Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Inviting IN the King of Glory

Psalm 24

Inspired thots

How important it is to INVITE the King of Glory into our life. He is ABOVE ALL things; the whole earth belongs to Him. The wise will heed this psalm to revere the King of Glory ~ our God Almighty; for there is NONE like Him! Hallelujah!

How assuring and wonderful that it IS POSSIBLE to ascend the hill of the Lord! There is a way to enter into His presence but He is a Holy God and one must walk in HIS ways to be able to stand in HIS Presence.

God is good! He always provides the way to Him who satisfies. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More than a Shepherd

Psalm 23

Inspired thots

The Lord is MORE than a SHEPHERD; as a shepherd, Jehovah Rohe protects.
Jehovah Jireh ~ He provides for all my needs and wants;
Jehovah Shalom ~ He gives peace in the midst of tranquility 
Jehovah Rafa ~ He heals and restores the soul
Jehovah Tsidkenu ~ He leads into paths of Righteousness
Jehovah Shammah ~ He is always there with me
Jehovah Nissi ~ He is my banner of glory & victory over the enemies
Jehovah Makkadesh ~ He sanctifies with the anointing oil


Monday, October 29, 2012

God is With Those Who Call Upon HIm

Psalm 22

Inspired thots

Even Jesus cried out in desperation when suffering on the cross; it was hard for Him to endure the pain and humiliation but He TRUSTED God who WILL DELIVER.

The afflicted must continue to praise God while waiting for deliverance and healing. They SHALL eat and be satisfied. (v26) Hence, this is a psalm of Hope.

Our God is a God of HOPE & RESTORATION; I Believe!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Prayer of HOPE & VICTORY!

Psalm 20 & 21

Inspired thots

My heart aches for my eldest sister who is suffering from acute leg pain. After 3 weeks, the pain has not eased and these two psalms bring comfort to my seeking of God on her situation. Though the 'WHY?' is not yet answered, the comfort is on the goodness of God who delivers.

God will help and and give the victory to His righteous and anointed. Trusting in Him steadfastly will see one through. God is so compassionate towards His loved ones. One must keep hiding in the shelter of His name and wings till the bad wind blows over.


Revelation of God Through Creation & Word

Psalm 19

Inspired thots

One of the most beautiful psalms to remind one of who God is and how He can be found. It is SO easy to know God... creation is crying out His glory everyday! There is so much nature around for one to ponder over God...

The word of God is available too to discover God; its contents bring life, hope and joy. How can one not want it? Only the wise would desire it for life. 

Nothing else compares to God; hence, the ONLY CHOICE in life is GOD!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Exalting the God who Delivers

Psalm 18

Inspired thots

Great is king David's confidence in God as he recounts the numerous moments of deliverance by God from his enemies. His confidence in God stemmed from his righteous walk with the Lord. God is always with His righteous who WILL enjoy His protection. It is the enemy who will run away when God delivers His people.

The righteous will CALL upon the Lord for deliverance; they will CRY out to Him for help; they will CHOOSE to remain faithful to the Lord; they will SEE His vengeance on their behalf. How awesome is our God!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Deep Level of Relationship with God

Psalm 17

Inspired thots

King David was so sure of his own righteous position in the Lord; he seemed to know God so well that he could call out to Him like a friend unto a friend. King David was bold in calling on God to confront his enemies and keep him as 'the apple of the eye' with God.

King David was confident in beholding God's face in righteousness; being satisfied with beholding God's form... that is like seeing God! How bold to declare self as righteous! What a sweet intimacy with God to be able to declare such words.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Messianic Prophetic Declaration

Psalm 16

Inspired thots

The Lord is so inspiring... waking me up with a song in my heart. With psalm 16, it is a declaration of His goodness and power. The focus is on GOD alone; apart from Him one has no good.

It is important for one to realise that only God is His portion and cup; it is HE who holds our lot with lines fallen in pleasant places. How beautiful and caring is our God! Only giving the best for blessing and protection.

In response, one is to BLESS the LORD who counsels and instructs; how important to KEEP the LORD always before me; He is my right hand who shall not fail me.God protects those who seek Him; they are the godly.

How wonderful that in His presence, there is FULLNESS of joy and pleasures forevermore.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Wicked Contrasted with the Holy

Psalm 14 & 15

Inspired thots

The one who does not acknowledge God is a FOOL; he who acts in his own strength and wisdom that displeases God will suffer want when God judges.

In contrast the holy follows God's ways and laws no matter what the circumstances as he fears God and knows that God is on the lookout for the righteous. His stay is on God for deliverance and protection.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The LORD Hears & WILL Deliver

Psalm 12 & 13

Inspired thots

Although the righteous moan and groan from their suffering, they need to keep their focus on God in their circumstances; for God DOES hear and WILL arise to their aid. God has promised to save the righteous from their circumstances; He will do it in His own time.

David changed his tune from ' I ' (12:2) to 'my enemy' (12:2) to God (12:3). Smart move...
Circumstances may not change according to our desire but our ATTITUDE change will keep us on the right track with God until His perfect time of deliverance. Hallelujah!

Strengthen your people to keep focused on YOU alone, Lord God ALMIGHTY!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Psalm 11

Inspired thots

When troubled times are at the doorstep, DECLARE your confidence in God! A declaration on God will remind one of WHO God is and WHAT He has done. Hence, one would not lose confidence in God as one stays FOCUSED on God.

Declarations on God proclaim How GREAT GOD is... Declarations confirm WHO God is and establish His throne in those who declare. The upright shall behold His face and the wicked shall be punished. God is righteous and patient as He tests and turns His people back to Him.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

God is NOT on vacation

Psalm 10

Inspired thots

God has His own time in working and farming out judgments; He is not rash like man who works only for his own gain. Hence, man continues on his wicked ways as he presumes God will not repay the wicked with punishment. Man soon lose sight of God and the fear of God in his heart.

But the sovereign Lord will act ... one day. He will call all to account and nothing shall be hid. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Deliverance Belongs to God for those who Call

Psalm 9 

Inspired thots

David, although a king, has woes and troubles. All his worldly riches cannot appease the anxiety within him; he cried out to the Lord for deliverance. He gives thanks to the Lord with his whole heart; he acknowledges the sovereignty of God. Only God is able to deliver his troubled soul. 

David is full of confidence in God; he expressed his deepest fear; the fear of death to God and rejoice in God's deliverance. And God never fails!! Hallelujah! God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is so to me as with David! I live today to Praise Him...Praise God!

Monday, October 15, 2012

PRAISE on the Rise

Psalm 8 & 9

Inspired thots

Despite the difficult times faced, David chose PRAISE instead of moaning. He kept his FOCUS on God alone and be reminded on God's glory and faithfulness to those who trust in Him. He offered praise and prayers to LIFT UP his soul instead of focusing on troubling moments.

David did not allow Fear to have any foothold in his life. The more one offers Praise to God, the more one is Established in the presence of the Almighty.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Prayers Offered in Desperation

Psalm 5 - 7

Inspired Thots

These psalms reflect the troubled soul of David. He cried out to God for there is no one who can truly understand him or is able to deliver him from his anguish. WHO ELSE but God who is our Creator? David was wise in focusing his all to God. Hence, he was able to proclaim his righteousness before God.

David was like Job who suffered not for his wrongdoings; hence, only God can deliver. Morning and night David cried out to the Lord for no one else can ease him of the anguish he felt. David started his psalm with moanings and groanings but he always ends it with praise and confidence in God alone! And the Lord delivers...

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Restless Night CAN Be OVERCOMED

Psalm 4

Inspired thots

Unpleasant moments tend to come in the night; sickness, pain, sorrow, discomfort.... the night welcomes these. The righteous is disturbed in the night; it is a struggle to get through the night when all is Dark and one seems alone.

YET, GOD is near if one should cry out to Him. The darkest night cannot Hide Him; it is only our thoughts that lead us astray implying that God is not there in our difficult moments. How IMPORTANT to keep our FOCUS on GOD in trying moments.

Self reminders are important to keep one's heart and mind stay on the things and ways of God. He has delivered BEFORE and He WILL deliver AGAIN. One must NOT Forget. God is GOOD to His people; to those whose hearts are steadfast to Him. Recall His goodness and grace to retain His peace which gets one through the night. 

Indeed, only GOD ALONE makes one dwell in safety and carries through the night.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hold Fast to God

Psalm 3

Inspired thots

Life is NOT a bed of roses; even roses have prickles which can hurt if wrongly handled. Hence, how important to KEEP FOCUSED on God alone for He is the only one to deliver, protect and provide. God knows all that is going on ... nothing is hid from Him. 

The ball is in our court to respond; strength comes from being steadfast in the Lord with a full assurance through reminder that ONLY GOD is able; Only He is for ME!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bad News IS GOOD News

Psalm 2

Inspired thots

No one likes to hear BAD News; for it is unpleasant to the ears and soul. However, some bad news are actually GOOD News in disguise. Just as there are Constructive criticism, some bad news serve as a warning and motivation for repentance and redirection.

Sometimes, we may have wandered off the narrow path; bad news call us back. Psalm 2 may not sound very pleasant but it is a reality with those who strive for personal fame and fortune without God in the picture. How atrocious to even consider "getting God's share"? Man can be quite big-headed about his own capabilities just for fame and fortune. 

We only need to ACKNOWLEDGE who God is and ASK of Him; He is able to make nations our heritage and the ends of the earth our possession. That is our fame and fortune. 

The wise will keep humble to serve the Lord with fear and the Blessed will take refuge in Him.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Psalm 1

Inspired thots

There are THREE types of people whom we should avoid at all costs:-
a) the WICKED
b) the SINNERS 
c) the MOCKERS

The wicked only gives bad counsel; they TALK a lot ... 'crap' and unsound advice which one should not waste time listening to; the wrong advice stirs up ill & negative feelings.

The sinners are active in their wrong doings; one should not be partakers of their bad actions lest one gets engulfed in them and the reputation be marred.

The mockers gather to make fun of others with the false impression of a 'jolly good time'. However, their contents are rotten and displeasing in God's sight when they disrespect others with their mocking.

The TOTAL man is one who stays focused on God and His word. He is likened to a tree that is at the RIGHT Place at the Right time performing the RIGHT values; the total man will be nourished by the streams to yield fruit in due time. Every part of him (leaf) functions well for there is sufficiency and contentment. No wonder he prospers!

Such a beautiful picture of CONTENTMENT... that is success in life!

The END RESULT of the wicked and sinners is identified; the choice is yours alone to make. The wise will consider eternity. Prov 1:7

Sunday, October 7, 2012

You CANNOT Fathom God Fully

JOB 42

Inspired thots

God spoke... Job and his friends heard Him; so close was God to them that they could hear what He said. How awesome! They had clear understanding of what God said to them. And all was silenced when God spoke; no one can justify himself before the Almighty who need not account or prove Himself to humans.

No one can fathom God without God opening the mind. We are reduced to mist which is blown away easily. The WISE would SEEK GOD PERSONALLY to hear what GOD has to say concerning any situation instead of seeking counsel elsewhere.

IMPOSSIBLE to contend with God

Job 40 - 41

Inspired thots

It is quite impossible to overcome one that is stronger than you. No one subdue a strong man; how much more God who is the maker of heaven and earth.

Who will dare challenge the Almighty God who can do all things and does no wrong? NO one can contend with God or fault Him as it would be the mere man who is with errs. It is even not righteous of one to claim to be righteous before God for our righteousness is like filthy rags.

We will only provoke God to more anger if we try to justify ourselves; we can only plead for His mercy and grace over anything that comes upon us. Our only help is from the Maker Himself.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Job 38-39

Inspired thots

After the foolish boasting of self proclaimed wisdom, God spoke. ONE Question from Him will silent ALL. No one can answer God for HE ALONE is awesome; He is omnipresent and omniscient. HE SEES and KNOWS ALL.

Nothing is hid from Him. HOW can one Boast when our self righteousness is as filthy rags? Hence, it is better to be humble and not claim wisdom for God knows....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The LITTLE We Know of God

JOB 35 - 37

Inspired thots

God is so awesome; we may use thousands of words to picture Him or fathom His ways but we would still fall short of what God really is. There are indeed no words that can fully describe Him. Although He does not change, yet He is so omniscient that it is impossible to behold Him fully.

All that Job and his friends say of God is true but applicable in different situations. It is through our experiences with God that we get to KNOW God BETTER. Hence, we should make every effort to KNOW God MORE and MORE.

No one can really speak on God's behalf without knowing Him really well; God chose His own prophets to SPEAK to His people. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Knowing God WITHOUT FULL Understanding

JOB 32 - 34

Inspired thots

Job's 3 friends became silent after Job justified himself but another younger friend, Elihu, spoke. His speech showed his youthful encounter with God; he has not yet known the deeper character of God like Job or have understanding to keep silent like Job's friends because they knew Job spoke rightly.

There is wisdom in age; it matures one in thoughts and spirit  especially if one uses time to develop a close relationship with God. The young has limited knowledge and experience of God and hence, holds a skewed perspective of God like Elihu. He did right in allowing the older ones to speak first but he did not understand the truth of the matter in the conversation.

Elihu understood only the basics of God; righteous people will not be afflicted by evil. He has yet to experience a deeper relationship with God. But God is merciful and gracious to all who seek Him.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Living TRUE & RIGHT Before God

JOB 30 & 31

Inspired thots

Job searched himself in all aspects to check if he could have lived falsely before God; he would have confessed and repent if it were so but he is found to be righteous. Hence, one can only wait on God for deliverance and be humble.

God is Almighty; no one can know His ways fully or set Him on 'the desired course'. It is God who works and allows situations to come our way. He ALONE has all things planned well for His glory. We can only plead for His mercy!