Sunday, July 31, 2011

Righteous John the Baptist

Matthew 3

Inspired thots

I am shamed when I read of John the Baptist in this chapter. He is faithful and righteous in doing God's will; HE REALLY PREPARES THE WAY OF THE LORD FOR JESUS...

But today, man... I.... tend to ask God to prepare the way for ME.... always scared of stepping out for the Lord... always asking for God's mercy and grace; not bold; not sure of God's greatness; not confident of His love to carry me through.  Still thinking of SELF rather than God... that is why it reflects in my prayers...

"Lord, Bless Me!"

instead of "LORD, thy will be done!"

Perhaps step by step... I will release more of self; LESS of Me and MORE of Christ.

Friday, July 29, 2011

No Thwarting of God's Plans

Matthew 2

Inspired thots

When it is the Lord's will, no one can stop Him. Man may plan and devise but God's plans cannot be thwarted. He alone is God; He knows best. It is best to flow along with Him.

It is only the callous heart that strays; not God. How awesome is He that He does right and still be merciful on me.

Yes, thank You Lord for giving me So much! Your Son, salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, love, blessings... the list goes on.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life through Birth

Matthew 1

Inspired thots

Life comes from birth; the generations involved in a family are many. How wonderful to be able to trace your ancestry. It is amazing to note the lineage of Jesus which records some of the familiar names of characters who played an active role in the lineage history as recorded in the bible.

Yes, some are more famous than others. Nevertheless, each name is recorded; they played their role and they deserve the credit accorded to them.

Even ladies the wives, are not excluded. God is no respecter of persons or gender. He can use every obedient and righteous person to fulfill His plans.

May He find me obedient and acceptable to work with Him in His plans for His glory. Yes, I want my name to be in the Book of Life!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Changed Life

Luke 16

Inspired thots

An encounter with Jesus always brings about a CHANGED Life; one must learn to be sensitive to the workings of God through His Holy Spirit in his life.

The Lord is so good; He always grant us the desire of our hearts, no matter how small it is - just like the women who went out to the tomb. They were concerned about the huge stone against Jesus' tomb but it was already rolled away. Of course it was for a different purpose. Hmmm... I must look deeper into how God is working in my life; He works for HIS Glory; not for mine; not to satisfy my desires...

Jesus rebuked the disciples who doubted about His resurrection. They still did not realize what He said is true and that it is happening. And Jesus revealed that it is their LACK of FAITH and STUBBORN REFUSAL to Believe.

Man tend not to accept what his mind cannot perceive. We will miss out on God's great works.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cruelty of Man

Luke 15

Inspired thots

Man can be quite cruel... he mocks at other's expense. It is usually a self-benefit action that is adopted.

It is a sadist attitude to tease a person who is held wrongfully.

Forgive us Lord, for we are really foolish and knows not what we do.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Not Very Strong on the INSIDE

Luke 14

Inspired thots

Truly it is Better to be Humble than to Boast... for man is not really that strong on the inside.

We can claim to be wise but really not; we claim to be strong in faith but when adversity comes, we fall.

Yes, we can deceive ourselves very well. Hence, it is best to keep quiet instead of answering; be humble instead of boasting. Truly the "spirit is willing but the flesh is weak".

As an emotional creature, we succumb to our emotions readily ~
~ the disciples rebuked the woman anointing Jesus with their own wisdom and self righteousness
~ they were overcomed with sadness at Jesus' revelation of betrayal
~ they refute emphatically of possibly denying or falling away from Jesus.
~ they could not watch and pray with Jesus due to physical needs (sleep).
~ they fled away when Jesus was arrested to save themselves out of fear
~ Peter: putting on a front to disassociate from Jesus with denials.

Yes, we can deceive ourselves in many ways. Man is weak.

Help me Lord for I am weak too in many ways. Grant me Your Grace and Mercy.
Let me be HUMBLE than Confident in myself
Let me be QUIET than Answer in my own wisdom.
Let me be PRAYERFUL than meeting own needs.
Let me be WILLING than save my own skin.
It will be hard for me Lord without Your grace and mercy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Be on Guard Watching...

Luke 12

Inspired thots

The words repeated... "Be on your Guard"... "Keep Watch"... the end of days is coming.

1) Watch OUT - deception comes to turn many away from the right path of salvation.

2) On Guard - for persecution and accountability of faith in Jesus

3) Be ALERT - to signs of end times and know the times

4) Keep WATCH - at the door for the Master's return

The ONLY important action that I must be doing these days...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Exercise My Authority through Faith like Jesus

Luke 11

Inspired thots

Jesus had the Authority to perform ALL things as said in Matt 28:18.
He foresees Everything and exercises His authority over earthly situations. His authority stemmed from His FAITH in God - His unshakeable relationship with His Heavenly Father.

I must do likewise; establish my relationship with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit. Strong and stable faith is so impactful - ASK in prayer - BELIEVE you have received - COUNT as yours!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Faith can work WONDERS

Luke 10

Inspired thots

Faith in God must be worked out like in little children who believe trustingly. Hearts are not to be hard or filled with worldly things or concerns like the rich young ruler.

Even the disciples were not spared of wanting glory and honor - James and John requesting to be seated at the right and left of Jesus in His glory!

Jesus had the same question for everyone who comes to Him,"What do you want ME to DO for YOU?"
And the response is always PERSONAL - self glory, healing, blessing.

The father of the possessed boy proclaim his Faith to receive healing for his son;
Blind Bartimaeus Believed in Jesus for healing his sight.
Yes, faith can work wonders if we exercise it - for with God, ALL things ARE POSSIBLE!

Monday, July 18, 2011

No Attention to Himself

Luke 9

Inspired thots

Jesus is NOT the kind that draws attention to Himself. As much as possible, He avoids that. He tries to go as many places as possible to heal and restore but crowds went running to Him; that can be a hindrance to further coverage.

Unlike the disciples; they did not know much and they do not understand fully - yet, they argue about the best position and being the greatest.... man - personal self glory.

Be Salty - be of Value - Be at Peace with one another.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Nature of Man

Luke 8

Inspired thots

Man is never satisfied;

Even though the miracle happened right in front of their eyes, there is still doubt and demand for more miracles before true belief sets in. The Pharisees wanted a sign from heaven but it was an attempt to test Jesus more than to believe.

The disciples were blur when Jesus spoke in parables; they needed clear explanation of every parable to understand the important lessons.  Minds can be dull unless the Lord is merciful and gracious to open it to true understanding. Indeed heavenly insights are truly God's revelations.

When Jesus spoke clearly and directly about the matter, man tends to be self righteous about it; acting as an authority falsely. Peter was rebuked by Jesus for such a behavior.

It truly is difficult to live righteously on this earth unless I "have in mind the things of God" and not the things of men.

Friday, July 15, 2011

He has done all things well

Luke 7

Inspired thots

No matter what type of people approached Jesus, He always treat them well.
He teaches all who want to hear and learn although He draws many critics and observers. There were many who wanted a good show but others, though few, were genuine in seeking His blessings, which He freely gave.

Amazing how the Gentile woman could answer Jesus so profoundly to stir Jesus' compassion to heal her daughter. Truly LOVE overcomes all obstacles and gives the answers. Jesus saw the same trait in her... only the best for her beloved daughter would make her appeal and beg for the favor.

The crowds tend to miss the boat with just a craving for miracles but not a changing of character.

Jesus did all thinggs well; He got the praises from the people on everything He did... but they did not see it all for themselves. What a shame!

Jesus Heals with Compassion

Luke 6

Inspired thots

This chapter is all about Jesus' healings: Jairus' sick daughter, the woman with the blood issue, the man with Legion demons.

In all these more prominent healings, Jesus acted in compassion while others watched and sneered with disbelief.

It is amazing to note that Jesus was even compassionate towards the demons; did He really pity them? Or is it not yet their time of judgment?

My lesson: I can cry out to God for total healing too... because He acts on compassion.
Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

As Much As Could be Understood

Mark 4

Inspired thots

Jesus spoke the Word in parables; stories that reflected on their daily lives so that they can identify and understand as much as possible.

Besides understanding, there is the application. Will one check the self on understanding the parables and accept the truth to change or reject it?

But with the disciples, Jesus explained all parables to them; probably because they WOULD accept as they understand.

Thank God that some parables were clearly explained so that we can UNDERSTAND to ACCEPT and APPLY it to our lives for the better - to the glory of God.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Being Close to Jesus

Luke 3

Inspired thots

The ONLY relation Jesus proclaims and accepts is that for eternity;
> those who do the Heavenly Father's purpose as He did.

> Those who went around everywhere with Him

> those who hear His call and obey immediately like the 12 disciples.

The crowds gathered around Him seeking for signs and miracles.

The Pharisees gathered around Him seeking for opportunities to accuse Him of wrongdoing.

The disciples gathered around Him seeking knowledge and faith. (training)

The family tried to get to Him to make Him more practical (like having meals); they were more earthly.

But whoever does the will of God is Jesus' family.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why? Why? Why?

Luke 2

Inspired thots

This is man's most famous question: WHY?

For everything that does not go OUR way, there is always the WHY?
It may be silently within the self; it can be asked of others; it can be directed to God Himself.
It reflects the self-dissatisfaction...

Why does Jesus talk like that?
> Because He is the Son of God; he has the authority.

Why does Jesus eat with sinners, tax collectors, Pharisees and his disciples?
> Because He is no respecter of persons; He loves them all. He is compassionate towards all. He is willing for all to be healed (physically and spiritually)

Why did Jesus do what is unlawful on the Sabbath?
> Because He is the Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for man; and not man for the Sabbath. Hence, man should not be bound by traditions.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.. Matt 6:33
then there will be no WHYs.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Focused from Start to Finish

Mark 1

Inspired thots

Reading Mark is like speed reading; the events are recorded in a 'fast' speed manner citing main events than other gospels.

From this 'fast' pace chapter, the prevailing thought is how FOCUSED JESUS is.
With a simple intro on John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus, Jesus' made a grand entrance in this chapter with His baptism and the approval from the Heavenly Father. That sets the mood and focus.
Jesus went about His mission with the loving approval of His Heavenly Father.

Jesus' mission: proclaim the GOOD NEWS - the kingdom of God is near! Repent and Believe!
Jesus called His disciples and they followed Him immediately. There must be a divine revelation or prompting for them to drop all they were doing or have to follow Jesus immediately. Indeed, God has prepared those of His own for His purpose.

Crowds were drawn to Jesus' teaching and miracles, recognizing His authority but not embracing Him as THE authority. How sad when they are not on the Right Focus.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Luke 24

Inspired thots

It is the Lord God Almighty who is LORD of all; He can OPEN the mind to understand; the eyes to perceive or CLOSE them that there is no recognition or understanding.

I am humbled by the greatness of the Lord and learn to subject or surrender myself to Him. It is better to submit everything to Him than to plan or take action on my own. And without fail, God has proven Himself right and true. It is better to allow God to have His way amongst us; with me. He is God; Who can come against Him so foolishly? Let it Not be me...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Be FAR-sighted

Luke 23

Inspired thots

The Jewish leaders looked only at the current situation where they felt threatened by Jesus' claim as God. They blocked out all truth to manipulate the opportunity before them - Jesus under arrest. Twisting the truth and insisting a lie to be truth, they were working to fulfill their own agenda at the NOW rather than look at the LATER; whereas Jesus looked at LATER rather than NOW; hence, He suffered.

Many women also looked at the NOW; wailing and mourning for Jesus but Jesus looked at the LATER as He told them to weep for themselves when God's judgment comes upon them.

The soldiers mocked Jesus without considering the consequences but Jesus forgave them. One of the crucified thieves hurled insults at Jesus, thinking only of NOW instead of LATER. He was still not repentant over his wrong unlike the second thief who was regretful over his deeds and sought Jesus' forgiveness and got it. Only HE saw the LATER and not just the NOW situation. How wise of him!

May the grace of God be upon me and those today to be far-sighted of the LATER than the NOW. May we learn to make use of NOW for LATER.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prayer Overcomes Temptation

Luke 22

Inspired thots

There are a few thoughts here:

1) Judas decided to betray Jesus as HE took the initiative to negotiate with the Jewish leaders. Judas was enticed by money; he did not pray to overcome the temptation of MONEY and greed.

2) The disciples fell asleep while Jesus prayed. Jesus OVERCAME the temptation to pass the cup by prayer; an angel refreshed Him. The more Jesus was in anguish, the more He prayed.

Hmmm... yes, lesson for me to work on my patience with the wards.
Lord, Help me pray more to overcome the temptations of impatience, anger, violence and giving up on them.

3) Peter was quick to speak and declared his loyalty to Jesus till the end but did not pray enough to overcome the temptation of denying Jesus.

With Jesus and following His instructions, I will lack nothing.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Temporal VERSUS Eternal

Luke 21

Inspired thots

Man admires the temporal beauty but tend to forget the Eternal beauty.
Jesus said that temporal and earthly things will be cast down; better to be on the look out for eternity.
Else the heart becomes weighed down with discouragement, chaos and anxieties.  Rather, be watchful  and pray for escape of judgment if we stay alert.
> Prepare to stand before Christ

Jesus: spending time with God each night while he ministers in the day.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Understanding comes from God

Luke 20

Inspired thots

Reading the Bible is very interesting as I note the many varied events that are recorded and the ways of men that differ so greatly from God's.
These are precious lessons to be learned and avoided where there are warnings and cautions.

As mentioned in an earlier, some of the characters are in me which I need to get rid of;
Christ is coming back soon; I must be preparing myself to wait to stand before Him by standing firm now.
Only God can give understanding to His word; there is much to learn and understand. Intellectual wisdom is earthly. Seek divine wisdom for true understanding.

May God have mercy on me as I read. He reveals what is in me. It is up to me to respond.

Let me not be 'a show' to men to seek acceptance or praise; only from God. Help me Lord to be more confident of hearing from You and to obey immediately. Help me to let go of mammon. Thank You, Jesus.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Judged by Own Words

Luke 19

Inspired thots

It is not God that condemns or judges... it is the self WHO having the opportunity knows God but choose not to accept His grace.

We are judged by our own words from our own heart's decision to reject God or disobey Him.

Zacchaeus was judged forgiven and righteous because he chose to welcome Jesus and repay those he had wrongfully collected taxes.

The lazy servant was judged for not being motivated to perform despite fearing the worst consequences; hence the worst came upon him.
How important to act on what God revealed. I have sinned too; failing to act on what God revealed; rationalizing it to keep mammon instead of being rich towards God's kingdom. Forgive me, Lord!

Friday, July 1, 2011

A bit of Everybody in Me

Luke 18

Inspired thots

This chapter is interesting to Me as I gain new insights:- there is a bit of EVERYBODY in ME!

The Persistent Widow
Do not give up crying out to God day and night praying for the desires of my heart.

Pharisee and Tax Collector
Do not be confident of my own self righteousness that I look down on others.
Be as the tax collector who realizes his own sin than to present himself favorable to God. I can never be right with God on my own.
It seems that I have a split personality which I must put off the wrong one and put on the right one.

Little Children
Praise God that the kingdom of God belongs to ME if I receive it like a little child - humbly, totally and willingly.

Rich ruler
Beware of riches which can keep me away from God; learn to be rich in Christ and willing to give away earthly riches.

Blind beggar
Cry out to Jesus for what I want; Lord, I want my family & siblings and their families to be totally well - body, mind, spirit, soul.

Thnak you Lord!