Thursday, January 31, 2013

God - the Center of All Things

Psalm 102

Inspired thots

One would experience loneliness and dejection when sin is present as God is holy; hence, the smart person would quickly confess and repent before God to re-establish the relationship. David does this very well with quick praises and thanksgivings offered in honor of God.

He acknowledges his sin before God and plead for mercy from death. For he knows that God has regard the prayer of the destitute. God is good to restore those who repent from their sins to come back to His fold. Protection and blessings abound.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Only By God's Grace & Mercy

Psalm 101

Inspired thots

NO matter how righteous one desires to be, it is impossible to achieve it by one's own strength; for man is fallible unlike God. One can only cry out to God for His grace and mercy to carry the individual through to achieve God's righteousness. Otherwise, it is self righteousness.

One can become arrogant in desiring only the best for self with a lot of wishful thinking unless it is to still the soul and be humble along the way. It is not for the individual to destroy another who may be arrogant in heart.

It is up to the Lord to avenge and judge. It is best to leave it to the mercy and grace of God in His own timing. As Jesus said to Peter of John, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?"

Take care of self before the Lord; each is accountable to Him.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Joyful Heart

Psalm 100

Inspired thots

Praising God is always appropriate anytime anywhere. The psalmist calls for a joyful sound to the Lord as His people enter His presence. There is SO much to praise God for; it is good to give thanks to Him and bless His holy name.

What a great psalm to start the day! Offer to God the best of Praises to get the day right and the Lord fills the heart with joy! Hallelujah! It is not about 'ME' but HIM.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Reciprocal Relationship

Psalm 99

Inspired thots

The Lord NEVER fails to reciprocate His love to those who seek Him; He WOULD Be FOUND by those who seek with an earnest heart. What a great and mighty God we have; who responds to His people with more than what is offered. Surely God does not owe anyone anything.

However, He IS Holy; and where there is sin, one would face the wrath of God unless repentance and confession are in place. He speaks to His people and protects them who flee to Him.

How fitting to PRAISE and EXTOL our LIVING God who reigns over heaven and earth! Hallelujah!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Celebrating Victory with God

Psalm 98

Inspired thots

When one is on God's side, there is bound to be  a great celebration of victory; for our God is a triumphant and victorious God! There is no one quite like Him; hence, it is appropriate to sing forth new songs of victory  as He vindicates His people.

God judges rightly; the whole earth shall see His righteousness and justice. His people shall rejoice and break forth in songs of praise; else, the whole of creation will! God is never lack of anyone or anything to praise Him!

Friday, January 25, 2013

SONG of Majesty

Psalm 97

Inspired thots

How good it is to be awoken early in the morning at dawn to praise God through His word! The Lord sustains those who walk before Him. He reigns! and the earth rejoices. How much more if we allow God to reign within us; how great would be our rejoicing and joy! How much we miss out when God is not declared over our lives.

The Lord preserves the lives of his saints with deliverance and love. How Great is my God! Blessed be YOUR name, O Lord!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Call to Praise

Psalm 96

Inspired thots

The psalmist shows the way to praise God; it is fitting to offer PRAISES to Him at all times but there will be special moments when one is led to praise God with the Spirit welling up within.

There are so many ways to praise God; there is no lack of reason to praise God. High praises of Him should always be continually in our mouths for He alone deserve all praise! When the heart is set on Him, there is always praise for Jesus.  Hallelujah!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

God RESPONDS to His People Who Delight in Him

Psalm 95

Inspired thots

How wonderful to be able to PRAISE and give THANKS to God! He who has been our ROCK and SALVATION; it is fitting to offer up praises and thanks to Him. It is RIGHT to worship Him bowing down at His throne.

And God is ALWAYS so good to respond to His people who draw near to Him and call upon Him. He draws near to His people; together they rejoice and fellowship. There is JOY in the presence of God; and everything is Good! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Lord is FOR His People

Psalm 94

Inspired thots

God is always with His people who walk rightly before Him. He blesses those whom He loves. He delivers those whose foes are many. The Lord cheers those who are downcast and upholds those whose feet slip. How GREAT is the Lord who cares for His people! God will avenge His people who listens and turns to Him for help.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Welling Up in Song of Praise

Psalm 93

Inspired thots

Though the psalm may be short today, a song of PRAISE wells up within to be sung to the Lord! Hallelujah!
Not the best of singers, but the song of PRAISE is fitting with the words of exhortation to the Lord as the psalmist recognized the MAJESTY of God!

How wonderful of God to provide a NEW SONG of Praise befitting Him! Hallelujah! A song of DECLARATION of His might and glory!

The earth belongs to Him and is established in Him; the FLOODS rise in awe of Him as if they are praising Him.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Man & God ~ No Comparison

Psalm 92

Inspired thots

Man and God; a great contrast! 

The DULL man cannot understand the works of God; much less He alone. The thoughts of God are very deep; the stupid cannot understand. Evildoers may flourish NOW but their end is destruction whereas the righteous may be hard pressed now but would be exalted in God's time.

How ASSURING that the righteous who are planted in the house of God will flourish and STILL bring forth fruit in OLD AGE; they would be full of sap and green as a testimony of God's uprightness and righteousness. Hence, those who wait on the Lord never age! Amen, hallelujah!

Friday, January 18, 2013

I WILL... says the LORD

Psalm 91

Inspired thots

How wonderful when one who trusts in the Lord can DECLARE the goodness of God because of HIS Faithfulness and Love. And God WILL Respond to anyone who makes HIM their refuge and fortress; He will not fail. Neither will He withhold anything that is required.

It is INTERESTING to note that GOD WILL RESPOND when one SEEKS Him; truly, He does not leave anyone who trusts in Him alone. He WILL Deliver those who Cleave to Him in love. He WILL answer those who call Him; He WILL rescue and honor those who love Him; He WILL protect those who know His name; there will be Long Life and satisfaction from the Lord! Hallelujah!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Lives Are In God's Hands

Psalm 90

Inspired thots

How often we miss it ~ God has been THERE for us all the time; how true His words of promise "I will never leave you nor forsake you". How easy for man to forget and moan instead of keeping steadfast on God alone who satisfies! Out lives are truly in HIS hands ~ He gives the best!

Man will fade away; our days are only 3 score and ten even 4 score with strength and toil. Yet, the Lord God is able to give days of joy to be as many as days of sorrow.

If we number our days rightly before God, focused on Him, we would be more wise to enjoy life; after all, we Will fade away.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Celebrating the FAITHFULNESS of God

Psalm 89

Inspired thots

The psalmist returns to PRAISE God again! Hallelujah! such a strong relationship with God that nothing can keep one down for long; there is SO much to THANK God for to remain in the dumps. 

God's Faithfulness rings out loud and clear constantly if only His people see it. The Steadfast Love of God is from everlasting to everlasting. God is the Glory of our strength! Hence, it is right to shout Praises & Thanksgiving to Him continually! Hallelujah! We overcome by the blood of the Lamb! 

Man is frail and withers away quickly if not for the Steadfastness of God.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Deepest Desperation...Seek God

Psalm 88

Inspired thots

The psalmist seems to be at his lowest point in life in this psalm. There is only a constant cry to God with a heavy heart. There is no strength in him to even praise God or give thanks as in the other psalms no matter how bad the situation.

There is only a strong holding on to God when life is at the darkest pitch. One must remember that GOD ALONE is the only Lifeline at that moment.

It could only be a personal sin that has robbed the psalmist of his relationship and intimacy with God that caused God to turn away from Him. One must confess the sins quickly and seek restoration with God; otherwise, one feels the 'terrors' and 'wrath' of God.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Born in Destiny

Psalm 87

Inspired thots

This may be a short psalm and at first glance, contains little significance for the modern reader outside Zion. But the Lord is great and reveals His word to those who seek to understand and apply.

The Lord reveals how lovely is the one BORN of HIM! That person is likened to the City of God which He has founded. He loves His city and it shall be a good testimony for the Lord with its splendour.

Those who are obedient to His will would be clothed with glory! for God establishes Himself in that city. It shall be secure and firm in HIS Foundation.

Life springs from within...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Calling on God

Psalm 86

Inspired thots

How wonderful to be able to call on God anytime! The psalmist cried out to the Lord for compassion, mercy and deliverance; yet in the midst of his own despair and desperate cries of deliverance, his heart was turned to remember the goodness of God and changed his moans and groans to Praises.

What a transformation when one focuses on God instead of self! There are PRAISES instead of Despair when one is focused on God. Yes, the Lord will vindicate His own people and bring glory to His name! Hallelujah!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Desiring to HEAR God

Psalm 85

Inspired thots

God does speak; especially to His people. He speaks PEACE to His people and that is very important.
Peace calms the heart and mind; it soothes the soul. God's words soothe the soul to help those who hearts are turned to Him to be still and behold His glory.

How wonderful when STEADFAST LOVE and FAITHFULNESS come together; RIGHTEOUSNESS & PEACE embrace. Adopt ONE and get the OTHER! The Lord blesses.

Do we hear God? He gives only the best; HIS Best! But we tend to be selective in our hearing and miss out on a greater deal.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Love Wells Up

Psalm 84

Inspired thots

There are no words to be spoken when reading this Psalm; only L O V E wells up within to my Mighty Loving God!

The words of this psalm flow into a song to P R A I S E the Almighty Father! Indeed, there is Nothing Better than to dwell in God's house; it is indeed BETTER to be a Doorkeeper in HIS house than to dwell in tents of wickedness.

Words are not enough to express Praise & Thanksgiving to God; only a Grateful Heart of Love welling up to  flow UP to Him will suffice. Great is the Lord! Glory and Honor to Him! I Love YOU, Lord!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Victory Over the Enemies

Psalm 83

Inspired thots

A Recollection of God's power and works against the enemies in the past and the present. There is no need for concern with God on our side; He delivers us from our enemies as we stay with Him all the way. He executes judgment in due time. 

May the enemies be turned from their wicked ways to Jesus who saves. Yes, Lord, even today for our beloved nation. Turn their eyes towards You instead of being blinded by the devil who makes them do his bidding. Set these wayward free from eternal slavery O Merciful God! and let them enjoy Your salvation. I pray and bless them in Your name, Jesus.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fallen Sons of the Most High

Psalm 82

Inspired thots

God will judge everyone in His time especially at the final Judgment Day. Will we be found wanting? How sad for the sons of man who are proclaimed "gods"; yet, we shall not escape God's judgment. How sad that we should fall like all man even princes no matter how great they are on earth!

Rightly are the sons of the Most High judged; and more severely as we have the knowledge and understanding of Him! We have tasted His goodness and grace but we really have no knowledge and understanding of God... perhaps we do not treasure Him enough or our basic wicked selfish nature gets the better of us. How sad!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Provision & Protection with God

Psalm 81

Inspired thots

It is good to recall the goodness of God in our lives. Man forgets easily; selfishness is rampant.

But one should remember that no one else but God is able. Humility is best practiced before God who provides only the best. He vindicates those whom He loves and those who obey Him.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Appeal to God

Psalm 80

Inspired thots

The psalmist continually cried out, "Restore us, O God! Let thy face shine that we may be saved!"

This is an acknowledgement of having sinned against God that He punished by leaving the sinners to their own destruction. Now, in difficult conditions, the psalmist still cries out to God for RESTORATION. He cries for God's favor on His people again to enjoy deliverance.

And God is GOOD! He has compassion on His people who repent. Blessed be His name!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Call Upon God

Psalm 79

Inspired thots

There are really times when one feels the bottom of the pit; nevertheless, calling on God is the ONLY option. No one else can deliver. But what if God is 'upset'? for man does anger God constantly. The only option still is to return to Him with a humble heart and bank on His compassion. May He pour out His rich mercy and grace upon us to forgive, deliver and heal.

Truly there is no other God like my God!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lest We Forget

Psalm 78

Inspired thots

God is faithful and true; man is the opposite. He has done SO much for man; yet, man can forget and turn his back on God. Man is basically selfish. Why cant man take on more of God's nature? His "DNA" ~ perhaps a lot of personality issues can be resolved then. Only God knows; how He must have been grieved with man.

O Great and Merciful God, have Mercy! Forgive Lord for we are foolish in our own ways. Let us to Your paths for our own sake. Help us remember Your goodness and grace to reciprocate, Lord. You deserve better.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Perseverance Brings UPLIFTING

Psalm 77

Inspired thots

It is easy and common for one to feel cast down in soul and spirit that there is no comfort from anyone or anywhere; not even God. It seems that the psalmist tried to focus on God and meditate on His word but still he is not comforted; his spirit fails.

But when one is downcast, he should PERSEVERE; there are great benefits in persevering. Instead of being INWARD looking which is usually Negative, one should be UPWARD looking and SPEAK OUT on the faithfulness and wonders of God in one's life. 

Speaking LIFE to the Soul and Spirit is VITAL to revival. The Lord will lead His people to Freedom, Deliverance, Victory!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Be on God's Side

Psalm 76

Inspired thots

One must remember how GREAT and AWESOME God is. There is no other god but Him. Who else can do the things He does? Hence, the wise would get on God's side. Then all is well.

One can look around and confirm the PRESENCE of God; history declares His works and establish His might. Man is powerless against Him. Everything points back to God. O Lord, open our eyes and hearts to see You in Your greatness! 
Have mercy.