tears before the reaping and harvesting with joy.
The Lord will restore the joy and goodness in due time; the fortunes shall be restored. What is sowed shall be reaped! Hallelujah!

It is the LORD who does these great and wondrous things for all; our mouths would be filled with LAUGHTER! our tongues shout of JOY!

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Mountains are All Around

Psalm 125

Inspired thots

As the Lord sets the mountains all around to protect His people, so it is a sign of God's protection over those whom He loves; those who trust in Him shall not fear of trouble or the enemy.

I declare with the WORD of God that the scepter of wickedness shall NOT REST upon the land allotted to the righteous! How good are you O Lord who knows our frailty; lest we sin against You. Glory to God in the highest.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

God is My Deliverer

Psalm 124

Inspired thots

THIS IS INDEED THE NEW SEASON with the Lord! This psalm says so; the Lord has always been on my side to protect me. I am able to escape from the snare of the fowlers! The SNARE IS BROKEN! Hallelujah! Amen!

I declare the Word of God is TRUE and ACTIVE! The snares in my life are BROKEN! I AM SET FREE! I am no longer a captive to the lies of the devil or an insignificant individual in the Lord's sight! 

I am rising; rising; rising; growing; Growing; GROWING for the Lord. I will bless my Lord. My help is in the NAME of the Lord who made heaven and earth!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Looking UP to the RIGHT Authority

Psalm 123

Inspired thots

Help and relief can only come from the RIGHT sources. The maid servant looks to her mistress for instructions while the servants to their master. So the children of God must look to their Creator for direction and protection. 

No one can bully the people of God as God is the mightiest of them all! Hallelujah! I serve a living Mighty King! He is the ONLY Authority in heaven and on earth to dispel the enemies.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Honor and Glory to God's Chosen

Psalm 122

Inspired thots

It is good to spend time with God; whether in the house of God or at home or anywhere else. It is a time of fellowship with the Lord and waiting for His presence and revelation.

The Lord brought me to BLESS Jerusalem; the city of His delight where His people dwell. PEACE and BLESSINGS I speak to Jerusalem. For the sake of the HOUSE of the Lord our God, I will seek your good (v9). The Lord's heart is on Jerusalem; the apple of His eye! Hence, let faith arise in Jerusalem upon God's chosen nation of Israel! Let the mighty anointing of God come upon His beloved people that all nations will look up to them and respect and honor would be bestowed upon this nation. All other nations will know the Lord God Almighty when they look at Israel's might and wisdom. For the Lord chooses to BLESS His people.

I release FAITH to God's beloved people to arise and turn to God for His blessings!