Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Righteous Character

1 Samuel 1

Inspired Thots

Hannah had a life that was blessed as she was loved by her husband but it was also empty and tormenting being childless and provoked by unkind and jealous parties.

Hannah was righteous because she sought the Lord on her heart's desire and made good her promise to the Lord in dedicating Samuel in due time. Hannah freely poured out her soul to the Lord of all her anguish and grief. (v16) and He heard her.

Reminds me of dedicating and releasing my own children to the Lord; earthly parents can only 'nurse' them so much. After they are weaned, they should be released to the Lord who would teach and guide them Himself. And THAT is the Better Plan.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Of Noble Character

Ruth 3 & 4

Inspired thots

How beautiful and important to be of NOBLE Character! Like Ruth who stayed by her mother-in-law was willing to forsake her own roots to take on new ones; she cared for her mother-in-law and established a good relationship together like mother and daughter.

She obeyed Naomi in everything while back at their homeland and learned all the traditions and laws although it could be hard and condescending (working in the fields and going out after Boaz for redemption).
She did all according to the Israelites' customs without murmur and complaining; and she was blessed.

That is the characteristics of a Noble character; upright in all the doings and ways where no fault is found. That is truly honoring God's holiness.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Lord Leads All the Way

Ruth 2

Inspired thots

The Lord blessed Ruth and Naomi by guiding them to the right place at the right time to meet the right person. Ruth found favor with Boaz who is a near kinsman redeemer; God prepares the way for His will to be done.

Ruth also acted prudently in her ways; she listened to her mother-in-law's sound advice and packed some good food for her mother-in-law. She acted honorably towards the elderly and in the land of strangers. God honored her for her righteousness.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Blessings through Steadfastness

Ruth 1

Inspired thots

Naomi was afflicted with sorrow upon sorrow with the death of the men in her life in a foreign land. It was as though she was 'robbed' completely but God is good to bring Ruth to her side. She was cared and provided for; she was not left to go back to her God and her people alone.

It is better to stay put where God puts than to move out to 'greener pastures' only to experience that life is not a  bed of roses. One must call out to God for deliverance instead of running away from the safety zone in search of personal gratification or self preservation. God is our God who provides all our needs. (Phil 4:19) Be steadfast in the Lord in all our ways.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Everyone Did As He Saw Fit

Judges 17-21

Inspired thots

The book of Judges ended on this note: "Every one did as he saw fit".

This phrase implies self-directed ways; like Micah who made a cast idol to worship God.

Man tends to worship what he can see instead of by spirit and truth (John 4:24) as God instructed. Hence, it is easy for man to stray from God little by little; our hearts get crowded with our own ways instead of totally God's ways.

Little by little God's ways are pushed out and modified; each did as he saw fit instead of staying on God's path.
Disaster usually results. What a danger! Hence, we must wake up our SPIRIT and stay alert to God's ways so that we do not fall into our own ways.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Samson's Sad Story

Judges 14-16

Inspired thots

God's ways and thoughts are certainly higher than our ways and thoughts. 

Samson's life showed how God used him to defeat the Philistines but it is a sad story where he did as he pleased although the Lord was with him. Samson was drawn to the enemy's camp; preferring the Philistine women than his own kind. Yet, it was all in God's will.

Samson was tricked again and again by Philistine women in his life ~ his first marriage and Delilah. No wonder God commanded His people against being unequally yoked. It only brings on trouble and grief for self. 

Women can be quite manipulative; it is wiser to walk in God's ways and be blessed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Judges 12 & 13

Inspired thots

C12: Jephthah fought with Ephraim due to human pride; Ephraim was upset that they were not included in the battle with the Ammorites but Jephthah had a different story. Civil war occurred when both sides do not want to relent.

Leaders may  come and go but it is the Lord who raises them up for a period of time. It is best to let the Lord lead although humans tend to look to humans;

C13 but Manoah and his wife looked towards God who blessed them with a child when they were childless.

God provides according to our needs and His will. Honor through submission is important in a relationship with God. He is beyond our understanding; we can only know in part as we walk with Him diligently; He will reveal more of Himself.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Taking Possession With Confidence

Judges 11

Inspired thots

Going to war may seem difficult... when it is seen in one's own eyes but with the Lord God Almighty, it is easy because He gives the victory as long as He is honored.Jephthah might be despised by his clan but he was still asked to lead them into battle. He honored God in the matter from start to finish even with a foolish vow for victory that caused him his only daughter's life.He was not confident of total victory to make such a vow.

v24 "Whatever the Lord our God has given us, we will possess". There is no need to add on to what is the Lord's; we will only incur misery for ourselves.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Compassionate God

Judges 10

Inspired thots

God is such a compassionate God; Psalm 145:8 ~ the Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. He may be angry with Israel's unfaithfulness but He never fails to deliver them out of trouble. He always helps them to win over their enemies; yet Israel sinned against God again and again! How soon they forget their God!

What wretched creatures we are! Lord, help me be steadfast with You always. Only You can give me my heart's joy! Earthly things weary me...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reverting to Old Ways Brings Destruction

Judges 8 & 9

Inspired thots

The Israelites forgot God as soon as Gideon died. His son Abimelech ruled over them but he was cunning and wicked in his ways. But God sees all and knows all; He repays evil for evil. He caused Abimelech and the Israelites to rise against each other for their sin; Abimelech for his wickedness towards his own people and Israelites for choosing a wicked ruler although they were warned by Jotham.

Be wise to REMEMBER your God and all that He has done to follow Him all the days of your life.

Be wise to CHOOSE a righteous leader who leads you to God and not to glorify him/her self.

Be wise to WALK in God's ways all the time looking at God alone and not man.

otherwise, DESTRUCTION comes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Assurance of Victory

Judges 7

Inspired thots

Gideon was still not very confident of leading the Lord's army into battles. He had to ask God for ASSURANCES all the time; in a way, it is good to be totally dependent on God; on the other hand, he should mature in his faith with the Lord at every battle.

What the Lord does in our lives every day in every situation, it always lead to victory. Hence, we should remember what He did and use it to build up our faith in Him step by step to move forward; not remaining where we are.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Calling of Gideon

Judges 6

Inspired thots

Gideon seemed like the typical 'nobody' in the whole of Israel as he was the "least in his father's clan". His father's clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh. This generation experienced hardship from their enemies because they had forgotten God and worshiped Baal.

But God is merciful to deliver; however, if one is not familiar with God, one would not be able to hear Him; if one hears Him, one would doubt Him for there is no personal encounter and relationship until it is established.

Thus, to KNOW God, one must spend time with Him so that when He calls, one Hears and Obeys!

That was how Gideon was called.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Much Searching of Heart

Judges 5

Inspired thots

Deborah, the current judge of Israel, led the nation in battle and victory over their enemy.
When the Lord gives victory to His people, they are to Praise Him with songs and music. There is celebration over the victory to thank God and praise Him for His guidance and power.

Every tribe of Israel was encouraged to come together to praise the Lord in the celebration; there was much searching of heart ~ a reflection of WHAT GOD HAS DONE to help break into praise and thanksgiving to God.

 It is important to search the heart and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness upon our lives.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Heavily Dependent on Others

Judges 3 & 4

Inspired thots

The Lord had to raise up Judges for Israel. When there was no leader (judge), the Israelites turned away from God and lived wickedly. Then, when they get into trouble, they call upon the Lord for deliverance.

The Israelites had to rely on SOMEONE to keep them on God's path... they were still 'immature'... overly dependent on others for their faith and belief in God.

Did they really have a personal encounter with God? If so, they would remember His goodness to them and not fall away so easily and rampantly. God should not be taken as 'Santa Claus' who gives good things once in a while. He WILL BLESS when we walk with Him rightly.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Man Forgets Easily

Judges 1 & 2

Inspired thots

After Joshua died, the current generation of Israel walked obediently with the Lord; but they failed in ONE important aspect... they did not TEACH God's laws to their NEXT generation. Hence, in 2:10 it says that "after that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel."  (v11) "Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals."

So sad! The PARENTS of the current generation did not perform their godly obligation ~ Deut 6:7 "Impress them (God's laws)  on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Hence, today we have post-modernism where the younger generation is allowed to CHOOSE what they feel is right for themselves but it is a deviation from God's ways ~ Eternal life! What would we choose? What should we have our children choose? What should our children's children choose?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Choose Your God

Joshua 23 & 24

Inspired thots

Amazing that Joshua still gave his last words to the Israelites before he died. He was still as fervent for the Lord  at his dying days. He reminded the Israelites all that the Lord has done for them; He fought for them; He delivered them; He protected them; He provided for them. They lacked nothing. They only need to be very careful to obey the Holy God in return and follow Him faithfully.

God is faithful to man; can man be faithful to Him? or do we just take Him for granted?
We are to choose our god ~ our Heavenly Father who loves and cares or the world who deceives and is empty of real treasures?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Being Zealous for the Lord

Joshua 22

Inspired thots

Micah 6:8 says "He has shown you o man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

The Lord has blessed Israel with much riches; they can settle down to enjoy life with Him No idol is to be erected to turn them away from Him. The Lord sees the heart ~ the real reason for all actions.

God's commandment is always the same: to Love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to obey His commands, to hold fast to him and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul. (v5) ~ Mark 12:30

Friday, January 13, 2012

God Fulfills ALL His Promises

Joshua 18-21

Inspired thots

The Lord gave more than enough land for the Israelites to settle down comfortably. The Levites had their share of towns and pastureland. All was GOOD! 

Israel had rest from war; 

21:45 ~ Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

There is only Victory on the Lord's side when one follows Him obediently.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Expecting All on a Silver Platter

Joshua 15 - 17

Inspired thots

The Israelites had rest from their wars as they settled down in the promised land; each tribe was allotted a portion of the land for settlement. Levites had no portion as God is their portion; they were to serve God. So Joseph had 2 portions through Manasseh and Ephraim; still they complained about too little and wanted more.

Joshua instructed them to clear the forests for more land but they expected everything on a silver platter.(17:17,18)

We must do certain things ourselves and not expect everything to be given to us on a silver platter; that would make us complacent, selfish and lazy. God is fair; He even gives portions of the land to tribes with daughters only.  Everyone has a sufficient allotment.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ask & Receive When You Follow God Wholeheartedly

Joshua 13 & 14

Inspired thots

Every tribe of Israel had an inheritance except the Levites, who were specially assigned to minister to the Lord. There was no lack of inheritance with the Lord. The Lord is their inheritance; the levites got the BEST portion of the inheritance, whether they knew it or not.

Caleb asked for a portion of the land to settle down; he had been faithful to God. He followed God wholeheartedly and was blessed. He received what he asked for it was not a selfish request. When everyone has their fair share, there is contentment and peace.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Lord Fights for His People

Joshua 10 - 12

Inspired thots

The Lord used Joshua to lead Israel in fighting against the enemies; no matter how powerful the enemies seem especially when they joined forces, they were defeated at Joshua's lead. God always told him "not to be afraid but be courageous" for God gives them the victory.

And when Joshua called the sun and moon to stand still during the battle, it happened. When we are on God's side in total obedience, what we command comes to pass; that is the victory and authority we have in God!

Monday, January 9, 2012

An Obedient Leader

Joshua 7 & 8

Inspired thots

Joshua took over Moses in leadership; he did all that Moses instructed him. The Lord kept encouraging him to be bold and courageous. Hence, battles were won. Joshua did exactly what God instructed him and there was victory when the people walked rightly with the Lord instead of disobedience.

When matters do not work out right, it is best to seek the Lord immediately for the reason as with Achan's sin. Immediate repentance is required to restore the righteousness of the Lord among the people.

Joshua was a leader; but he was obedient to God. He loved and respected the Word of God to have it read and copied out again in front of the people.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Victory Belongs to the Lord

Joshua 5 & 6

Inspired thots

It is the Lord who is the Captain of the army; He leads His people into victory and gives them the best if they were to follow Him and obey His instructions... strange it may seem. But that is how the Lord works; Ex 15:11
"Who, among the gods, is like You O Lord? Who is like You? Majesty in Holiness, Awesome in Glory; Working Wonders!"

With God, there is Victory, Protection and Provision; every Blessing!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Awesome God

Joshua 2-4

Inspired thots

God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. He does wonders and blesses His people. The enemies' hearts melt in fear of God when they hear about His great deeds.

Rahab was smart to cut a deal with the spies to save her own life and the lives of her loved ones.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sure of Service

Joshua 1

Inspired thots

Joshua succeeded Moses to lead the people into the promised land. He accepted the appointment graciously and with authority as was given him by God and Moses. He was told to be courageous and bold to take up the appointment for God is with him.

Joshua addressed the people boldly because he had God's authority. He moved on with God and assisted the people to do the same. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Legacy

Deuteronomy 34

Inspired thots

Moses left a legacy after performing all that the Lord commanded him to do with the Israelites; yet he was not infallible. His main error was at the Rock of Marah when he dishonored God's holiness in the sight of Israel ~ a point to be grasped. He may be out of the promised land of Canaan but he was not out of the heavenly promised land. 

God is very good; He does not always chide. He loves. He forgives. 

How would our lives end? Would we be remembered by others? What would I regret? This year there shall be  NO regrets as I ask the Lord for His grace to carry me through each day to His glory.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

God's Words are LIFE

Deuteronomy 31 & 32

Inspired thots

When we listen to God and do according to His Words, we are choosing Life; and God will go before us ~ never leaving nor forsaking us! (31:6)

We must be courageous to hear and do God's words; they are life. Choose Life ~ God's life; God's ways.

(32:39) It is GOD who put to death and bring to life; He wounds and He heals. There is no god besides Him.

God's words are not idle ~ they are life; no wonder in John 10:10 Jesus proclaim Life and life abundantly for His sheep. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Choose LIFE

Deuteronomy 30

Inspired thots

There are only TWO options with God : Life and Death.

With Life comes Prosperity in the Lord;with Death comes Destruction. (v15)

The basic Living tenets are:
1) Return to the Lord
2) Obey Him with all your heart and soul
3) Love Him with all your heart and soul
4) Walk in His ways
5) Keep His commands, decrees and laws

Then blessings of God will flow to His children and their children. It does not stop at one generation; how important then to note that one generation's heart impacts another generation.

The Lord is your Life... and He will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Completeness, Fulness

2 Peter 1

Inspired thots

This chapter is so FULL; it has Everything one would need for a Rich and Fulfilling life. Everything is set in place so well that it makes a compelling reading. Time is needed to digest each paragraph for there is so much to glean from each passage.

It is like enjoying each bit of your most favorite meal; you would want to savor every part of it.

It is full of promises and blessings that have been prepared by God for His people who must remember their status and special position of privilege.